The issue with Nintendo is that to their true core, they are still a of card games company that inspire to become the next Disney.
The problem with GameCube was polluted with the "for family first", without realize that their original NES '80 kids where 15~20 year older... not little child anymore. People didn't want the "Super Mario Sunshine" console, they wanted Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 2~3 kind of console.
The people that buy today the switch are probably clueless parent that buy the "for child" console... or a Nintendo Adult as parallel for Disney Adult.
Nintendo is at its best when doing something no other game developer would do, and getting laughed at until everyone realizes how great it was in hindsight. What's new about Switch 2?
INB4 it’s gonna be a repeat of the Wii U. A confusing, non compatible successor to a revolutionary product.
A bit too revolutionary. Wii had a seriously bad attachment rate. People bought Wii Sports, Mario Kart and Smash. Regular games sold badly. Wii was a party gimmick that collected dust on regular days. Wii U was the attempt (later fulfilled by Switch) to be a regular gaming machine as well.
Oh look, a modern new Pokemon game with the graphics quality of N64. Must be nice to shit out literally anything from their established IPs, knowing no matter how bland and dated they look, your rabid consumer base will eat it up.
There's nothing with modern complexities that is going to last that long. Think of the complexities of today's system. I mean I've got my original PlayStation, it's 25 or 26 years old now, and it mostly functions to your point, but it also hasn't been heavily played (or really played at all) for about 20 years. But my PS2, I went through three of them in 6 years. My Xbox is almost 20 years old, it's my second (and is making weird noises). And so on. My PS4 at 10 years old runs, but makes a ton of noise and is definitely slower than it used to be. It ain't making it to 20, that's for sure, I mean maybe now that it gets zero use it might.
My point is, the more intense they got, the more problems I started to have. As the boomers like saying too, shit ain't built like it used to be.
Yeah it's a bit of a pipe dream, but my point was that if they reduced the complexity, increased the build quality, and made it repairable, then I would be so happy.
Nintendo are just the bunch of madlads to pull it off too. It's not like need to worry about being profitable.
E: my mistake, forgot I was in the gearhead community :p