Chill. Read the cited sources. It's someone asking the community to not use the github forum for discussing the completely irrelevant topic. It's not a fucking open forum it's for developers to use as a resource. I don't care if the person was giving out a $1,000,000 to anyone that commented, find an appropriate place to post your comments. I saw nothing against the topic itself but a bunch of angry responses. I mean if you read and are like na fuck that dude than 100% that's your take but that's the thing, its YOUR take. I hate seeing people so quick to draw the fuck this or fuck that card from absolutely zero rhetoric than what an anonymous internet comment said.
Treating social media as social media makes sense. If you don’t want your issue tracker to turn out like this, then stop using the social media code forge.
yes, it's awkward for the "individual" who is longing for reliable expression
it also seems to be awkward for people who can't figure out the changes in the language they think as their own. They are irritated by their "disfigured" reflection
it's awkward for officials who need to make decisions (positive or negative) about the use of "inclusive" language
we give shape to languages and languages shape us
English could initially have neutral pronouns and people would be obliged to find other reasons to hate each other 🤷
Well on the contrary you should understand it more.
A gendered pronoun carries an idea of gender, and having a genderless pronoun frees the sentence of this gender assumption. Nothing very hard to understand.
Where is the anti pronoun shit though? I've only seen one cited link and it was asking not to use the forum for discussing irrelevant topics. Github forums are resources used by all levels of developers for finding answers for issues with open source no instruction manual software development. Nothing i saw was anti-gender or pronoun anything (didt read thru the responding comments from users but why would they reflect on the person in question? Am I missing something beyond what op commented without providing any rhyme, reason or resource for?
Edit: now I'm even more confused after reading a second commenter's link that shows they made the requested edit.
i don't get why sane people would rather a person with good opinions over a free independent web browser, the latter just seems so much more valuable to me.
This is sorta a hornets nest. On the one hand I get that when it comes to tech who cares about the persons personal life but on the other hand when it comes to free software there is a concern over the orgs or individuals that run them given the trust involved. Yes you can rely on the many eyes but you want to be confident of the org (or individual) to begin with.
So you think you can draw a connection between someone's views on inclusive language and whether an individual or org can be trusted with software security.
I'm sorry but to me this line of thinking is bonkers. The two things have nothing to do with each other whatsoever. What if a conservative individual argued that they have trust issues with an open source project because it features inclusive language now? The person might argue that they don't understand why devs would devote their limited time to such cosmetics instead of focusing on code quality. How would you view this argument? On Lemmy it would probably be ridiculed, and rightfully so. Yet it's the same line of thinking that I see if I interpreted your comment correctly.
Look, the dev is a reactionary. He lists that the browser is unstable and intended for devs. So IF I were to use it, that would mean reporting issues and/or fixing issues myself. I'm not interested in working with a reactionary. So I will not be using this browser. You're welcome to use the browser if you want. At this time, I'm not interested.
Sure everyone's free to use it or not, contribute to it or not. That's not related to my argument. I was only talking about making a connection between someone's political views and how much trust they deserve when it comes to e.g. security.
Thats because you don't view it as a moral failing. How would racist language rank. What about nazi stuff. I mean none of that technically effects trustworthiness for running an org. Well ah. unless your the particular thing.
interesting idea, I guess maybe we just think like that in selfishness? (idk if selfish is the right word here) if someone was to become the lead dev of a project like this and they were extremely hateful of my culture in particular or something, i'd prolly not want that guy to be the lead dev, but if they're not doing any harm i guess that's just my selfishness wanting them to reflect my views so my views get more recognised in society through the platform that they've earned? (though that'd be quite justified)
overall though if that person wasn't causing actual harm, just publicly having that view there's no harm done and it'd be the most resource efficient to just let that person be. i'd probably complain but that's probably because we evolved to prioritise our own interests above that of society as a whole.
though we all live in democracies and developers of foss projects shouldn't have to be where we gain our political voice, but I guess we just aren't there yet.
Yes but not using inclusive language is far from counting as a moral failing in my world... It's far from racism, let alone nazi stuff. So what's that comparison good for?
well yeah but thats you. the person who had the comment starting the change feels differently. Thats sorta the point im trying to make. That its understandable it just depends on how you view that attitude. So I see some merit to why they would avoid the software if they feel that viewpoint is a moral failing.
Yes, I don't agree with the whole "separate the art from the artist" thing. It might be wrong but I don't care. If someone is openly rude and abusive to their users, publicly, for years on end with no remorse (cough Linus Torvalds), it just turns me off to the entire project.
That's true and I'd probably not use the software myself if the dev was someone known for stealing credentials or something, but honestly I don't really see how someone viewing the use of "they" over "he" as political propaganda could affect the browser they're making negatively in a substantial way.
I guess you could say that there is a possibility that he's saying that out of homophobia and when ladybird becomes as influential as google they could do some homophobic things? I really doubt that'd be allowed by governments though
I'm fine with solumbran seeing the dev's opinions as "wrong", I just find how they base their whole view of the project on that single small disagreement makes them seem like a shortsighted dumbass
Oh that's not at all what they implied. They implied you shouldn't use the project based on the author's opinions. That's very different from implying the author isn't entitled to their opinions.
Boycotting the software doesn't infringe on the author's rights to have a shitty opinion. It's called consequences for being an asshole.
people can have different views. you might not like them but it’s their views, not yours
Yes, they can. And I can also view their views with disdain... or even horror and choose not to support their efforts, whatever they may be.
What you are really saying here is that you to some degree don't disagree with Kling and so it's this particular view you find acceptable to let pass. If it were something like "people should be fine eating small children" you might react differently.
You don't disagree with Kling enough to object. This is clearly demonstrated here.
Edit: Let me a little more clear. Kling is the one bringing politics into it. The change was simple (one word!) and technically correct. It would be like if I said "I want our new logo to be red" and you said "don't bring politics into it" when really I just like tomatoes and sunsets.
He is right, hey shouldn't push a political agenda. They can fork it if they don't like it. It is his choice and he is the one putting in the work, not you.
I’m sorry but “project documentation should not be discussed in a GitHub issue or pr” is what you’re going with?? Where the fuck else would you discuss it?