Every first aid kit in a restaurant should have a bottle of saline and some gauze for treating burns and eye injuries. There will not, however, be anybody that knows how to use said first aid kit and the owners are unlikely to be very proactive in replacing supplies.
Yeah, I decided to nope out after the beginning, too. Seen too much shit in the one year I volunteered at the hospital, don't need a reminder of those. What the fuck...
As long as the intestines don’t get sliced up or covered in crap (and need debriding,) they’ll just button it back up and repeat the healing process. This time with added instructions to not sneeze.
He had abdominal surgery, and the force of sneezing opened up the incision. Which isn’t exactly unheard of. The big thing is to avoid making it worse. Which sounds obvious, but people are dumb; and when they just blew their guts out their stomachs…. People are even dumber.