Comrades, is mocking conservative bumpster stickers the same as being a liberal in 1930s Germany?
"Sometimes, someone posts an angry response to some terrible opinion I've never heard before, and it's a weird indirect way to learn how awful their other friends must be."
I literally can't follow this. It seems like it's trying to subtext a different situation... Are there actually conservatives appropriating opossums as a fascist symbol? If this should be taken at face value, it seems like a subversive way to spread environmental consciousness.
Not that I've seen at least. Never seen a conservative even share it, let alone thing its actually something to do.
Personally I'm all for mocking conservative bullshit and flipping them to make them actually good opinions like "Ya know, cars are expensive, true patriots ride bikes since the government can't revoke your biking license!"
For me, it's just that they're so cute and unique. I think a lot of people relate to them because they're unconventional animals but are so, so loveable.
There are something like 130 species of marsupials native to South America, and they're pretty much all different types of possums. The fossil record indicates marsupials may have diversified first in South America, then spread to Australia through Antarctica (when all 3 continents were part of Gondwana).
The monito del Monte is the closest relative of all Australian marsupials, but it lives thousands of miles away in southern Chile.