“The race for the White House is too close for comfort,” write parties from around Europe, calling on Stein to throw her support behind Democrat Kamala Harris.
Green politicians from across Europe on Friday called on U.S. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein to withdraw from the race for the White House and endorse Democrat Kamala Harris instead.
“We are clear that Kamala Harris is the only candidate who can block Donald Trump and his anti-democratic, authoritarian policies from the White House,” Green parties from countries including Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Estonia, Belgium, Spain, Poland and Ukraine said in a statement, which was shared with POLITICO ahead of publication
Its not what about to mention harris' policy position on gaza its extremely relevant to Harris' campaign in particular to the nonsense being spouted here.
Only one person had to shift to be less of a shit human and that was harris and this issue would have disappeared immediately. Learn to properly focus your energy. To help you with this process let me give you a breakdown of choices you as an individual had:
Which is easier changing the mind of a politician who has flipped on a number of issues? Or a million individuals in a country of 300?
Which argument is easier to make? Support a genocide? Or dont support a genocide?
You should vote? Or you should vote for my particular candidate?
Notice how you've decided to pick the harder of literally every single option?
Harris will flip on a dime on gaza if you stop wasting your breath defending her and switch your efforts to criticizing her. No one is asking you to vote for trump. Hell look through my history its always: 'if you're in deep blue voting 3rd party is a okay, if you're purple harris is your best option, but not your only one'
You dont need to be this worked up over harris if she loses to trump its her fault for running a terrible campaign using terrible policy positions. She had an entire year of warning over gaza and she chose to swing right on her policies, alienating a large swath of her base.
Yarp, and still voted for her because harris is that bad and hasnt shifted at on key issues that actually relate to the role of president. Like supporting labor (kahn, no strike busting, etc) and follwing the law with respect to weapon sales/delivery.
Focus your energy on getting harris to move, its a lot easier than getting people like me to move; we actually have moral values, harris doesnt. Though at this point its unlikely there are many hold outs waiting for her. Cast my ballot a week ago. Good luck in your efforts! Im rooting for you 🤷
"My moral values allow me to vote against my best interests and the welfare of anyone who doesn't align with the christofascist right. I have such a difficult time with concepts like "logical thinking" and "cause and effect" that I can rationalize such a terrible decision and even pretend that I'm the solution!"
against my best interest? my best interests are in trump not winning. which is assured in my state. its not necessarily harris winning. so my best interests are in assuring there is enough pressure on harris post election and part of that is making sure my critters know votes will be lost for them in the future for israel.
Mmm yes people explaining their reasoning is so horrible. :) its almost like you cant justify shit and only have pithy lesser evil nonsense to justify your support for a shit candidate. 🤷
First step to not having lesser evil candidates: dont support genocides. Wild i know. Maybe you should try it?
Why would Putin benefit from having a Russian plant as the presidential candidate of the Green Party? Does he mistakenly think the Green Party has some influence in American politics?
And how could he known his plant would be selected by the party as their presidential candidate? Is he psychic? Is the entire Green Party comprised of Russian plants?
If his goal was for the Greens to be a spoiler for the Dems, surely they’d be just as much of a spoiler no matter who their candidate was. In fact, without Stein, they could probably find a better candidate and be more of a spoiler.
I’m not worried about Stein being a Russian plant because it literally would make no difference to anything.
Why would Putin benefit from having a Russian plant as the presidential candidate of the Green Party? Does he mistakenly think the Green Party has some influence in American politics?
They aren't intended to win, they're intended to do exactly what they're doing - selecting particular wedge issues to split the Democrat vote and give them a lower total percentage vs Republicans, the other main player. In this case the Green Party was originally set up to champion environmental issues, hence their name, but have also been a convenient shunt for the Israel/Palestine situation and Harris' percieved refusal to budge on such.
Everyone involved knows that a third party has no realistic chance of victory in the US, so setting up a third-party honeypot to gather passionate far-left voters away from the Democrat vote is a potent power move for the Republican party. Every percent point lost by the Democrats is one gained for the Republicans, even if the point doesn't go to them. With margins as thin as they usually are, this is significant. Putin in particular cares about this because Trump is vocally friendly towards him and Democrats and their voters are not.
And how could he known his plant would be selected by the party as their presidential candidate? Is he psychic? Is the entire Green Party comprised of Russian plants?
I can't find proof of this with a cursory web search, but it's suspected that the entire Green Party is primarily funded via Russian interests. If nothing else it is known factually that Jill Stein has attended at least one private dinner with Russian heads of state and has appeared on Russian state media propaganda quite a lot. I doubt the entire party is a Russian op but significant portions of its leadership including candidate Stein are pretty clearly compromised.
If his goal was for the Greens to be a spoiler for the Dems, surely they’d be just as much of a spoiler no matter who their candidate was. In fact, without Stein, they could probably find a better candidate and be more of a spoiler.
Personally I feel that Stein may just be more who they got rather than who they wanted, and this may be where the plan is starting to fall apart. A truly passionate, honest far-left firecracker candidate probably would be an excellent spoiler, and pull many honest far-left votes, but they also wouldn't be susceptible to foreign influence. They're choosing to take the bird in the hand, rather than two in the bush, and Stein is who they've got that they can control.
At the end of the day Putin has a very clear motive to help Trump win his election at all costs and the leadership of the Green Party has been shown to have been in close contact with Moscow. It may not matter materially whether or not she is a Russian plant at this time. But it does matter because it is yet another avenue for hostile foreign interference with our election.
They aren't intended to win, they're intended to do exactly what they're doing - selecting particular wedge issues to split the Democrat vote and give them a lower total percentage vs Republicans
But surely that would happen even if someone else like Cornel West was the Greens leader.
All Putin achieves by (somehow) installing his plant as the Greens presidential candidate is lowering the Greens’ vote share by preventing them from getting the most charismatic and effective candidate.
If Putin really did subvert the Greens’ selection mechanism and install a less popular candidate with limited appeal, the Democrats should be thanking him.
Nothing to believe. The proof is in front of your eyes. Green Party funding is from Russian sources. Jill loves to have dinners with Putin and the oligarchs.
Type fast! Before long you’ll have to ship out to the front lines with you NK allies. Planting sunflowers is harder work than typing nonsense from your desk.
You'd be suprised. My partner is very tuned in to politics and watches Hasan near daily, reads news, talks with me and her friends but casually mentioned she would be voting for Stein instead of Harris. I very quickly pulled up the Putin dinner party pic and a handful of articles explaining the various connections. It all totally flabbergasted her and she decided on Harris despite her, very legitimate, reservations over genocide. Realistically we're in a very blue state that will safely go Harris so it wouldn't matter, but I'm certain other people will still fall into the same trap.