“The race for the White House is too close for comfort,” write parties from around Europe, calling on Stein to throw her support behind Democrat Kamala Harris.
Green politicians from across Europe on Friday called on U.S. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein to withdraw from the race for the White House and endorse Democrat Kamala Harris instead.
“We are clear that Kamala Harris is the only candidate who can block Donald Trump and his anti-democratic, authoritarian policies from the White House,” Green parties from countries including Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Estonia, Belgium, Spain, Poland and Ukraine said in a statement, which was shared with POLITICO ahead of publication
Good. I was apart of the Green Party, I left when I learned they were planning of running a candidate this year, when internally, we were floating around the idea of NOT running a candidate.
Isn't it too late for it to matter? At this point, she's on the ballots that she's on, isn't she?
Especially for states like Oregon that are primarily vote by mail. I already have my ballot, and Stein withdrawing won't keep people from voting for her
Sheesh, you're a bit late, folks. Besides, Stein is in the race specifically for the purpose of helping Trump win, so she wouldn't listen to them anyway.
If she didn't her Votes wouldn't go to Harris lol. If people don't want to Vote Dem they aren't going vote Dem. Harris has had all the time in the world to put effort into courting voters the same way she did Republicans. I plan on voting Third Party only for future elections. I want nothing to do with people who excuse genocide and link up with Dick Cheney.
It wouldn’t be this close if Harris just came out against the genocide in Gaza. Instead she has shunned Arab and Muslim voters.
I am in Pennsylvania and I am voting for Jill Stein. Everything I could have done to communicate my grievances I have tried, including meeting with my representative who just insulted me instead of even feigning humanitarian concern.
If Harris loses California, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Hawaii, Vermont, DC, or Maine-1 because of vote-splitting by Stein, it will be Harris’s fault. If you’re voting in these states, you might as well vote your heart.
ah if only they could also ask harris to tell israel to stop bombing medical supplies and food for kids. i mean israel is going to say fook off to us anyway to us. but just issue a statement. is that too much too ask ? they can still kill any kids and civilians they can get their hands on but atleast don’t let them starve to death ?
the extent of indecency of both campaigns. god i hope there is a hell in afterlife.
I think from a third party point of view that makes no sense. It's not for her to prop up the broken electoral system. Harris is essentially the lesser evil in this argument, but the real problem is the electoral system.
Arguably the "better" outcome for third parties is for Harris to win the popular vote and lose the election because of the stupid electoral college system. That may actually get Democrats more serious about electoral reform which would benefit everyone. They've already lost twice despite winning the popular vote (Gore and H Clinton). Yet they continue to support broken electoral systems across the country at national and state level as all they care about is Dem vs Rep. Not actual democracy.
The Democrats didn't even have a proper primary contest in this election, they value democracy so little. They tried to forced Biden on the party and voters and it blew up spectacularly. The party needs a shake up and frankly losing may be better for them than Harris saving them from the party's own disastrous mismanagement.
I'm no fan of trump, but Americas problems run far deeper and are far more systemic than one election.
I think Europe's Greens can calm down at this point. Trump is doing enough to prevent his own victory. I'm looking forward to Tuesday night, and the ensuing impotent shenanigans the Trumpublicans are going to entertain us with as they piss all over themselves.