Fun fact: Torx screwdrivers are compatible with Torx Plus screws, but Trox Plus screwdrivers are only compatible with Torx screws that are one size larger
LOL sure, good one... Only time that square abomination is the answer is if the question is "what do you get if you put a toddler in charge of designing a poor knockoff unbrako head?"
I'm not canadian, so I don't have a lot of experience with robertson. But from the limited experience that I do have, I would rate it 10/10.
What would you recommend for smaller screws (e.g. for electronics)? As far as I know, there aren't smaller sizes of robertson like there are with torx?
I’ve driven tens of thousands of pozidrive 2/3 screws into timber with an impact driver. For whatever reason my experience is the diametric opposite of yours.
Big up the Pozidrive massive.