As an european, what scares me , it is that Biden is the ACTUAL president. If he suffers from dementia, who is really in charge now. Who takes the decisions? Usa are involved in at least two major wars and dictate the policy to the europeans. Who is responsible of that? If biden cannot be a candidate , why it is an actual president?
The VP takes charge, we have the position for a reason. One of the better elements of the presidency is that there is a clear line of succession and even a good bit of "we dont fucken know whos alive" backups.
Also Reagan was already president and utterly demented.
The cabinet, and the heads of federal agencies who are appointed by the president (everything from the FBI to the EPA), is doing the actual running of the country. In particular Biden just signs off on whatever they tell him to, as an individual, I don't think he has been making any serious foreign policy decisions himself.
Other than a few examples of stuttering or mis-speaking, something which we all do (yes, even you youngins), can you provide any clinical evidence that Biden has dementia?
Because all I see is the proven effectiveness of GOP marketing and it's influence even on people who are disinclined to believe it.
He almost certainly has a great team doing a lot. Biden isn't perfect but knows how to delegate. He doesn't need to be that lucid if he can delegate well. He still may not be reelectable.