Lul, whos downvoting a discussion about personal visual preferences :D.
But I was always kind of a KDE fan, just that back then I liked switching DEs (like distro hopping, but all at the same on one distro).
Im not installing Aero tho :). But I do think it was peak Windows design, the only their design (if transparency worked) that I liked more than the classic theme.
Ooohh, ty, ofc I'm stupid, I didn't even realise I was replying in gnome community, my bad, def a dickish move, lul.
I might have also failed to pick up on how much more ppl complain about gnome tho, but its probably true. I assume bcs its the most popular DE, especially since the long Ubuntu era, and has also gone through bigger changes, but also I fell like gnome was in its early age instantly more usable than KDE (which is a bit older iirc), or at least more customisable out of the box (sure, no widgets, but back then they were little more than ornaments).