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Is TikTok breaking young voters’ brains?
  • Whose law is it of headlines, that when they ask a question it can be answered with 'No'?

  • Not Total Recall (1990)
  • You're probably right.

  • Great news if you'd never like to have a cold again!
  • I eat chlorine every day. Sodium, too, which is a metal that explodes on contact with water.

  • Hetero pride, able people reserved parking, alive people graveyard.
  • I understand why LGBT+ people feel the need to draw attention to themselves, as historically they were persecuted. Now, however, it seems a way to other ourselves and have a superiority complex. That's just how it feels to me, uncomfortable. If other people want to be loud and active in making sure everyone knows and cares that they're LGBT+, even though most people around them would already accept and give them equal rights to cishet people - sure, whatever. People can do what they like. It just seems to me like an antisocial, rather than respect/acceptance-related thing to do.

  • Hetero pride, able people reserved parking, alive people graveyard.
  • Tbf, as a bi person myself, I don't get why anyone should be proud of their sexuality. You didn't choose it, it's not something you did, what is there to be proud of? Obviously we should accept LGBT+ people, but no need to be proud, or have a whole month to commemorate it.

  • Firefox Maker Plans to Add AI Features to Its Browser - WSJ
  • Generating alt texts is generative AI, but generative AI isn't inherently bad.

  • Not Total Recall (1990)
  • Can you search the screenshots with OCR though? That's Recall's main selling point

  • Not Total Recall (1990)
  • What does that command do?

  • Gene therapy trial gives deaf children hearing in both ears
  • It's child abuse to keep a child deaf when you can make them hear. Forcing them to miss out on music, group activities, so much they would lose.

  • Gene therapy trial gives deaf children hearing in both ears
  • That people have the choice to gain an extra sense that is used in so many situations? Yeah, so terrible, I know /s

  • They like september 11th AND Kirby
  • What's the issue? 11/9/2001 is the only 11/9 that matters? Is that your argument? That people shouldn't be born on days that bad things happened? Spoiler: that's all dates

  • Why is Riding a Bicycle in the City Turning Into a Culture War
  • Firefox with uBlock Origin or Rethink DNS on Android cab block ads, the best you can do on iOS is DNS adblocking with something like Adguard

  • Duolingo, a free language learning app, has removed all LGBT-related content from its platform in Russia
  • Why doesn't it have the guts, like Signal has threatened to leave the EU if ChatControl is implemented, to simply withdraw from Russia if they make unreasonable demands like that?

  • How do I know who to trust on
  • I find Z drive seeing my filesystem a useful feature, for mods for example.

  • Farmboy's lament
  • Oh, yes, I agree with you that with that clarified definition of repossession taking the car back is not exactly theft. But you should at least recompense the hirer for the additional money paid months they were paying for the car, which would presumably be a higher rate than if they were renting the car.

  • Farmboy's lament
  • Sorry, please define what you meant by repossession then. As I understood, they were saying what I described would happen to the car, and you called it repossession. I was just rolling with the word I thought you were using.

  • An interpreatation of the political compass.
  • What are the original axis labels?

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • I found something here, dunno if it's the original source, but it provides more context.

  • Lighting and quest paths mods?

    Coming to Skyrim from The Witcher 3, and two things I really feel the absence of is realictic lighting that makes the whole world look flat and boring, and hard to look at for too long, and that quest markers show you the direction of the quest, but not the path to get there on the minimap.

    What mods that work well with playing on Linux through Proton do you recommend (and how to install them)?

    Why does this game have to be so infuriating?

    This is outrageous! I was replaying The Witcher 3, and when I got to the A Hallowed Horn quest, I remembered that last time, Mithias got annoyed at me for killing the thieves. So this time, when I got to the thieves, and already knew that the horn was in a chest, rather than any of the thieves inventories, so I didn't actually have to kill them, I took care to not kill any of the thieves, while still retrieving the horn - which was a difficult job, as I couldn't loot the chest while the thieves were nearby, so I had to lure the thieves away from the chest, then circle back, and in the extremely narrow time window between when the battle music stops, and when the thieves return to the chest - as they start to return immediately once the battle music stops, loot the chest - made even more difficult by the game's janky input mechanics, where it seems to treat all inputs as a queue (moving, pressing 'e' to loot, etc), so I had to make sure not to queue up too much movement so I could quickly loot the chest before the thieves returned - anyway, I did it, after a lot of effort and time, and the cheek! Geralt still said that he killed the thieves when talking to Mithias, as if all that effort to not harm a single hair on their heads was for nothing!

    If you could take a single character out of a piece of media (book, film, TV show, video game, etc) who would it be?

    They would lose any magical powers they may have had in the book, but anything they are, rather than can do, will stay. For example people from the His Dark Materials world would keep their daemons. You can take them out at any time in the story's plot, but for all other people consuming the media, it will be shown that the character suddenly disappears, with the rest of the plot being affected accordingly. People will notice this happening. The character is not under any sort of control by you once you have taken them out of the story, although they will appear next to you to start with.

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    What does your desktop look like?

    Here's mine. No inspiration at all taken from a certain California based company's OS ;p

    I use:

    • Manjaro OS
    • GNOME desktop
    • WhiteSur icon theme (with a few icons changed in the desktop file)
    • WhiteSur GTK and shell theme
    • Bing wallpaper
    • net speed simplified
    • Logo Menu
    • Show Desktop
    • Top Bar Organiser (to move the time to the right)
    • Overview background

    I apologise if I missed anything.

    Great, the worst of both worlds.

    I can't root my phone because I don't have an image for it (Moto G73) although I'd like to, but for some reason my banking app thinks it's rooted and refuses to work. This happened just after I updated it, it wasn't happening before.

    Edit: I'm regretting not getting the Motorola Edge 40 Neo, which also costs £250, but is slightly better in multiple ways, and seems like it has better root support.

    What game do you recommend someone who likes the mechanics but not the setting of Baldur's Gate 3?

    I saw people going on about how great BG3 is on this site, so I thought I'd check out a let's play to see what all the fuss was about. I immediately fell in love with the graphics and the mechanics, such as the classes, races, spells, dice etc, but I disliked the emphasis on gore/horror in the game, and I know I wouldn't enjoy playing a game with that whole brain horror thing going on. Not to mention the price and storage requirements being excessive. (150GB!)

    So, bearing in mind that, is there a game that would match my criteria, and if not, what do you think comes closest?

    Can you help me with my JavaScript issue?

    Intended output: { children: { Display: { children: { ... value: 2 } } } }

    Real output: { children: {}, Display: {}, ... value: 2 }



    // Load default settings let defaultSettings;

    load("/assets/json/default-settings.json", 'json', function(defset) { defaultSettings = defset;

    // Create custom settings if(!Object.keys(localStorage).includes('settings')) { setLs('settings', JSON.stringify({})); };

    customiseSetting('Display/UI/Distance', 2) });

    function settingURL(url) { return('children/' + url.split('/').join('/children/') + '/value'); }

    function customiseSetting(url, value) { url = settingURL(url);

    // Split the string by '/' and use reduce to access the nested properties const newSettings = url.split('/').reduce(function(accumulator, val, index, array) { // If the object does not have the current component as a property, create an empty object for it // If the current component is the last one, assign the value if (index == array.length - 1) { accumulator[val] = value; } else if (!accumulator.hasOwnProperty(val)) { accumulator[val] = {}; // update the accumulator object }

    log([accumulator, val, index, array]) // Return the updated object return(accumulator); }, JSON.parse(ls('settings'))); log(newSettings); setLs('settings', JSON.stringify(newSettings)); }


    I've been trying unsuccessfully for several days to fix to what must be a simple error. I've looked over it myself, but I can't find the cause of the bug. I asked Bing, which usually helps, but it was unhelpful. So I'm sorry to be bothering you, but if you could help me solve this problem, I would really appreciate it.

    EDIT: I fixed my code by using a recursive function as follows:

    function customiseSetting(url, value) { url = settingURL(url).split('/');

    let newSettings;

    function recursiveSet(object, list, index, setTo) { // If the current component is the last one, assign the value if(index == list.length - 1) { object[list[index]] = setTo; return(object); } else { // Check if it already contains the value if(object.hasOwnProperty(list[index])) { object[list[index]] = recursiveSet(object[list[index]], list, index + 1, setTo); } else { object[list[index]] = recursiveSet({}, list, index + 1, setTo); } return(object); } };

    newSettings = recursiveSet(JSON.parse(ls('settings')), url, 0, value);

    log(newSettings); setLs('settings', JSON.stringify(newSettings)); }

    What 3d Lemuroid racing games do you recommend?

    Basically the title. I installed Lemuroid recently and was wondering if you had any suggestions for specific 3d racing games you could recommend.

    Wwyd if you were given a pocket dimension 3m cubed?


    *You can teleport into and out of it at will

    *It has a couple of plug sockets and can connect to internet from the region you teleported in from

    *You can take objects and people with you

    *As already stated, it is (3m)^3 (3m\*3m\*3m). The walls are plain plaster with a light in the middle of the ceiling. The pocket dimension is topologically toroidal, so if there weren't walls and a ceiling/floor (which you can actually destroy) you would loop if you went more than 3m in any direction. Gravity, then, is artificial and can be altered to anywhere from 0 to 2g from a dial on the wall.

    Edit: additional specifications

    *You can only teleport out to where you teleported in from.

    *Time proceeds at the same rate inside the pocket dimension

    *There is an eject button for those inside to get out if something happens to you

    Any 'creation' of information (pictures, books, code, etc) is just pruning the huge space of possible information to leave just the information you want.

    Like carving a block of stone to leave only the form of a horse.

    The stone (or the information space) already contained the horse, and a million other possibilities, the job of the artist is to collapse those possibilities into a single reality.

    What FOSS Android speech recognition app do you recommend?

    I'm using espeak (from F-Droid) for text to speech, and it's working great. I'd like an app that does speech to text though, ideally supporting Swedish as well as English for Duolingo purposes, but even just English would be more than I have now.

    What odt editor for Android do you recommend?

    I searched this community and couldn't find anything about odt, I found a few odt viewers on F-Droid and Aurora when I searched 'odt', but the only editors for odt, were ironically the proprietary Google Documents and Microsoft Word.

    Have you found anything else?

    JackGreenEarth JackGreenEarth
    Posts 46
    Comments 2.4K