Not only that, but unless you can guarantee that a significant portion users will recycle those aluminum cans, they are significantly more energy intensive to manufacture compared to single use plastic bottles.
Here in Cleveland, we used to just put all trash, no recycling, on the lawn. Then in 2008 or so, they put out a recycling innitive. Each resident had to pay $10 per family (so duplexs would buy 2 per house), and they'd get a blue bin. You put the recycling in the blue bin, and a seperate truck picks that up.
Sounds great right? 2020 or so they found out the 1st truck would take your black bin regular trash, and the 2nd truck would take your blue bin recyclables, and then BOTH trucks would drop off in the same pile, in the same landfill with zero recycling done.
Since that was discovered I see a massive 90%+ dropoff in blue bins. Not only have people lost faith in buying blue bins at all, but most people now use their blue bins as 2nd regular non-recycling trash can.
Where I live, every time you buy a plastic bottle, aluminum can or glass bottle, you pay extra 10 cents that you get back when you take them to the recycling (that every store is mandated to have, IIRC).
I also return mine but most people around me don't seem to. You can often find them littering the streets or walkways or even out in the woods unfortunately.
I'm lazy enough and a frequent enough soft drink & beer consumer that by the time I take it in, it's at least 10€, but can be 20€ or more. I have also gotten over 100€ but that was cheating, it was from previous year's summer solstice celebrations. And like the commenter above you, it's the same price for me, 10 cents a bottle or can. Mostly because we apparently live in the same country.
Eh, it entirely depends on the market. If your near mills or ports, a lot of stuff goes to a MRF (materials recover facility).
I have visited one and its pretty labor imtensive and gross. I am guessing most employees are undocumented because I can't imagine others doing the job for the pay. They basically spend all day picking stuff off a constant feed of garbage. It should be all recyclables, but in a lot of streams there is more trash than recyclables.
If a MRF is near a waste to energy plant, they can get like close to 99% landfill avoidance rates. If not, your essentially making people slave over seperating your recyclables that you could have done (at least before the entire country went single stream)