I probably get hate for this but I think it's too easy to blame everything on capitalism. I think the lack of governance of big businesses is what is actually causing issues. The laws allow for exploitation and the infinite accumulation of wealth. Capitalism has to follow the laws...
Have you considered that there may be a link between Capitalism as a Mode of Production and the continuous strengthening of power in Monopolies over the State?
You're actually understanding why Communism makes sense. If centralization is an assured result of Capitalism, it makes more sense to publicly own and plan, and open up control to democratic measures. Industry will advance, and centralization will occur, so it is better to have the people own and plan this process rather than unaccountable Capitalists.
This was the entire reason behind Marx's predictions for Communism.
You can't forbid the passage of time. Monopoly is the end result of Capitalism, firms beat others and absorb them. Simply "banning" them or breaking them up a bit does nothing to actually prevent them from forming and weakening the power of the state to do so, the state after all serves business.
Secondly, I don't know what you're genuinely getting at with planned economies and famines and mass deaths. In all AES countries, life expectancy rose dramatically, and previously common famines ended. Tsarist Russia and China under the KMT had regular famines until the Soviets and CPC respectively improved agriculture and stopped famine. It wasn't an overnight fix, but it was fixed because of the planned economy.
I think you haven't done any research at all, honestly.
What's a holodomor or two between friends, right? How many of your familiy members died in one? Or is your research just limited to dictators' propaganda?
Any source on those monopolies, btw? Banning them (again, in countries there the law applies, so not the US) works just fine. Any service or product I can think of I can get at least 3 different sources to offer it, sometimes hundreds. Unlike behind the iron curtain, which was either one or very often zero.
The famine in the 30s was indeed the last of its kind, outside of World War II when Nazi Germany took Ukraine, the USSR's breadbasket, famine was over and food stabilized in a country that had regular famines for centuries. My research includes primary sources and contemporary sources from after the opening of the Soviet Archives, I can link some books if you'd like.
As for Monopolies, look at the stock market. The state serves business, breaking up monopolies is done with the consent of larger businesses. Further, combination of firms is a necessity to combat the Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall, by controlling more of the supply chain for any given commodity you can streamline it and improve production capacity. This is an ever-increasing scale.
Today, wealth concentration is the highest it has been in history in some of the fewest hands possible. Monopoly is a fact.
So yeah, "what's a holodomor between friends" is indeed your argument? A small oopsie of 5M deaths. Other than that, and the purges, the gulags, the ethnic cleansing, the police state, the corruption, the mass murders and a few invasion of neighbors, everything was perfect. Oh, and the monopoly of everything.
But yes, tell me more how capitalism, some day, maybe, perhaps, if the stars align, will create some monopoly.
The famine in the 1930s was the last major famine outside of wartime in Russia, when it was previously regular. Famine wasn't so much caused by Socialism as it was ended by it. Socialism isn't magic, when revolution happens there remains decades and centuries of building towards a new and better future. I'm curious what you think the purges entailed, or the GULAG prison system, both in scope and in character, ie quantity and quality.
I really doubt you've given any thought at all towards the Soviet Union, to be honest, outside of learning about it in presumably some western school. I recommend Dr. Michael Parenti's Blackshirts and Reds if you want a realistic critique of the Soviet Union, and not one concocted by the authors of the now long-debunked Black Book of Communism.
The fact of the matter, is that the Soviets democratized the economy, doubled life expectancy, pushed women into politics and fields previously held exclusively by men such as the scientific area, provided free and high quality healthcare, education, and childcare, lowered working hours while maintaining one of the highest growth rates in GDP in the 20th century, had retirement at 55 for women and 60 for men, over tripled literacy rates to 99.9% (higher than the US and Western Europe), went from semi-feudalism to space in 44 years, and dramatically lowered wealth inequality.
The stars don't need to align, Monopoly is already here. Presuming you live in a western country, you enjoy vast benefits from acting as the Global South's landlord through Imperialism, funded through brutal IMF loans and export of Capital.
Just forgot to add, I love how you talk about "brutal IMF loans". Brutal was when Soviet soldiers invaded my country, raping, pillaging and occupying it for almost 50 years. I assure you, taking a loan is slightly less brutal. Just a bit.
My country isn't anyone's landlord, barely regained independence not that long ago.
Up is down, cats are dogs and they ended famine by creating famine? Sure... What's 5 million Ukrainians here, 20 thousand poles there, minor details. Just some light ethnic cleansing, the important thing is that schools had a dentist. And that invading, occupying, opressing and exploiting 20+ other countries is good for GDP, line must go up after all. Also tell me more about how many women were First secretary? Or generals? Or any position of power?
I have spent time in the Soviet union, no need for western books, but show me more graphs and recommend more books! But not the ones you dislike, those have been apparently magically discredited by your favorite discord guru or lemmy mod.
Plus the documented failure of planned economies, leading to famines and mass deaths.
I think you’re confusing socialist planned economies with capitalism & imperialism (A.K.A. monopoly capitalism), because the vast majority of famines and mass deaths have occurred in the later[1].
It very obviously is and entire books have been written on this subject. You could try reading some of them. Can start with Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent.
I love how you just throw terms around in an attempt make yourself sound smart. Nobody is appealing to authority here. What you're being told is that you should educate yourself on the subject instead of spewing ignorant nonsense. Read books from people who spent time studying these things, and try to use the few precious brain cells that you possess to comprehend what they say. You don't have to take them at their word. You can read the supporting evidence they provide, read what other researchers say, and then form an understanding of the subject. Or you could just continue being an ignorant clown.