Neither of them are actually a legal requirement. What is offered is basically part of the "compensation package" (it's considered part of your pay) in the US. Also there are A LOT of jobs in the US that don't give paid sick time or vacation time, they are usually pretty far down the hierarchy though, and the jobs that do give paid time off typically don't give it to you until you have been employed there for at least a year.
I don't think this graphic is stating you cannot get any of these things in the US, but none of these things are guaranteed by the government.
UK'er here. I get 230 hours of annual leave per year, fully paid. I pay less tax and national insurance on days off, so I actually earn more for not being at work, go figure. 6 months sick at full pay, 6 months at half pay. 4-day week, 36 hours.
When you factor in weekends and bank holidays, I work a grand total of 175 days per year.
As a percentage of the entire hours in a year, I spend just under 19% of them at work. It feels like so much more, but you guys, man, you have it so much worse.
They just passed that last year. Other states have no requirements to offer you any kind of time off. It's up to you to figure this stuff out when you apply for a job. They generally put some info in the job ad, but it's usually vague. "Two weeks vacation" "health, dental, vision insurance" 401k.
That doesn't tell you anything because there are too many variables to consider. Some companies make you take an entire day off, others have Paid Time Off hours that accrue at a certain rate depending on how long you've been working there, some require you to take at least a certain amount off at a time, some let you use a single hour. Health insurance is a minefield, could be a high deductible plan with a deductible and then you pay a percentage up to your out of pocket max. Sometimes the individual cost is minimal and then jumps considerably for dependents. Dental can cover certain things and not others. Sometimes they will only match your retirement contributions at 50% up to 6% sometimes they'll match them dollar for dollar.
It's a system that makes it difficult to leave a shitty job.
my company used to do that but now that they went corporate if i call in sick and dont have vacation i get a point if i get too many points i get fired. i already have 3 because i got sick in december. absolute horseshit
Yeah the data all shows and has shown for a long time that people do better work and have better morale when companies treat them better. Unfortunately it costs the companies a little money so GET BACK TO WORK SLAVE EMPLOYEE I DONT CARE IF YOU GET EVERYONE AT WORK SICK.
I will never understand why bosses want me to come into work and potentially take out EVEN more of your staff with illness lol. Like yeah your short handed if I'm gone. You're gonna be even more short handed when all three of your customer service staff get sick Becky.
I used to work at a company that did this. White collar, but we would often work stat days, and we were salary. So our PTO was x days vacation time, y days stat days, and z days sick days. Vacation time was the legally mandated or higher, stat days were the legally mandated, and then sick days were on top of that (no legally mandated paid sick days where I live). If you got sick a lot (and actually didn't work anyway) you had less vacation time. If you didn't get sick a lot, you had more vacation time. If you worked some stat days, you had even more vacation time. It worked for everybody and meant there was no reason to worry if people were actually sick when they took a sick day - it was just unplanned PTO.
If you get additional PTO to allow for sick days, I'm not sure why you're complaining. That's a perspective issue. If you don't, I definitely get it.
And many jobs also pay you health insurance. But the point is that in other countries, social security is not attached to your employment. If you get fired, you receive unemployment and health care until you get your next job (details and quality of social system vary per country though).
Even if you have a job that pays for health insurance, it's still not as good as a universal health system with a single payer. There's deductibles to pay. In Canada, if I need to go to the ER, my biggest financial concern is paying for parking.
And even if you eliminate the deductibles, it's still not as good as a public health system because you also need to worry about whether a provider is in network and then your insurance company can just deny coverage because their whole point is to profit and not doing what their stated purpose is is an easy way to make more profit.
There are different models. For example in Portugal and in the UK there's public health system where you have the right to health care as a citizen, and it's paid by social security, which is a tax on you income. In Germany you instead have mandatory insurance, but the government pays for you if you can't. This you pay a % of your salary but it's not considered a tax. In the end it's just different models of the same thing.
No, it's called national insurance, but that's just the name they gave it when they started the national health service, state pension, and welfare for those out of work for whatever reason. It's just taxation.
It's free healthcare, not mandatory insurance. Nobody has to ever deal with an insurance company and decisions about your healthcare aren't made by profit motive driven companies.
If it does not cover all people, regardless of citizenship and residence, then I call it mandatory health insurance. Yes, it is state-run, but for me covering tourists too should be requirement for healthcare to be called universal.
I didn't call it universal, I called it free. A lot of tourists are covered because of reciprocal agreements with their countries.
It's not mandatory health insurance because you're covered whether you've paid the tax or not, cradle to grave, and the original hypothecated payments haven't covered it for decades.
It's free healthcare. I disagree very strongly with some people having an immigration ruling that they have no recourse to public funds, but that doesn't mean it isn't free healthcare.
I've worked many jobs, mostly retail and food service that has no option for any pto, sick or otherwise.
If you wanted time off outside of your scheduled hours, you could try to switch shifts with someone, or get someone to cover your shift, or, depending on the company, ask them for unpaid time, some would sometimes allow that, some wouldn't.
Right, but this chart it saying it doesn't exist at all. That's not true. "Universal" paid sick leave/vacation would be a better descriptor than "generous."