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  • Democracy dies with thunderous cries of "Well, I didn't want to reward Senator Amidala for supporting the Clone Wars!"

    (please note that this is not purely a metaphor for Gaza - it's a culmination of all the issues that people beat the "BOTHSIDES" drum on ie all of them)

    • Hey, Pug? When's it gonna be the Democrats fault? When are they gonna take responsibility for any of their failures? 'Cause where I'm sitting, I keep seeing them make monumental mistakes, like when they handed an 82 year old man in cognitive decline the nomination, replaced him at the 11th hour when it became clear he couldn't win, then rerun their strategy of courting moderate Republicans, which already cost them the election in 2016. But no matter how many mistakes they make, it always seems to be everyone else's fault that they lose. So when's it going to be the Democrats responsibility to go out and win a fucking election? (AKA the most basic function of a political party.)