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Is 0.3 quarts extra too much oil in a car?
  • Having once upon a time overfilled my oil by almost a quart, I think you are mostly right.

    Engine oil should stay in the crankcase. During normal operation, some of it is pumped elsewhere to lubricate the crankshaft, cams, and other mechanical components. The rest of the oil sloshes and splashes around the crankcase keeping everything slippery. If there is too much excess in the crankcase, components moving can push the oil somewhere it shouldn't be.

    In my case, when turning left, the excess oil was pushed passed the piston rings and burned in a huge cloud of blue smoke. It wasn't a proud moment, but stopping in a random service station and having Bruce try to drain a quart of oil out of the engine, because I couldn't afford a full oil change was awkward.

    ... Anyway: all of that to say this:

    If you have too little, your oil pressure light will probably come on. If you have too much, you'll notice it somewhere else.

  • Trick Wednesday - what is the latest "hack" you figured out?
  • I didn't leave the original comment, but I would say it certainly makes some parts of parenting easier. We just adopted a dog, and it has helped in strange ways. Expected ways such as my kid is much better about picking up his toys, putting away his laundry, and not leaving his shoes random places, but also it gives him something else to interact with that isn't a glowing rectangle, or asking me a million questions.

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • For me an email is when I don't need a quick response. A text is when I want a faster response but I don't want to interrupt what the other person is doing. A call is when I want a quick response and I think it's worth interrupting the person.

    I very rarely call.

  • ADHD Life Hacks which worked for you?
  • I have a whiteboard in my kitchen. Amongst other things, on it I keep a list of perishable foods that we have on hand. When I am trying to figure out what I am going to cook, I can look at the list and not have to think about every ingredient I own, And only focus on things that will go off soon. I usually don't include the common items we tend to go through often.

    Sometimes I also include leftovers that need to be finished, and unusual ingredients I bought impulsively because I thought I wanted to try making something new but than lost focus/motivation to actually make something with them.

    It's not a great system, but it helps me waste less.

  • Am I old now?
  • Last time I was in TX, one of my favorite food trucks had a sign that said "no longer excepting cash payments". I laughed at the grammatical error, but was still a little sad about losing the option to pay with real money. It wasn't hipster at all, but I guess the clientele was.

    Anyway, yes. I see your point but a lot of places realize they have to get modern or fail. It makes me sad to think about.

  • What's the point of living for someone like me?
  • Find a purpose that motivates you. For some people that is exploring, for others it is expressing themselves creatively, or helping people, or fighting for a cause you believe in, or trying to make the perfect baked potato.

    I don't know your specific limitations. Perhaps there is motivation in overcoming them, or helping others so they won't have them too?

    You were a little sparse with details, and I trust you have your reasons. Depending on this situation this advice could be pretty insensitive. My goal is not to offend or upset. I hope I haven't.

  • NSFW
    just messing around with Google ngram, found a surprising correlation with these two words
  • Fun fact: the word "spaceman" was originally used to described a journalist who was paid by how much space they could fill. Quoting etymonline com: "journalist paid by the length of copy".

    It didn't get used to describe a person from space until the the 1940s.

  • so, we're doing sushi, eh?

    I was never big on photographing my food but I found this one particularly pretty. It was over a decade ago, and I don't remember what restaurant it was. Somewhere in NYC.

    Wash before using

    I just noticed the cucumbers I bought say "wash before using" not "wash before eating" and I want to believe it is a subtle joke deliberately made by the person who designed the packaging.

    I found it amusing and I wanted to share it.

    [Question] - What are things you like to cook that are better the second day?

    I find most foods are best as soon as they are made, but some things seem to get better when the flavors have more time to meld. The only two I can think of right now are chili and hummus. What other dishes am I forgetting, or haven't tried that you think get better with a little time?

    What is this connector called?

    I want to replace one half of this with longer wire, but I am not confident about the name of the connector used.

    Image of JST-XH included to convey size. Ruler is metric.

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