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  • Thanks, but that was not the point of my comment. I'm just happy about that post, because finally I learned women get more privileges than men and I can ignore everything I heard about wage gaps, glass ceilings, and sexism at work. What a relief!

  • What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • A combination of not having the courage to vandalize a place that would make more sense but where you may encounter resistance, combined with a joy of punching down on people/institutions I guess?

  • Truth rule
  • It's also about control where you're being rained on. The shower gives you targeted rain, so you can wash yourself with one hand while eating a (dry) pizza with the other.

  • Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you
  • Bro, but what about the credit card receipt for porno VR games, signed by Siegfried? What about the warranty card for the porno VR games, filled out by Siegfried? What about the book "Porno VR Games and Me (This Sort of Thing is my Bag, Baby!)" by Siegfried?

  • What is a song you wanted to find again for a long time, but it gave you no clear clue about how to search for it?

    I would also be curious to hear how you eventually found it again!

    One to start: Conquest for paradise by vangelis. Just randomly woke up one morning with the song plus title in my head

    Was music really better "back in the days"?

    Tell me all the trash music/artists you know from around the 50s to 70s.

    Google Glass had a better see-through solution than the Apple Vision Pro

    Whatever use cases they try to push for social settings, I think Google Glass was still the better solution. Nobody uses their Vision Pro outside, and it's way too expensive as just another VR headset to use at home.

    [solved] Getting into the UEFI menu

    My dearest,

    I just got myself a lil' HP Elitedesk 800 G2 mini and am all set to run my home server on there. But I have troubles entering the UEFI menu. I don't know what they did with Windows 10, but I can't get there the usual way (i.e., hitting random f-buttons or esc during startup). I checked out the online Windows support and found this link with options to access the UEFI menu from within Windows:

    However, even when the computer is supposed to reboot into UEFI, it always sends me back to the normal login screen. By now, I ran out of ideas what to try.

    Did anyone experience similar problems?

    Edit: Got it working with different keyboard/display combination. The reboot from within Windows thing still didn't work, but starting from powered off and hitting f10 a few times did it this time. I think the main problem was with my displayport to HDMI converter at home, which apparently caused some delays - and maybe the fact that it's connected to a TV at home, not a regular display. Also, if you don't stop hitting f10 at some point, apparently you get sent back to normal booting. I didn't investigate that problem further though.

    Where are the Vision Pro memes of "for 3500$ you could also buy..."? Thanks

    Back in my days, we had tons of memes for the mac pro. They went like:

    You could buy a Mac Pro with these specs (...) or you could buy:

    • another computer with better specs
    • a house
    • Russia
    • a Cybertruck
    • and green_day.mp3

    ... and still pay less.

    As a side business, I sell cakes out of the trunk of my car.

    Banana bread is 1,50$ a piece, cheese cake 2,50$, and an apple crumble is 2,70$. Those are the pie rates of the car I be in.

    Shikoku 88 temples by bike?

    I was thinking about going for the trail or at least a part of it by bike at some point, but I wondered if anyone here has done something similar before? I'm not religious and would rather do it for the experience and to get to know Shikoku better. I'm not sure whether this would be considered offensive to practicing buddhists in any way and I don't want to disturb people in their religious activities. But it seems like some people have done this by bike before, so maybe it's ok (looking at the paywall of a Japan Times article)?

    I'm a moderately fit cyclist, I've done multi-day tours before years ago but not in Japan. So I'm also a bit unsure about steepness and weather conditions. Roads are probably in a decent condition (?) My options are an urban foldable bike (I kind of like that idea) or renting a decent one (probably better in reality).

    Different Katakana spelling in official documents

    Before coming to Japan I heard from other foreigners that it's best to choose one spelling for your name in Katakana and stick to it. I made sure to follow this advice.

    But I just noticed that my name is spelled differently in an official document (年金手帳). I guess someone in some public office just had to come up with their own spelling. It also looks like a reasonable transcription, but it's different.

    Do you think this causes problems down the road? If so, how could I change this? Any experiences also with other official documents welcome.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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