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Biden rejects growing pressure to abandon his campaign, vows to stay 'to the end'
  • The Overton window has shifted so far right that Biden is considered moderate-left and Harris far left.

    In any sensible country Harris's ideas are center-right at best.

  • Message Subliminal
  • C'est le front de qui?

  • Rule
  • It very much is possible. It'll only ever output that one image and it's a huge waste of resources but it's very much possible.

  • Wouldn't it be funny if there ended up being a plastic-based life form and they wondered how they came to be...
  • There are pretty much inert because they're ignored by most proteins and are largely stable enought to resist chemical damage (oxydation is the big one). This is the reason we make so much of them, they're useful as containers and it's cheaper to make new containers rather than reuse the old ones.

    That being said, it could happen that some biological processes start using plastic as an energy source and/or process it for parts. This is already done in labs with plastic eating bacteria today, where the bacteria produces enzymes capable of breaking the molecular bonds in some plastics.

    The main factor is that there is considerably less plastic readily available than there is carbon dioxide, because the carbon dioxide is just there, but in a hypothetical future where the earth is covered in several inches of plastic, chances are that single cell organisms that thrive off of plastic could realistically evolve.

  • $200-ish laptop with a 386 and 8MB of RAM is a modern take on Windows 3.1 era
  • Right? Surely you could translate it to run on a $1 esp32?

  • Je suis en train de faire un ChatNFP - je cherche des testeurs de mauvaise foi
  • Je t'avoue je pensait pas que ça serait aussi facile .

    A ta décharge j'ai essayé de lui faire dire des anneries contre le programme et il refuse tant que ça a voir avec un programme politique, mais il accepte quand la requête a rien a voir.

  • Sonos updates its privacy policy and seemingly hints they'll begin selling user data
  • This is my take also: if I ever spend money on good audio, I'll be stuck spending lots of audio for the rest of my life. I'd rather live in the dark and by cheap second hand stuff that's probably not great than never enjoy music again without spending thousands.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Legally, YouTube has to tell you you're watching an ad. This means that at least visually somewhere (it could be baked into the video stream, for example), there should be a distinctive pattern that extensions should be able to grab and make the video fast-forward.

  • Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging "faster than ever" to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say
  • Ok so how does this play with the fact that if you die in Canada you die in real life?

  • What is Cara, the Instagram alternative that gained 600k users in a week?
  • Not only is this kind of attack notoriously unstable, finding out what images have been glazed is a fantastic indicator for finding high-quality art that is the stuff you want to train on.

  • JT ce soir 💩
  • Perso je suis communiste d'extrême gauche radicale, je ne serai content qu'avec glucksmann

  • JT ce soir 💩
  • C'est marrant cette communication de la part des médias et du gouvernement qui font comme si la gauche avait complètement cessé d'exister et que les seuls candidats sont la droite ou l'extrême droite...

  • Un accord a été trouvé, on a un Front populaire
  • ...donc ce qu'il fallait pour enfin unir la gauche (avec l'absence notable du NPA mais sans grosse surprise) c'était Macron? Eh ben.

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • France. The parties have to pay the government if they want their ballot already present at the election place. As a citizen, you may also bring any ballot you want (within some very reasonable rules), so the smaller parties instruct you to print your own to save on costs.

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • And I was right to; pirate party got less than 1% of votes, also due to the fact they couldn't afford to have their voting paper in most places.

  • HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware
  • To expand: said M.2 SSD contains all of your data, and can be plugged into another computer to recover it, put it on a USB drive or upload it to an online drive. A local PC repair shop is going to be unable to make the PC work again at present, but they can help you with extracting the SDD and your data for less than $100.

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • I was considering voting for the pirate party, but they polled at less than 5% in France and it was not a useful vote, which was evidently needed.

  • It'll end up as "Vote stupid parties, win stupid prices"
  • Macron just dissolved the national assembly. There's no reason to believe the new assembly won't exactly represent the same percentages we have just witnessed. Our country is fucked.

  • Digitalism - Blitz Blitz - YouTube Music

    Provided to YouTube by PIAS Blitz · Digitalism I Love You, Dude ℗ V2 Music Released on: 2011-06-15 Composer: Ismail Tuefekci Composer: Jens Moelle Auto...

    Blitz - YouTube Music
    Thierry Hazard - Le jerk Thierry Hazard - Le jerk (Audio) - YouTube Music

    Le titre "le Jerk" a été certifié Disque D'or avec plus de 500 000 exemplaires vendus ---------------------------------------¬¬------ Tu peux télécharger "Le...

    Thierry Hazard - Le jerk (Audio) - YouTube Music
    Dont play Guild Wars but have amazon prime? share your prime gaming codes here!

    So like really i don't expect this post to go very far because most people who don't play guild wars don't go looking in guild wars communities, but I guess here's mine.


    ???: a tank that fills the role of armor-protected direct fire and maneuver in many modern armies.

    [haiku] Quora
    Looking for router recommendations with SFP ports

    hey all, i'm looking to replace my isp's router (i know that i can, it's basically just DHCP on a specific VLAN) with my own one and i'm looking for recommendations.

    here's what i would need out of it:

    • best price-to-performance ratio. the larger the NAT table it can keep in RAM the better (i run some things akin to ipv4 scanning)
    • OpenWRT support
    • at least one sfp port for internet access, supporting 5Gb/s.
    • at least one 1 Gb/s ethernet port
    • ideally 2-3 100Mb/s ethernet ports
    • wifi support: yes (don't need anything fancy, even 5GHz is optionnal but preffered)
    • LTE modem: dont care but nice to have

    i had a look around the OpenWRT supported devices table but since it doesn't really list ports and i need sfp, it takes a long time to go through and read german router pages.

    can anyone recommend a router that meets these at least partially?

    I have submitted an informal PR to fix images not rotating properly when posting

    If you're a Lemmy dev and reading this, the problem is in pict-rs. I have sent an email to asonix with the needed changes, please tell them to check their inbox (since I can't register on their git server, I can't submit a formal PR).

    Send me a PM if the email gets lost and I'll give you the line you need.

    If you're not a Lemmy dev: Have you encountered an image that is suspiciously rotated here on Lemmy? Perhaps you even tried posting an image that looks right yourself and found it rotated itself! Why?!

    The reason is that Lemmy strips all metadata from images you upload to it. This is because image metadata can contain, among other things, GPS coordinates or where it was taken. The problem is that when you take a picture with your phone in landscape, instead of rotating the image in memory, your phone saves the image sideways (because that's how it came off the sensor) and then adds a metadata tag that tells everyone to rotate the image as they are displaying it. You guessed it, that tag also gets deleted. In most cases, this is fine because either the picture wasn't rotated to begin with, or Lemmy image hosts actually save the properly rotated image before stripping the tag, but in some image formats, this isn't the case due to a programming oversight. I have found the fix and sent it to the person responsible for the image hosting code.

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals themoonisacheese
    lichee likes to sleep on my warm computer while I play games