Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel
Mine was in the Athens/Acropolis area.
Fair enough. Just to be clear, we would all be better off if we broke up these trusts.
Nobody will ever convince me that we wouldn't all be better off without breaking up these trusts.
Haha. I agree with Doug Ford. That's some shit I never thought I'd think.
That whole geography thing only works if we remain united. That's no longer a given in my book.
Super surprised to see Publix leading this list.
I think the entire staff should follow his lead. What's the point of working for a 'news' paper if they flat out tell you it's all propaganda from here on out?
I literally just stopped in a parking lot to point and laugh at a cyber truck. I tried to get my son to join me but he just thinks I'm old man angry at cloud.
Wow. Good read. Thanks for the link!
I'll be the American in the fourth panel of that We're the Millers meme.
You guys have minimum standards?
Marco is so outmatched here. If should be funny but I think ominous is the right word
No. They're extinct.
It's been a decade since I visited but I remember seeing them quite a bit back in the day. I never see any in the States either anymore.
This is from the country with all the titty ads in the phone booths, right?
This is an exciting discovery! 20 light years away is relatively close, but obviously still out of reach for quite a while.
Interstellar is a great choice if you do reconsider. The visual effects when they go through the wormhole are a stand out.
I read this article just to learn what slur was used, but they only lost it as t*****. I'm just going to assume the hurtful slur is trumpy.