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Celiac sunbrrnslapper

Newly Diagnosed

I am newly diagnosed with CD. Wanted to connect with others to see if you have any helpful tips or information for newbies. CD wasn't previously on my radar - getting tested was part of several tests ordered - so I know very little on how to navigate this.

  • I could be your oasis in the desert. I'm super busy all the time so you'd have to basically burn me up for help. Ask any questions you need. I'm a veteran in this world. Where you located? Message if you don't want to dox yourself much as well as private questions.. Country is enough for now. I planned to post a ton but I have health issues so staying here is the least of my worries unfortunately.

    • Thank you!! I'm in Washington state. I've found a few GF restaurants and am getting the hang of reading labels. Trader Joe's has been super helpful. But I'm all ears for any pro tips you may have. 😀

      • Be very cautious about eating out. I have been sick more times than I can count from GF places, or even asking waiters or chefs if items are GF and their incorrect after assuring me as such. Cross contamination is the biggest factor. Surfaces, dishes, hands and utensils. Papa John's has a GF pizza but if its drug across the same counter and used in the same oven as glutenous pizzas then your wasting your time and money but most importantly health. Some certified GF products can still cause reactions. Such as Oats due to similar protein structures. Watch meats. Mostly chicken as almost all chicken is injected with broths and juices. Spices are risky due to the high cross contamination factor. Find foods that work with you and stick to them. I don't know how sensitive you are. I am extremely sensitive. Which means I cook my own foods, don't eat out, travel with dishes and cook on seperate equipment. Wash rinse produce thoroughly. Avoid long ingredient lists. Keep it simple. When in doubt web search get a consensus from multiple sources. Get your vitamin levels checked atleast once a year if not twice to watch how you body responds get a full CBC with platelets to spot inflammation and how your reacting. I'm bombarding with info its 230am for me. Ask questions. Easier for me to get notifications to know you need help. Message a few times if you need. Get in tune with your body tailor your needs to how you feel. Find an electrolyte drink you like keep a few close by. Stay well hydrated. For flushing out. I carry a 32oz glass or stainless bottle. What is and are your symptoms, gender? Even down to the details matter for each symptom because those are your battle points to know how to move. Every action causes a reaction which then needs an counter. Never stop learning stay inquisitive. Cross reference facts. Health is wealth. Get used to friends, family, or anyone else not knowing or understanding what gluten is. GI Dr.s and specialists included. Get hard copies of all medical paperwork even bloodwork ups. Everything every time. No exceptions. You will often spot things before your Dr if you study and know your body. Helps to see trends over time or to be prepared for future issues appointments etc. There is no cure its life long. Stay positive. If your super bad disposable surfaces are your friend like foil to cook on. Avoid plastics for utensils and dishes as with any porous material. Metal and glass only eaisest to wash. Its 3 am almost. I'm out. I'll be here if you have questions. I don't get on here often. DM me with medical, questions, whatever you need.