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Happy Freedom Day...I guess.
  • Ahh there it is

  • Happy Freedom Day...I guess.
  • Gee, I wonder why you expected people to react badly to you 🤔🤔🤔

    Guess we'll never know! You have yourself a good one. And if you're American, don't forget to wave your flag today! 😘

  • Pomegranate rule
    Happy Freedom Day...I guess.
  • Then go find go find a stupid question to give your stupid answers to.

    For-profit prisons are a fucking scourge, and they're way too common.

  • When you don't check Lemmy for a few hours
  • I was on here only yesterday, I come back, it's just a bunch of beans lol

  • Happy Freedom Day...I guess.
  • Oh! Many countries do it, so it's fine! Noted.

  • Happy Freedom Day...I guess.
  • And I left reddit to escape idiots like you. If I can handle being disappointed, so can you. Shut the fuck up.

  • Felix Colgrave rules
  • Yeah, I'm a huge fan of his work. Discovering Double King and Felix's other works when you're doing 🍃 is a hell of a trip. At least, that's what I've heard :)
    Anyway, yeah...I wish I could wipe my memory and watch Double King for the first time again. It's a singular experience, and Felix's art style and music are both gorgeous.

  • Felix Colgrave rules
    Rule of Determinism
  • What if I just wanna make the 👉👌 motion instead

  • rule

  • You thought you were safe from Trans Selfie Rule? But you can't hide from Yulia the Magnificent!
  • attention and validation

    Well I think we can arrange that :)
    You look absolutely lovely, and I really like your tattoo as well. May I ask what the inspiration for it was?

  • Cheez rule
  • Cheese, Gromit!

  • new shoes rule
  • "I know, but hey!"

  • talking kitty rule
  • This is the way

  • Spyro music absolutely rules
  • Oh my goodness YES. Autumn Plains was my favorite world in RR, and the serene background track was a large reason why. Such beautiful games

  • Spyro music absolutely rules

    Especially the OG ps1 games. Anybody else remember these? I grew up with them, they're very close to my heart even as an adult.

    What are the most unsettling Wikipedia articles you know?
  • Ohhhh, that makes sense. Thanks for the info. I looked at the article again just now and realized it looks a lot different from how I remember, so possibly there's more info on there now than when I had last looked at it.

    I'll be honest, I'm a little sad I can no longer chalk it up to aliens or a weird cryptid 😅

  • NSFW
    What are the most unsettling Wikipedia articles you know?

    I know this isn't the most disturbing Wiki article out there, but this is the creepiest one I know of that I can stomach. Also, it's an interesting case, despite its morbid and eerie nature.

  • Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”
  • What fucking timeline am I living in? Goddamn this shit

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • If it wasn't for those meddling video games, we'd be living in a utopia! Right guys?

    ...r-right guys?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Silly us! It was video games all along!

  • Hot Pot rules 寄せ鍋カルテット【ブルーハムハム】

    ブルーハムハム 2022年新グッズ販売中です👾Online store →​​​​ #ブルーハムハム

    Do you do rules?
    Wielding a rule
    When a squirrel eats too many fermented crab apples

    This never fails to make me laugh

    Sup y'all, newest arrival from the Reddit exodus here :D

    Sup y'all, newest arrival from the Reddit exodus here :D

    Been lurking for a coupla days to check you guys out and get my bearings, now I'm here and I figured I'd say hi officially 😊


    spicy_biscuits spicy_biscuits


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