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Comment on a YT video about Windows on ARM
  • Nowadays I just roll my Linux installation back to before the updates using the BTRFS integration with the package manager. It works great and I'm never at a point where I can't use my computer because updates broke it. Heck, even if I bork it myself it's no biggie.

  • Is Backblaze a reliable provider?
  • I use them as well. Cheap, reliable and easy to use. I only had trouble once, where I was caught in some sort of anti-spam measure and they blocked my account. An email to their support fixed the problem pretty quickly though.

    One thing to look out for is to determine where you want your backups. You can't change your account's server location after you create your account afaik.

  • The most cost effective measure to beat climate change is building bike infrastructure
  • Slowly? It's already dead in most parts of the country, save for the bigger cities. For example, where I live, I can take a bus between 6am and 6pm, once an hour. Most people wouldn't be able to get home using public transport. The city has no bus lines in the city itself that aren't volunteer run.

    Luckily the bike infrastructure is pretty good, otherwise it would've been a car dependent hell.

  • The most cost effective measure to beat climate change is building bike infrastructure
  • Wat een vervelende catch 22 oplevert. Stad waar ik woon wilt een nieuwe wijk realiseren en die zoveel mogelijk autovrij maken. Maar er is niet genoeg werk om al die mensen binnen de stad aan het werk te brengen en OV is ruk (lees, binnen de stad kan je nergens komen met OV, verbindingen naar steden en dorpen eromheen zijn ook slecht). Dus, iedereen zeurt over hoe er meer ruimte moet zijn voor de auto of dat het OV significant moet verbeteren. Waarop de gemeente antwoord dat ze niet over het OV gaat, dat is aan de provincie.

    Om gek van te worden...

  • Buyers Are Avoiding Teslas Because Elon Musk Has Become So Toxic
  • My BIL got a new Tesla a few weeks ago, my dad has an older one (4 years iirc). I've driven my dad's one and I must say, I don't like it as a car and the build quality is not great. Too much fiddling with the touchscreen to get basic things done. Then I looked at my BIL's Tesla and it's a hard no now. You can't remove the stick for the indicators. It's moronic.

    It's not just Elon that makes me not even consider a Tesla. He's just an extra reason to not consider the brand.

  • Microsoft force-upgrades Mail app to Windows 11’s new Outlook web app
  • I had a nice one today. I saved an email for archiving for all to see ( you know, as a .msg) and tried to open it. Windows asked if I would like to open it with Outlook (new). Sure, I thought, only to be greeted by the message "sorry, this function is not supported".

    Why do you do this to me Microsoft?! Why?!

  • MIT builds an open-source hydrogen electric motorcycle that runs on fuel cell
  • I mean, producing hydrogen by using electrolysis is probably the best option we have if we want to truly free ourselves from fossil fuels. You'll run into the same issue that hydrogen cars have tho, which is that it's expensive to run something on hydrogen compared to batteries. Even electric trucks are preferred to hydrogen trucks now due to the difference in costs, meaning that it's unlikely that infrastructure will be rolled out that makes a hydrogen bike usable.

    In the end, these kinds of bikes might be better off with a battery swapping system like seen in electric scooters.

  • What sci-fi-esque inventions are the most plausible and could happen soonest?
  • I would honestly hope we would be smart enough not to go the road of the car again but instead invest in good public transportation, at least in cities and other densely populated areas. Flying cars, even automated, would be a terrible idea from both risk and energy/climate change perspectives.

  • Apps that shouldn't be Subscriptions
  • Might be a slightly unpopular opinion, but Volumio (software for a raspberry pi to run it as a headless audio system). It's good, it's relatively well maintained and works. But paying 7,50 a month for this software to get multiroom audio, Tidal integration and some other stuff is ridiculously expensive. That's nearly 90 euro a year and the only thing that is actually an addition server side is syncing settings across devices and the Tidal integration (requires license fees iirc).

    And sure, I can't buy multiroom speakers for that kind of money, but damn, is it expensive.

  • Apple has seemingly found a way to block Android’s new iMessage app
  • So why not use something like WhatsApp or Signal instead then? Sounds like a terrible user experience to me. Nobody I know uses iMessage, everybody uses WhatsApp instead, which is platform agnostic.

    But I'm European, so the iPhone penetration is lower iirc and they can't stay in their bubble as much.

  • Why the Dutch are Voting for Radical Change
  • Wacht, heeft hij nou eigenlijk wel antwoord gegeven op de vraag die hij zelf in de titel stelt? Hij heeft een hoop opgehangen over de koopman, de dominee en de oude man, maar echt iets verklaren doet hij niet.

    Dit is altijd een beetje het probleem wat ik heb met zijn video's. Hij herhaalt populaire Nederlandse mythes die helemaal niks verklaren. De koopman en de dominee? Sure, begin eens met verzuiling in plaats van die nationale mythe er weer bij te halen. Dan kom je waarschijnlijk verder met een verklaring dan op deze manier. Het is echt een stuk complexer dan wat hij hier uitlegt.

  • Lenen wordt weer duurder: check of je maandelijks geld kunt missen
  • Dat zou inderdaad fijn zijn. Ik ben recent overgestapt en het was makkelijker dan verwacht, maar toch nog een hoop gezeur met partijen die niet snappen dat het wel de bedoeling is dat je overstapinformatie ook werkelijk verwerkt enzo...

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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