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reject modernity embrace htmx
  • I think i missunderstood you I thought you were arguing for modern web frameworks. Nothing wrong with replacing elments with js and not sending it as a request to a server I would do the same for stuff that doesn't need data from the server. If you are really worried about latency you could throw your code in a cloudflare worker but I don't think it matters that much average loading time of websites on desktop is 2.5 seconds . So it doesn't really matter if the server is on the other site of the world latency will not be the biggest factor.

  • reject modernity embrace htmx
  • What kind of you UI action are you talking about? Most of the time you need data from the server and if you want have some animations with css it will be client side anyway also it's not like you cannot write JS. I mean downloading thousands of lines of js for some web framework over cellular does not sound better tbh.

  • reject modernity embrace htmx
  • If you know HTML and Python already I would recommend going for something like jinja2 + flask or fastapi and try some htmx stuff no need to use everything you can just refresh the site at the beginning. This should be pretty beginner friendly. It really depends on what you want to do. I don't know much about Hugo or Publii. If you want to make an interactive website and not just a blog or static website I would advise you against using either of the two. If you want to get a job in frontend webdev I would advise you to learn javascript ( and some framwork like react also learn tailwind or css.

  • reject modernity embrace htmx
  • I understand you but for me it's the opposite I am not bound to using js for everything and can just return html from the server like I want. Also everything else still works I can write js if I want to. Htmx gives me more words I can use in html not less. Also I can manage the state via the url and the server. In other frameworks I often had the problem that I was writing the same logic twice in backend and frontend.

  • What is this death trap?
  • If you open vim the first thing you will see it's a text describing how to close it. Not saying other things are easier for a new user but closing is pretty simple. EDIT: if press ctrl - c vim will show you what you should press instead

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    Von 377 Millionen Euro in diesem Jahr auf nur noch 3,3 Millionen im kommenden: So soll laut einem Bericht das Budget für die Digitalisierung der Verwaltung aussehen. Das Innenministerium hat eine Erklärung.

    Verwaltungsdienstleistungen im Netz: Ampelkoalition plant drastische KĂĽrzung bei der Digitalisierung
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    Lemmy Support Sören
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    Lemmy Support Sören
    Email sending fails.

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    Caused by: failed to lookup address information: Try again, context: SpanTrace [{ target: "lemmy_api::local_user::reset_password", name: "perform", file: "crates/api/src/local_user/", line: 15 }, { target: "lemmy_server::root_span_builder", name: "HTTP request", fields: "http.method=POST http.scheme=\"http\" otel.kind=\"server\" request_id=ba8117b9-9c0f-49e5-af0e-01e92a4917cf", file: "src/", line: 16 }] } 2023-06-24T11:48:46.118615Z WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: data did not match any variant of untagged enum AnnouncableActivities 0: lemmy_apub::activities::community::announce::receive at crates/apub/src/activities/community/ 1: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request with http.method=POST http.scheme="http" otel.kind="server" request_id=0d639361-7707-4f9b-b61f-fc133d3946e7 at src/ ``` I am using the lemmy-ansible setup on ubuntu 22.10

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    What happend to EDIT: Works with ipv6 disabled

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    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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