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  • Does 2FA work? It's a real janky implementation that doesn't even require the confirmation of a 2FA code before it's enabled. But I tried logging into my account using incognito mode and it wouldn't let me with 2FA enabled and I had the right code. I think this needs to be looked at before people start getting locked out of their accounts.

  • r/Android is now on the Fediverse!
  • Yeah, I feel like they're a little late to the party. They should have had this ready to go once they decided they were going to prolong their protest.

  • Musk is undeniably just trying to run twitter into the ground at this point.
  • Until there is a viable Twitter competitor, this will continue and people will keep using it.

    There needs to be one that scales. Mastodon had its chance and it's clear people don't want it. Maybe the answer is Bluesky, but that's not going to happen unless they open up their doors.

    I can't believe I'm rooting for Meta, but their Threads app might work out and it will be better once it syncs with ActivityPub.

  • PSA: is not Lemmy
  • That's the beauty of the fediverse. Don't like the server? Go somewhere else.

  • important message to google, samsung, all android phone manufactures
  • Everytime someone says this and manufacturers end up making a smaller phone... no one buys them.

  • What do you think of using Lemmy as the "main forum" for Planetside?
  • Keeping the Planetside subreddit closed indefinitely is a bad move. This "protest" will pass like all the others and there is a decade's worth of content and history there that people should see.

    Personally, I think these protests are hurting users more than they are hurting Reddit. But I'm fine with it transitioning over the Lemmy or where ever else, but discoverability is the issue there.

  • The end of All About Android
  • There was a time when there were a bunch of Android podcasts. But I think as Google has made Android more "boring" the interest for these has faded.

  • iOS version possible?
  • As an Android user, I have to say it feels nice to have iOS users begging for one of our apps for once...

  • Using Sync for Reddit as a marketing tool come July 1st is more urgent than building the MVP
  • I don't think people will be dragged kicking and screaming. They've seen the turmoil with Reddit over the past few weeks and are looking for alternatives. This could be good education for them, especially as Lemmy is a bit more confusing compared to Reddit.

  • Let us welcome the wave of Apollo/RiF defectors!
  • That's something I'd rather not bring back please

  • Sync for Reddit developer is making Sync for Lemmy
  • They have one already. OP probably just linked this one by mistake.

  • Sync for Reddit developer is making Sync for Lemmy
  • That's awesome. Sync is the best Reddit client on Android.

  • Any Pixel 7 owners not able to pull the June OTA?

    Last week the June QPR OTA was released, but my unlocked Pixel 7 on AT&T still can't pull it, and when I try it says my device is up to date.

    Anyone else in this boat? Either the AT&T version was delayed or they have reverted the "Check for update" button to just check your place in the rollout, not force pull the download.

    EDIT/UPDATE: Was able to pull the update today (6/20) using the Check for Update button.

    Anyone on AT&T not able to pull the June update?
  • Usually the OTA is available within hours of the images showing up, and a "Check for update" request will pull it. This is something different.

  • Anyone on AT&T not able to pull the June update?

    So I saw that the June QPR update was released yesterday, but it's still not available as an OTA when I try to pull it on my Pixel 7. Anyone else?

    EDIT/UPDATE: Was finally able to pull this on 6/20 using the Check for Update button.

    slinky317 slinky317
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