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How big is your desk?
  • That is the reason why some developers are “full stack”. All computers are stacked 🤪

  • (Cat) Smartphone OS Replacement options
  • Yes you should definitely check before whether or not the device is supported. You can find it for LineageOS here:

    You may also have a look on /e/OS:

  • What to do when a giant company refuses to honor a GPL claim?
  • Yeah, reach the FSF like explained in previous comments. Or maybe contact some attorney if it matters because you may face expensive litigations… Big companies are not friendly. Or maybe contact the SFC (

  • Futo, Please don't attempt to create your own Open Source Definition · Danb Blog
  • Maybe Futo should move to “post open source” like “open core” principles.

    Today majority of standards rely on definition accepted by a majority of people since decades, i.e. the open source definition by the OSI (, the free / libre definition of the FSF (, and the principles of ethical source by the OES ( Trying to apply new definitions is very hazardous, will induce lack of consistency and may make people more confused.

    However, like the OES did for ethical source licences, defining a new group of ideas / licences with associated values seems to be more interesting, like few years ago with “open core”, and also “copyfarleft” and “copyjustright”.

    In a nutshell, why changing the rules of the game instead of creating a new game? 🙂

  • Blogger Alternative for the Fediverse
  • Interesting. Thank you for sharing, didn’t know openhub!

  • Futo, Please don't attempt to create your own Open Source Definition · Danb Blog
  • You consider yourself as an open source developer but disagree or don’t recognize OSI and FSF definitions? How pathetic, you are just another apostate joining the fellows of all those “post open source” libertarians.

  • Futo, Please don't attempt to create your own Open Source Definition · Danb Blog
  • What a jerk. It is because of people like you that true values and fair principles of open source and libre softwares are not understood and boosted by people. Your comment make you be considered as an enemy of FLOSS principles.

    If you disagree with that, feel free to embrace all that shit of “post open source” ; libertarian and capitalism people like you will enjoy it.

    Open source definition by OSI:

    Free / libre definition by FSF:

  • Futo, Please don't attempt to create your own Open Source Definition · Danb Blog
  • Pure jerks, clowns and morons. Trying to redefine definition of open source is crazy, insane and irrelevant.

  • Blogger Alternative for the Fediverse
  • Why did you say Write Freely seems to be dead? According to their GitHub organisation repositories, the backend has a release tagged 4 months ago and the iOS app 3 months ago.

  • Apple and Google deliver support for unwanted tracking alerts in iOS and Android

    Apple and Google deliver support for unwanted tracking alerts in iOS and Android

    Apple and Google deliver support for unwanted tracking alerts in iOS and Android

    Open Collective shutting down at the end of 2024 year?

    “It is with a heavy heart that I'm writing today to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Open Collective Foundation (OCF) has made the difficult decision to dissolve OCF, effective December 31, 2024”.

    More details in the hyperlink below.

    AI-powered visual assistance. Be My Eyes - See the world together

    Whether you need a pair of sharp eyes or have some sight to lend, Be My Eyes is a simple, free tool to help people see the world better, together.

    Be My Eyes - See the world together

    Be My Eyes connects people needing sighted support with volunteers and companies through live video around the world. The Android and iOS apps now embed pictures analysis with chatGPT4.

    Dear anonymous internet user asking for help.. Dear anonymous internet user asking for help.. - Bert Hubert's writings

    Dear anonymous internet user, dear corporate employee hiding behind a address, dear “GitHub account with a single issue”, Thank you for your interest in my free software, my project or the documentation I wrote for you. I am happy to hear you want to ask a question, have a problem, or perh...

    Just wanted to share here this blog publication about open source project’s maintaining and toxic or boring behaviours of people looking for support.

    Privacy or sensitive data… a list of tools to protect your дѕѕ
  • Thank you for sharing, for your information the original publication date was in 2018.

  • What copyright notice should I put on my FOSS website?
  • In software ecosystem indeed there is an issue about the word “free” which can mean “free of charge” or “libre”, that is the reason why the term FOSS should be replaced by FLOSS.

    In this very software world, the OSI defined “open source” by 10 conditions. The FSF defined also since eons the term “free / libre” by 4 liberties. These two things are the base of trust and understanding for every one.

    For several years capitalist companies try to redefine these words because cannot bear to see that communities dislike or hate how they change the licences of their products (e.g. Elastic with BSL, Mongo with SSPL, Terraform with BSL too). They try to get excuse and fake reasons to be allowed to change the definitions but they are not legit at all.

    About your example for a “free and anticapitalist” license, it cannot by “free” because one of the four liberties of the “free” definition is not filled.

    However this is an interesting point because there is a new family of licences which appeared several years ago: the ethical licenses brought by the Organisation for Ethical Source ( which define the term « ethical source » by 7 principles. You can get more details about the anti-capitalist license here:

    In few words, we must keep the OSI, FSF and OES definitions for open source, free and ethical source words because there are meanings, history, facts and fights behind. If they are disturbing for people or if people disagree, they have to create something else. Not change the definition for pure rebranding.

  • What copyright notice should I put on my FOSS website?
  • There is one definition of free in FLOSS. The FSF definition.

  • What copyright notice should I put on my FOSS website?
  • If it is your project, no need to get headaches about this. However keep for example the stuff like “Copyright YEAR - your-name” and say it’s under GPL 3 license. But nothing more.

  • What copyright notice should I put on my FOSS website?
  • It is kind of copyfarleft, so by essence it is it open source according to the OSI definition (which must by the only definition to use), more free / libre according to the FSF definition (which is the only definition also to keep).

  • Stop ChatControl!

    Chat Control, the new EU law project to weaken messaging systems and get rid of E2E encryptions so as to scan in clients sides the content of the messages (but only for children safety, of course).

    France bans ministers from WhatsApp, Signal; demands French alternatives.
  • If your solution had been chosen, it’s lobbying. If not, call corruption 😂

  • France bans ministers from WhatsApp, Signal; demands French alternatives. France bans ministers from WhatsApp, Signal; demands French alternatives

    ‘These digital tools are not devoid of security flaws,’ government document says.

    France bans ministers from WhatsApp, Signal; demands French alternatives

    After the Tchap project based on Matrix, the French Prime Minister asks anyone in the gouvernement to use Olvid, the only app validated by the ANSSI, with metadata encryption and no centralised architecture nor contacts discovery. But only the front-ends are open source, not the back-end.


    48 Introducing the Functional Source License: Freedom without Free-riding

    Sentry started life in 2008 as an unlicensed, 71-line Django plugin. The next year we began publishing it under BSD-3, and ten years later…

    Introducing the Functional Source License: Freedom without Free-riding

    Sentry has moved to a new license for its products called Functional Source License, and explains in this article the story of the licensing for these products and why they throw BSL for FSL.

    11 Introducing the Functional Source License: Freedom without Free-riding

    Sentry started life in 2008 as an unlicensed, 71-line Django plugin. The next year we began publishing it under BSD-3, and ten years later…

    Introducing the Functional Source License: Freedom without Free-riding

    Sentry has moved to a new license for its products called Functional Source License, and explains in this article the story of the licensing for these products and why they throw BSL for FSL.

    WWDC 2023: Build accessible apps with SwiftUI and UIKit

    Here are some tips to know so as to build accessible iOS apps in SwiftUI and UIKit, e.g. use of traits, notifications and zoom, with code samples.

    WWDC 2023: Perform accessibility audits for your app

    Here are some tips about how you can make accessibility tests for your iOS apps with some screen shots and code samples

    WWDC 2023: Perform accessibility audits for your app

    Here are some tips about how you can make accessibility tests for your iOS apps with some screen shots and code samples

    WWDC 2023: Build accessible apps with SwiftUI and UIKit

    Here are some tips to know so as to build accessible iOS apps in SwiftUI and UIKit, e.g. use of traits, notifications and zoom, with code samples.

    A11y guidelines Home - Orange digital accessibility guidelines

    Guidelines, methods, resources and tools proposed by the Orange skill center for digital accessibility

    Orange group keeps alive and available an interesting and very rich web site providing plenty of rules and advices about accessibility. The content targets iOS, Android, web and also other mediums.

    A11y guidelines Home - Orange digital accessibility guidelines

    Guidelines, methods, resources and tools proposed by the Orange skill center for digital accessibility

    Orange group keeps alive and available an interesting and very rich web site providing plenty of rules and advices about accessibility. The content targets iOS, Android, web and also other mediums.

    pylapp Pierre-Yves Lapersonne

    Software crafter and digital punker keen on open source, iOS and Android apps. Interested in software ecodesign, privacy and accessibility too.

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