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A storefront for robots: The SEO arms race has left Google and the web drowning in garbage text, with customers and businesses flailing to find each other.
  • @Dymonika

    This happens automatically on the web client for Mastodon when you reply to a thread. I could have manually removed yours from this one. I have mixed feelings about whether that should be default. Untagging could be construed as rude? On the other hand it can be a bore to be involuntarily involved in some seemingly interminable thread that you only meant to reply briefly to.

  • The pawns have revolted and formed an anarchist commune. What should I do in this position? (I'm white)
  • @itszednotzee castle left, create a corridor to back rank for one rook via the a file.

    Kill them all.

  • A storefront for robots: The SEO arms race has left Google and the web drowning in garbage text, with customers and businesses flailing to find each other.
  • @scrubbles @alyaza

    This is the opposite of SEO unless your goal was to make sure you never appear on the first page.

    They do realize sites that tag spam are heavily penalized by Google?

  • nf3xn @nf3xn

    Information Dark Arts

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