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Nobody in the Bible had a Bible.
  • I wonder what god they believed in.

  • Tough new EPA rules would force coal-fired power plants to capture emissions or shut down
  • I was thinking politically rather than chemically. You are right, co2 is the most pressing factor of climate change. I was thinking along the lines of 'what causes the companies to pollute so much in the first place'.

  • Tough new EPA rules would force coal-fired power plants to capture emissions or shut down
  • These kinds of articles give me a tiny bit of hope in humanity. Just a tiny bit, but doesn't really address any of the kind of underlying issues that cause this to happen.

  • NSFW
  • "Jesus, Jesus" almost went over my head somehow

  • gatorule
  • Sorry I can't hear you. Did you say you'd rather die than have free healthcare? Gatorade, got it.

  • NSFW
    Tyre Extinguishers
  • I hate cars too, but occasionally they're necessary.

  • This is Nelly
  • Hi Nelly

  • Countering the argument of "but cars let me go wherever I want whenever I want!"
  • This is a great video. I don't know how it lost a few points. I think it might be just seeing "cars can go wherever" and not thinking about it.

  • [meme] Communist Netherlands vs Freedom-Loving USA
  • I feel like this comment's rating shows that people don't think before downvoting.

  • Accidental "fuck cars" satire
  • I'm going to have to ask why you chose to post this here

  • Real alpha males
  • Bro that's totally cool and alpha dude

  • Anon is afraid of change
  • It feels like I could point out an obvious one but the closest app I can think is social media apps like Twitter and Reddit

  • Oh well
  • Love the template, also the meme is funny

  • Today, I bike to school

    Big step for me at least. I'm not using the bike gutters, because I value my life. Nothing else, other than letting you know that some kid somewhere on earth is biking to school.

    Idk, I feel great, but other kids already do this. It's crazy. And they don't talk about it at all, which I should as well, to avoid the cycling stereotype thing whatever. I like talking about things, and I have to avoid talking about it too much. Wish I could, though. That's all. Have a great day.

    What are the benefits of not owning a car?

    Title. I asked the same question on the car enthusiast community. Please share thoughts here for comparison.

    Okay, be honest, how many of you actually have cars?

    Upvote if you don't have a car,

    Downvote if you do.

    No I'm not farming karma, there's no counter on Lemmy. This is the only way to run a poll.

    Did I get the community values right?

    Title. I thought it deserves it's own post. Any comments appreciated.

    how do I dm someone on the app?

    I've gotten a dm, wondering how to send one

    nei7jc anonymous

    16M from Reddit

    So a few comments recently have been dumb and I'm sorry if I offended you I didn't mean to.

    Posts 45
    Comments 219