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What is the best cloud storage provider right now?
  • When it comes to privacy and security, I think you should treat all cloud providers equally. Use a client with client-side encryption so that the only thing that touches the provider is encrypted data.

    Rclone is an example of a good client that can do this, and can even mount your cloud storage as a filesystem with its encryption layer in between.

  • what's your take on this tlp command?
  • I'd recommend a full battery calibration before running the command one more time, if you haven't already (charge the battery fully, leave it on the charger at 100% for a while, then fully discharge until it shuts itself off, leave it for a bit, then fully recharge while off). If the calibrated values line up with a full:design ratio of ~80%, especially with a 10-year-old battery with almost 700 cycles on it, my take is that's pretty great.

    That said, I think the best way to get an accurate feel for the health of an old battery is to put it through one full cycle of normal use and time how long it takes to die.

  • Software for remote desktop with phone confirmation to use on untrusted machines
  • Apache Guacamole might be a good option. "Clientless" (browser-based), supports various mfa, uses ssh/vnc/rdp on the backend.

    However, if the data on that machine is sensitive, or if that machine has access to other sensitive things on your network, I'd suggest caution in allowing remote access from untrusted machines on the wider internet.

  • you know what
  • The resolution is actually quadrupled by doubling the value of both axes. In this case going from 1500x1424 (2.1MP) to 3504x3327 (11.7MP) multiplies the total number of pixels by 5.4

    With the same level of jpeg compression you'd expect it to jump from 700KB to roughly 4MB. Since both images are the same file format, the rest of the file size difference is likely attributable to less jpeg compression being used in the larger image.

  • Biblical Rules
  • This looks like a gotcha, but all of these "marriages" are just different arrangements of their core definition of marriage, and it's exactly what they want: one man in power, and women as property.

  • What documentaries feel the most like strolling through a calming art museum on a pleasant spring day?
  • The BBC Historic Farm Series is a collection of docuseries about daily life on English/Welsh farms from the Tudor period to WW2, with each series following a group of people spending a full year on a farm in each period. They show you all the ins and outs of life as it would have been in each era, and it's like traveling back in time, a living museum.

    The first series, Tales From The Green Valley, is available in full on, and is my favorite of the bunch. One episode per month of a year, on a little farm in Stuart-era England. It's lovely.

  • Time for a classic: BIFL computer mouse?
  • The real BIFL part about these is that the externals are 3d-printed with open-source files, so if they ever wear out you can easily print new components, and the trackballs are standard snooker balls, also easily replaceable. They're great.

  • ELI5: GrapheneOS questions
    • Your user account on GrapheneOS is just a local user account
    • GrapheneOS comes with its own camera, gallery, contacts, sms, phone, and file manager apps, a hardened fork of Chromium called Vanadium, and an app that lets you install sandboxed versions of google play services and google play store, if you so wish. Nothing else. You can install other apps using F-Droid, or by installing the google play store app.
    • GrapheneOS does not have a "cloud", aside from the web services it uses to check for and pull new updates. If you want to sync files somewhere, you can install whatever you want (Nextcloud, Google Drive, etc)
    • F-Droid is a fine choice, and the google play store is as well, all depending on what your priorities are for your phone. I only use F-Droid and have no non-foss apps on my phone for privacy reasons, for example.
    • Running your own Nextcloud server is a great learning exercise, but it's a big commitment of time if you're not already familiar with linux administration, and if you want it to be secure and accessible remotely that's even harder. Don't let that be an impediment to getting a secure phone though - you can always keep using Google Drive for now, and then learn how to set up Nextcloud or some such as you go along.

    Good luck!

  • Help a noob find what I'm looking for please. I have a bunch of IP addresses and I wanna give em names.
  • DNS is what you're looking for. To keep it simple and in one place (your adguard instance), you can add local dns entries under Filters > DNS Rewrites in the format below:
  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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