I like all the comments ready to take a fisting in the ass from Microsoft just to keep Windows 10.
If you raised a fucking stink instead of taking this shitty deal, they may be forced to keep supporting it for free anyway like they did with Windows 7.
They've really got you guys cowed into paying for the convenience of getting fucked, don't they?
This is a company with a market cap of $3.04 trillion and you guys are just gonna bend over and take it for $30 bucks? Wew lad. They don't need your fucking thirty dollars, and you fucking know it. It's a god damned shakedown.
Microsoft: Wouldn't it be a shame if your computer was somehow insecure and got hacked?
Sounds like a Mafioso showing up for protection money to me.
EDIT: There's still about 700 million Windows 10 PC's still on the market. If every single existing Windows 10 machine paid for this service, Microsoft would make $21 billion dollars next year off this alone. It's a shakedown, do the fucking math. (700,000,000 x $30 = $21,000,000,000) Even if only half do it, it's still a cool $10.5 billion.
EDIT II: This also normalizes the practice of paying for security updates for consumers. You really want to take us down that path where every security update is paid?
Considering that when people paid $100 for that OS they were told that it would be the "last Windows to be released", shouldn't there be a class action lawsuit?
$30 to not have to deal with Windows 11 for another year feels like the deal of the century.
I love how they're like 'but you won't get new features!'. They may have still not figured out that nobody cares about 'new features' being stuffed into the OS, but I guess you can't have everything.
“Enrolled PCs will continue to receive Critical and Important security updates for Windows 10; however, new features, bug fixes, and technical support will no longer be available from Microsoft,” explains Yusuf Mehdi, executive vice president and consumer chief marketing officer at Microsoft.
Microsoft got the grift of a century. Make Win11 so bad that people will literally pay you NOT to force them onto it! /s
Seriously though, fuck Microsoft - $30 per year to roll out the occasional security update is obscene! They can go stuff themselves with their $3 trillion market cap
Fuck that. I already paid for the Pro edition of 10 specifically for features Windows 11 doesn't have in any version. IDGAF if it's free; it's not an upgrade. It's a downgrade.
Extended updates always cost money, and this is pretty cheap relative to extended support for previous versions of Windows. I don't understand why it's newsworthy?
In a way, isn't this just saying windows 11 is not ready as a replacement? Because fuck me my work laptop drives me nutty, IT hasn't locked down all the popups and I can't fix it withut IT..
Anyone still defending Microsoft at this point has cognitive dissonance and deserves what they get. Seriously people - just use Linux. And for the 1% of you that can’t get that 1% of your programs working in Linux - just dual boot.
Sounds like they're about to get sued by the EU because they're basically asking you to pay again for a product you have already paid for. Discontinuing a service that was advertised as the "last windows you'll ever need" is one thing, but sending you another bill on a whim is something entirely different. Microsoft might just have ensured the longevity of Win10 for the foreseeable future without making much if any profit from it.
Please just force me to upgrade to Windows 11 already. I'd love to, but my hardware doesn't satisfy some arbitrary requirements they set for Windows 11.