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Have you deleted your Reddit account yet?
  • That was what persuaded me to delete as well. I was supporting the mods in /r/gis and mentioned that they should strike longer, and some user called me "fucking stupid," and mentioned some bs about how the subreddit is important because people find answers there via google.

    So I edited every single one of my 11 years of comments to some text pointing people to Lemmy, and nuked my account. Haven't missed it since.

    I sincerely hope that toxicity doesn't find its way here.

  • Tracking Lemmy/Kbin Mobile Clients
  • Man! This is the first I head about the lead dev of Mlem leaving. I hope the project doesn't get abandoned.

  • Kbin and Lemmy should come to a consensus on how to name stuff
  • I just hope we don't end up calling them "sublemmys" and whatnot, like what I keep seeing suggested. Let's just make a clean break with reddit and start something new and better.

  • /kbin server update - or how the server didn't blow up
  • Thank you @ernest! Please consider setting up a Patreon, or similar, account so I can donate monthly. I've bought you a few coffees but I'd like it to be automatic.

  • Ham Radio minorsecond
    Linux Unplugged Podcast Episode on Ham Radio 515: Ham Sandwich - LINUX Unplugged

    Is Ham Radio a natural hobby for Linux users? An old friend joins us to explain where the two overlap.

    515: Ham Sandwich - LINUX Unplugged

    One of my favorite podcasts had an episode on ham radio, and I thought you all might find it interesting.

    Why lemmy instead kbin?
  • The tankie thing keeps pushing me away from lemmy, but lemmy seems to be the only software getting clients at the moment. So I'm torn. I want an iOS client badly, but I don't want to support tankies.

    I suppose I shouldn't sell out for a nice app though.

  • List of subreddits that migrated?
  • There are a lot of subs on that site that have apparently migrated but there are zero posts here.

  • Search says 288 posts, but there are none in magazine?
  • I know there are 288 microblogs, but that's not what I expect when looking in a magazine.

  • You're not going to hell. There is no hell. Hell is stupid.
  • Thank you so much for this well written text!

  • Currently deleting 7 years of my time on Reddit across 4 accounts, holding back just the gilded comments to edit as a final fuck you.
  • @ThaijsClan I changed about 4500 comments to an edited one pointing users to lemmy and kbin, along with instructions on how to choose an instance. Hopefully it'll direct at least a couple people here.

    @pterodactyl @SomeoneElse

  • What are your favorite Kbin magazines?
  • I created the powerlifting magazine over on lemmy and have been posting into the void there lol. Hopefully some people move over and use it. Otherwise it feels like I'm just using it as a personal blog or something.

  • The Reddit Blackout Is Breaking Reddit
  • That's why I nuked all my posts and edited every one of my comments to point to kbin / lemmy before deleting my account. They may revert my changes, but I at least wanted to try to prevent them from benefiting from me in any way.

  • Memmy: Solid start on IOS Lemmy client
  • Right. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was supposed to work on Kbin or not. Hopefully one of these days we’ll have a client!

  • Memmy: Solid start on IOS Lemmy client
  • Should it work with Kbin? I get a JSON parse error.

  • Memmy: Solid start on IOS Lemmy client
  • Should it work with Kbin? I get a JSON parse error.

  • Magazines from other instances not populating with posts
  • I was thinking that too, but it has been this way for a couple days. I figure it would have caught up by now.

  • /kbin meta minorsecond
    Magazines from other instances not populating with posts

    A couple lower popularity magazines I follow from aren't populating with posts from those communities. Here is an example:

    I made a test post in this community at the lemmy instance to see if it would show up on kbin, and it hasn't.

    Is the syncing just lagging at the moment or is something broken?

    Spam and porn are flooding kbin already
  • Yeah I had to be really sneaking navigating there and blocking it so my wife didn't see and ask questions, lol.

  • Spam and porn are flooding kbin already
  • So I've gone to, which pulled up that instance, but how do I then block that instance?

  • How do you deal with pre-interview anxiety?

    I've got one coming up soon and am nervous as hell, as usual.

    /kbin meta minorsecond
    NSFW posts appearing in random sidebar when hide adult content checked

    Occasionally after refreshing, I'll see a NSFW post in the random post section of the sidebar although I have the option to hide that content enabled.

    Is there another way to hide this content?

    /kbin meta minorsecond
    Some federated communities not appearing in search

    When I search for a community that exists on by going to Magazines\>Search, some of them aren't showing up.

    For example, I want to add I've tried searching for just "gis" and for "". Neither show that community. The same goes for powerlifting and hamradio.

    The first two are newer communities, made within the last week. the hamradio community, I think is newer as there aren't a ton of posts.

    Is this just a case of the servers not being "caught up" yet?

    minorsecond minorsecond
    Posts 8
    Comments 43