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Will the general election on 29 May 2024 be 'historic'?

  • I think we all want a change yes, but realistically I think, without a significant precursor catalyst that causes a big change such as what the "again" is referring to, I really doubt it. Remember we were on near civil war state before things changed the last time.

    • Remember we were on near civil war state before things changed the last time.

      It's not that bad, you know. The Nats and their SAPS attack-dogs only pushed us into all the pre-'94 violence after the change became inevitable - but that tidbit of trivia doesn't make any of this any easier.

      I'd say that it is possible to force change out of the ANC, but that will still take some doing - and we're sure as hell not going to be doing it through the electoral process.

      • I'm not too familiar with what happened back then. Was too little to understand. So I usually step out of these type of conversations. However today I am thinking of my kids and their future. They will inherit what is done now. The comrades at the top in the ANC never knew what they had themselves in for, once they had to start taking over and I have always wondered what it would have been like if it was a hand over process, rather than just take your shit and run, for the de klerk manne. That always had me saying, just wait for the old kronies to retire, and the new gen will take over, with better perspectives and approach. Then along came parties like EFF who tagerted the youth and in all honesty, burdened them with the hurt of the previous gen. Making sure they will keep on ruling from the grave. So how do we change things. In my opinion, it'll always be education and time. That allows for individuals to make their own decisions based on facts and experiences. ....The ANC knows this though.