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cat gf rule
  • meow :3

  • Where to find flac and other lossless file types
  • FLAC (which stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a way to code audio files. It makes those audio files smaller, without affecting the sound quality.

  • Cwaniaczki na OLX
  • seems legit /s

  • What's your favorite note-taking application?
  • neovim + git with gitea/forgejo

  • Rule
  • 👉👈

  • Not such a conspiracy theory now
  • not in all cases

  • literally 1984 (rule)
  • no you didn't

  • literally 1984 (rule)


    alt text

    A tweet by Fortnite Festival (@FNFestival): > Can’t believe we need to post this but - there’s no ‘sex’ in Fortnite Festival. > > Our PEGI ratings descriptor refers to sexual references in lyrical content.

    Posted on Dec 3, 2023 · 7:40 PM UTC

    Understanding the fruit
  • or is it?

  • rule
    alt text

    comment by u/beegowheee: > good bot

    and reply by the same person: > i'm not taking that back you're a bot now

    Rule :3
  • meoww :3

  • [AKTUALIZOWANE] Nadchodzi aktualizacja
  • it's an announcement saying that updated to latest stable version of lemmy

  • Cryptoflation
  • monero is a better option in this case

  • rule
  • holy fucking bingle, what!? :3

  • How does she know...
  • but nvidia

  • How does she know...
  • luckily i'm not a man

  • SCHLOP rule
  • wrong,

    The deep web, invisible web, or hidden web are parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard web search-engine programs.

    The dark web is the World Wide Web content that exists on darknets: overlay networks that use the Internet but require specific software, configurations, or authorization to access.

  • How can I download this web comic?
  • you might try using wget's recursive mode to download

    wget \
        --page-requisites \
        --convert-links \
        --wait=1 \
        --waitretry=1 \
        --recursive \
        --level=inf \
  • Rok ważności konta na karte - która sieć?

    cross-posted from:

    > Mieszkam za granicą i rzadko korzystam z mojego Polskiego numeru ale nie chcę go stracić. > Obecnie mam kartę w Play ale w tym roku zmienili regulamin taryfy, także doładowanie za 5zł już nie przedłuża ważności konta o rok… > Która sieć w Polsce jest najtańsza, żeby tylko utrzymać aktywny numer?


    (hopefully the image will be visible)

    OpenDKIM – permission issues

    Hello, I'm currently trying to set up an email server with the help of emailwiz, but I'm encountering issues with OpenDKIM not being able to access key files.

    Permissions of the key folder (in /etc/postfix/dkim/): drw-r----- 2 opendkim opendkim 4096 Jul 30 19:45

    Key permissions: -rw-r----- 1 opendkim opendkim 1679 Jul 30 19:45 mail.private -rw-r----- 1 opendkim opendkim 505 Jul 30 19:45 mail.txt

    And when trying to open the files as opendkim, I get Permission denied errors.

    Allow players to change into any block in the game

    You can do it once in the current world, without any option to go back to the player form. You just get stuck foverer as a block.

    Aktualizacje oprogramowania na instancji

    Witam, Chciałabym zapytać o plany związane z aktualizacjami oprogramowania na instancji do najnowszej wersji (aktualna wersja nie działa z clientem Jerboa).

    (przepraszam jeśli nie jest to miejsce do zadawania tego typu pytań)

    magmaus3 magmaus3

    she/they 🏳️‍⚧️


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