Sliced myself. No idea which setting does this tho
Huh, it matches the slicer output. So whatever it is, it’s on purpose
There are squares because that is the slicer setting for infill, and it’s a cosmetic print. You’re right though, for something more stable I should’ve picked another infill pattern

Currently printing with 5% infill and grid pattern. Why are some of the outer triangles filled in with just one layer? Doesn’t seem to be doing anything.
Sliced with orca slicer
First rule of „Ultra-low Fertility Club“: you don’t make children. Second rule of „Ultra-low Fertility Club“: you don’t make children.
It has always worked exactly as I expected it to
Just expect it to break, then it will behave as expected taps head
White, male privilege and loving parents that supported me in all ways when needed. Seriously, life has been almost on peaceful mode, definitely easy mode.
Seith rechnet mit einem Freispruch. »Die Schweiz würde sich ja sonst als Rückzugsort der internationalen Finanzmarktkriminalität präsentieren«, sagte er.
TIL about housing cooperatives, and that about 6% in Germany live in one. Thanks!
I just saw this post about landlords being parasitic. While I agree in some points - mainly that by owning more property than you need for yourself, you’re driving up the price for others who want to buy a property. However, I don’t want to buy property when I move. I don’t have the funds for it, and I’m happy with a rented flat. Sure I want to get my own property at some point, however I’m also sure I want to move at least two more times in my life. Buying and selling each time sounds like a lot of hassle. Also, I live in a shared flat, that just sounds like a legal nightmare if the ownership changed every time someone moved out. How does this fit together? Are there solutions to this that don't require landlords to exist?
Obligatory Framework plug comment. Doesn’t matter which architecture you go for, they support Linux ootb and there are community threads for almost every distro. You can also upgrade it in a few years :D
Learning how to rationally think and learning to identify „self destroying“ patterns and how to avoid them are two different things imo. You need one for the other.
Education works for rationally thinking people. Kids these days are given access to digital devices and social media before they reach such a stage, and habits are formed from too young on
I don't know what you mean by that :( what steps are you referring to?
Yep, together with removing some junk from beneath the print bed and recalibrating that solved the adhesion problem.
Just installed Orca Slicer and did the calibration run. Very interesting results.
I flipped them over in their respective positions, i.e. -5 is still in the middle right.
What I interpret from those pictures is that I need different values for the first layers and the layers above that. For the top layers, -5 and -10 look very good, for the first layer +10 and +15 are looking good.
And yes, I know my printbed is kinda fucked, I already ordered a new one. Surprisingly, it didn't impact performance that much. In the last weeks, I had no failing prints whatsoever with the standard settings. Sure they weren't looking pristine, but usually that didn't matter.
PLA, that was 60C, as that is the standard in cura. I'm mostly using standard settings.
I just stopped a failing print and noticed some weird extrusions happening (not english native speaker, also I'm a 3d printing noob, don't know whether that's the right word). You can see it in the image. Any tips to improve printing quality?
I'm printing on an Ender 3 V3 SE. This print was with standard settings.
EDIT: as a clarification, this isn't why I stopped the print. It failed to adhere to the print plate at some spots. Redid my z offset and hopefully that solved it.
For our parkour group, we have a list of spots with custom pictures of the spots, embedded right into google maps, so you don’t have to click on any other website. This is quite cool and convenient. Is there any way to move that list (manually is ok) to OSM? E.g. in a city guides functionality, which I have some memory of, but don’t know where it comes from.

shared from:
> Ignore the dirty window lol. Had them in our house for over a week in that spot now, but this is the first time they turned around. I find the legs mesmerizing

shared from:
> Ignore the dirty window lol. Had them in our house for over a week in that spot now, but this is the first time they turned around. I find the legs mesmerizing

Ignore the dirty window lol. Had them in our house for over a week in that spot now, but this is the first time they turned around. I find the legs mesmerizing
Hi! I rarely see photos that look good by introducing (either a lot or just a little) tilt. Granted, I don’t look at a lot of professional photos, and I’m more talking about typical amateur photos. So my question is: is there a situation where introducing tilt is beneficial? Or am I right in my intuition to just avoid tilt when taking photos?

I'm wondering about that little appendage that’s coming out, what’s that and what’s it doing? Seems to be going away from the light. I tried to google but most result for my searches were just offers to buy a new cactus