Can't relate, just upgraded my laptop from 32GB to 64GB since VScode would keep closing due to OOM. What? Oh, no, it's not vscode's fault.....I keep like 5 Firefox windows with 30+ tabs open, like a fucking maniac..... Close them? What do you mean "close" them?
Gives a lot of Space for running Virtual machines.
Also browsers can chew that up fast if you have a lot of tabs, Firefox has managed to do it a few times. At least until I started limiting its RAM to 8GB (best decision ever)
(To use it with other apps like Chrome or Electron apps just replace the command at the end, and startup class with the ones from the program you'd like to run. Icon and Name changes are optional but might be desirable so you remember what app it is for).
i mean, some games (cough cough factorio cough cough) manage to use up about 25GB of ram on my system, so it's nice to have a buffer. now, my 64GB may be considered a bit overkill but i call it future proofing
Y'all need to point me towards one of those tiny Linux systems. I have an old no-longer-bricked Toshiba Satellite that somebody gave me and I got it to boot again, so I slapped Mint on it to see how I liked it since I've never messed with that distro before. The only problem is this sucker is a dog, it's only got 2 gigs of RAM and a pokey 5400 RPM platter drive in it. The thing sits there and thrashes swap constantly even when it's doing nothing, and when Mint is creating one of its automated system image rollback things it's completely unusable. I'm surprised the laptop platters don't escape their casing and bore into the Earth like a drill bit.
I found that it will... eventually... load and run the latest FreeCAD build and once it's going it's actually not bad (awful screen resolution and single touch only trackpad notwithstanding). But getting there when taken altogether takes about 20 minutes...
Am i the only one who still has no problems with 8GB? Not that I wouldn't be happy with more but i can't remember the last time I've even thought about ram usage
That's how I got a free netbook. The netbook had 32GB flash with windows and office occupying 27+GB. Then windows wanted to do an update - with an 8+GB file. Spot the problem. And windows can get quite annoying with updates. As the netbook could not be expanded, and attempts to redirect the update to a USB stick did not work, a newer netbook was bought, and I got the old one. Linux plus libreoffice plus a bunch of extras happily sat in 4GB...
True story. I remember back in the bad old days when Firefox had notorious memory leaks, so when building my latest PC, I put in 32GB. The monitor app on my desktop has only ever topped out at showing 30% of memory allocated.
Long time ago I had a 3.5" HD floppy disk Linux with graphical user interface and ethernet and some programs on it. But 64 bit and the increased kernel size probably make this difficult nowadays.