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Other dev won't follow best practices, is this common?
  • @nitefox @glad_cat

    Pulling and at least trying to start the program when reviewing new hire code is fairly common for me. I don't know what is, maybe a lack of experience, but I find newer programmers just assume their code works without trying it.

    You should always try your code. I've probably sent back hundreds of PRs because they just won't even run.

    But I always send them back. They do learn, it just takes time.

  • Code a 3D RPG Action Game – Godot GameDev Tutorial
  • @Ategon I know I'm in the stark minority, but I wish there wasn't such a focus on video tutorials. I grew up going through text-based actionscript 3 tutorials and that's still my preference a decade and a half later.

  • One company found that too much JavaScript costs them $700,000 per year, per kilobyte.
  • @variouslegumes @starman

    You can get the benefits of fast page transitions no page reloads with turbo combined with a traditional server rendered stack.

  • Programming communities already exist
  • @Hexarei @RandomDevOpsDude

    A lot of the time I don't even know where a post is coming from. They show up on my mastodon feed, I reply. I've clicked source links before and gone to completely new lemmy instances I never knew about.

  • Google Domains shutting down, assets sold and being migrated to Squarespace
  • @darth @Mustafaalbazy The only thing stopping me from migrating off of gmail is all of the websites and services that don't let you change your email address

  • Google Domains shutting down, assets sold and being migrated to Squarespace
  • @sisyphean @ddnomad

    I don't know if it's better, but I use iwantmyname and porkbun for domains.

    Neither of them have shutdown and sold to squarespace out of the blue, so that's a plus.

  • QOTD: How do you pronounce Godot?
  • @Ategon I always thought it was go-dot

  • Stack Exchange Moderators Going on Strike
  • @hillbicks @ndr

    They've been striking for a week now.

  • josh Josh
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