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What PCI cards do you use ?
  • Not a clue, I only use the built in TV tuner program in Linux Mint. I forget what its called, but it does a decent job.

  • What PCI cards do you use ?
  • I have a Hauppage TV tuner card that I use to get OTA TV and record certain shows. I'm pretty sure there are USB solutions, but if I remember, at the time I got this it was one of the only cards that my system supported or whatever caveat I was operating around.

  • If the order of events were different, what might we be calling smartphones?
  • Duuuude, mobidex has such a cool sound to it. Real star trek vibes. I wish.

  • friendly reminder rule
  • The only person to gain an exemption to this would be hulk hogan, for he calls everyone brother, and that's OK.

  • Environmentally friendly balloons?
  • Sorry for your loss

    Another thing that I'm not seeing people mention is helium balloons wandering to places like power substations and/or power lines, causing outages or even fires/explosions depending.

    I liked what someone else said about writing thoughts or stories and having them read anonymously.

  • I need to buy better band-aids
  • Thank you for this treasure, and I'm sorry that you had to endure such a thing. May no man need to deal with what adj16 has.

  • I need to buy better band-aids
  • You know we all have to know now. You can't say some wackadoo shit like that and not expect questions. Let's have it. Come on now.

  • Palworld is now the second ever game to hit 2 million concurrent players on Steam
  • Is this game really that good or is it just massively overhyped? I watched a videogamedunkey video about it, and I know he overly satirizes things for humor, but it just didn't look all that great.

  • Trogdor turned 21 yesterday and we're old.
  • You just keep doin' your thing, man.

  • Are zombies possible in real-life?
  • Thanks Michael Scott!

  • Skeletor wants you to be safe after the election
  • We had a guy throw spoiled meat all over the breakers one time. He was mad at us that the power went out and his food in his freezer all defrosted and went bad. He has a substation right behind his house, so he went to town. Real cool dude.

  • Based on the Reddit true story.
  • Don't forget your poop knife

  • deploy the boy
  • This might be a boy deployed, but its not dat boi.

  • Lemmy, what are some of your "oh shit" work stories?
  • I know most of these stories are going to be IT or food service, so I'll chime in with mine to change it up.

    TLDR: We caused some explosions on a transformer because someone didn't read test results.

    I work for a power utility. One night, we were energizing a new transformer. It fed a single strip mall complex with a major grocery chain on it, so that's why it was at night, as we couldn't affect the service while they were open.

    Anyways, we go to energize, close the primary switches and one of the lightning arrestors blows up. And I mean blows up, like an M80 just went off. Lit up the sky bright as day for a couple moments at 1 in the morning. The protection opened the switches and everybody is panicking, making sure nobody was hurt.

    Well after everybody settled down, the arrestor was replaced, they decide to throw it in again. Switches come closed, and explosion #2 happens. A second arrestor blows spectacularly. I tried to convince the one supervisor on site to go for a third time, because why not, but he didn't want to do it again. Whatever.

    A few days go by and we find out what the issue was. This transformer was supposed to be a 115kV to 13.2kV. Come to find out there was an internal tap selection that was set for 67kV for the primary, and not 115kV. So what was happening was the voltage was only being stepped down half as much as needed so there was like 28kV or so on the secondary instead of 13.2kV and that was over the lightning arrestors ratings, hence why they were blowing up. So the transformer had to have its oil drained, guys had to go inside it and physically rewire it to the correct ratio.

    We had a third party company do the acceptance testing on this transformer, and our engineering department just saw all the green checkmarks but didn't pay attention to the values for the test results. Nobody expected to run into this because we don't have any of this type of transformer in our system, but that's certainly no excuse.

    Moral of the story: read your acceptance test results carefully.

  • Nearly 40% of U.S. homes are mortgage-free, census shows
  • Does this account for all the investors and smaller corporations coming in and buying homes with cash out from under actual families? That's been an alarmingly high number of cases with many recent home purchases.

  • What is the worst film you have ever seen and why?
  • The Room by Tommy Wiseau. I know it's like a cult classic for being bad, but the first time I watched it, I made sure to view it as unironically as possible. It's an atrocious movie for what a movie should be.

    If you want to watch something cringy and terrible to mock and laugh at, this movie is so much better. But if you watch this movie wanting it to be a proper movie that took itself seriously (which was its original intention) it is fucking terrible.

  • This is literally the internet nowadays without an adblock
  • I also really don't like ads, but I think what's lately been bothering me more is every short form video that exists has subtitles added to the middle of the video. I can't even look at the videos because I hate getting distracted by the unnecessary text in my face. Like just let me watch your video, I don't need you to spoon feed me the words too.

  • This is literally the internet nowadays without an adblock
  • Oh my god, this statement hits too hard, especially relating to my wife and things like this. She's very resistant to change.

  • This is literally the internet nowadays without an adblock
  • My wife turns off the WiFi on her phone to avoid the pihole. She does this so she can watch the ads in her games to get an extra life or whatever. You'll never win on that front and I won't either.

  • Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway
  • I literally just had this happen a couple days ago. I dual boot with Linux Mint and I generally don't go into windows except for specific use cases. So sometimes it can be a while between boots for windows on my system.

    I had to use a windows only program, but it was a quick 5 minute thing. Finished my task, shut it down and I get the update prompt. Fine windows, update and shutdown. Of course it reboots, but it defaults into Mint and I'm confused for a minute why my PC is still on when I come back.

  • Does anybody else have an issue with the 8bitdo controllers? I need help.

    I posted this on the Linux mint forums a while ago, but no traffic on the post and it's driving me crazy.

    Problem: I can connect the controllers just fine via Bluetooth, but yuzu and dolphin don't recognize them unless I've deleted them from blueman and freshly re-paired them. More details abd system info in the forum post, but this is the gist. Does anybody have any insight? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Why aren't there more admin level graphical tools available for Linux? Or if there are, what are they?

    I understand the usefulness of the terminal and how universal it is for troubleshooting across distros. But can't there be a way to make a nice graphical tool for the various admin level tasks that need to be performed?

    Edit: Thank you to the outpouring of feedback on this. It has greatly opened my eyes to how much I don't know about. I did see a couple suggestions though, so I'll be sure to check them out.

    Does Jerboa have support for notifications on Android?

    I don't know if I'm just missing an option somewhere or if it doesn't exist yet, but I don't see anywhere to configure push notifications to my android phone.

    Is there a nice way to share content outside of Jerboa?

    If I want to shoot my wife a picture/gif/video I find through telegram, there doesn't seem to be a nice way to do it. I know there's going to be a lot of comparisons being made, but the android app Relay had it down. It didn't permanently download anything to my phone, just a temporary download to send and then it was gone. The same process for any media.

    jarredpickles87 jarredpickles87
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