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Why UTM VMs so slow compared to Parallel Desktop on my Intel MacBook

Hi, I'm using a MacBook Pro 2018, and I'm dipping my toes into virtual machine, tried VirtualBox and then moved to QEMU with UTM after some recommendation on YouTube saying KVM is just better.

However, my Windows 10 virtual machine created with UTM is so slow and laggy. Then I tried the Parallel Desktop, which is propriety and the performance is so much better. Why is that?

I don't want to use a propriety paid program for VM, so I want to ask how to improve performance on UTM or any open-source alternative that gives the performance on par with one on parallel desktop.

Thanks for your help!

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  • I used bare git repo before, then switch to GNU Stow + Nix home-manager.

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  • yeah me too, haven't heard of it before but I'm glad I can use it now.

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  • It's open-source and only on F-droid

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  • seem like a good place to shill my blog about switching browser and search engine. I recommend Librewolf on desktop and Mull on android tho. view this privacy comparison

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    Hi, so I stumbled on some videos and decided to change my browser and search engine for more privacy. I wrote about it in my blog, hope u find it useful.

    Fzf Tmux Session Manager
  • nice, didn't know about it, thank u!

  • Can't remember the name of that one command line tool? Next time, add a comment!
  • I tried it, it's nice, thank you man! I'm on zsh, so I have to add history 0 in pick_from_history tho. It would be nicer if it allows continuous deletion and not need to rerun every time. Btw, even when I delete it locally it wouldn't delete already synced history on Atuin, I guess I'll take a look at that later.

  • Can't remember the name of that one command line tool? Next time, add a comment!
  • Oh, I didn't know that, thanks! Do you know any quick way to search and delete password contained commands in the history?

  • Can't remember the name of that one command line tool? Next time, add a comment!
  • Nice tip, I will start doing it from now on. I recommend Atuin to keep and sync the shell history, although I don't like its default bindings.

  • Fzf Tmux Session Manager

    Today I wrote a script to quickly search, delete and add new tmux session with the power of fzf. The script The --bind flag of fzf took me quite some time to debug because of many escape backslashes I needed to add. #!/bin/bash # ~/.local/bin/tmux-session-manager FIND_DEFAULT_COMMAND="tmux list-sess...

    I already posted this on c/commandline but I think it's more suitable here.

    Hi there!

    Welcome to Tmux community, let's share your configs, seek technical help and have some discussions.

    0 Fzf Tmux Session Manager

    Today I wrote a script to quickly search, delete and add new tmux session with the power of fzf. The script The --bind flag of fzf took me quite some time to debug because of many escape backslashes I needed to add. #!/bin/bash # ~/.local/bin/tmux-session-manager FIND_DEFAULT_COMMAND="tmux list-sess...

    Fzf Tmux Session Manager script Fzf Tmux Session Manager

    Today I wrote a script to quickly search, delete and add new tmux session with the power of fzf. The --bind flag of fzf took me quite some time to debug because of many escape backslashes I needed to add. Here’s the script #!/bin/bash # ~/.local/bin/tmux-session-manager FIND_DEFAULT_COMMAND="tmux li...

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    Hi guys, it's my new blog post on managing snippets with a TUI program called Nap. I know it not addressing Neovim specifically, but writing code in the terminal in general, and I'm requesting Tmux community btw. Hope you find the blog useful.

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  • I just hope lemmy instances are more searchable like reddit. That would kill any usage of reddit for me for sure

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Good for him, I personally think null-ls should be a core functionality rather than a plugin.

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  • If you suspect plugins break your macros, do a binary chop disable plugins until you find the culprit. That's what I usually do.

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  • Nice! Didn't know I need it

  • GitHub - akinsho/toggleterm.nvim: A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows
  • I think you can learn a thing or two from this guy's config, his keybinding config is clean and I stole it :D toggle layzygit and vifm from toggleterm is nice if you use them. Btw: it only configs float terminal, side by side terminals I just use tmux instead

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Nice, I'm using leap.nvim and will give this a try. Seems like a better implementation

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  • ok then, welcome aboard!

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    I think the main pain point of distro hopping is learning a new package manager, I discovered Nix a while ago, it works on every single OS, has the biggest package repo out there. I replaced Homebrew on my mac with it. If this piques your interest, give it a go. Later, you can integrate with Home-manager to manage all of your program config to have a reproducible dev environment on any machine, as described in the tutorial here.

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    I found this post really helpful to anyone who is using tmux

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