Cool story bro. I'll get right on that, and wind the "gatekeeping" (that I totally do all the time) back. Very valid concern to express. 👍
I suppose if my identity was valid enough, I'd get blocked by tons of users, then temporarily banned from communities, but not the server, for the same actions. Oh well. I guess identities are only seen as valid when people are being disengenuous. Neat.
Good luck on pushing anyone towards giving half a shit about queer people, including other queer people, or allies. Being an asshat really helps, I've heard, so try that maybe.
You're welcome for the entertaining display of taking trolling seriously. I guess this instance on a username is like a badge of "this person is a troll, to be avoided."
Mkay. So I'm a troll, stirring the pot for no reason.... While you (totally not a troll) are attempting to squeeze "reportable shit" out of every interacton, on a post that is bait.
Go find someone else to try to force "gatekeeping" comments out of. You're wasting your time.
So, "sheilding my bigotry" is a valid use for my identity, and accepted? Cool.
I guess I haven't come across the people you just made up tho. The ones that called someone's identity invalid for their actions. Oh well. Have a good rest of your day.
Neat. I guess me genuinely expressing a part of what I've been through, related to gender, and contextualizing where I stand means... fist fighting irl? ok...
I'm am folding on this one. You win, I guess. Me being verbose, or whatever you're attempting to say = violent, transphobic bigotry.
Nice. I guess you not adressing a single thing I said, and changing topics to whatever you decided I meant is not a waste of time though. Fuck off.
Name one single time I have misgendered someone... I'll wait. And while you're at it, get a fucking grip, and quit alienating any and every person you don't agree with, based on shit you just make up, and decide they've done.
I guess my gender is only "professed," and I hide behind it...
-deleted unnecissary context-
Internet dwellers like yourself are exactly who I was referring to in the first comment. Living for dramatic horseshit, just to make other people feel lesser is genuinely a sad existence. Maybe find a hobby. Adopt a cute animal. Do fucking something with your life that makes you happy. Something that isn't mindless vitriol directed at random people you'd don't know.
You're welcome for the free advice, and mini truama dump. I hope you enjoy shitting on the ones that gave up.
(edited to delete trolling-induced, poorly-expressed, small trauma dump)
I don't disagree at all. It's kind of like how the incoming US regime isn't representative of all Jesus-people.
That said, it seems like Islamic and Chirstian groups hold people captive in the worst ways imaginable, using every dirty psychological trick ever thought of.
A "family" memeber has used a proxy-person to suggest I go to a turn-you-not-gay-anymore camp, as an adult... I have also experienced a "polite" conversation with a Musilm about the Quaran, over a meal. I pointed out my attempt to read it in high school in a book store, and surprise that it was almost all just "moral" rules. He said it was something like a guide book, and decided to inform me on how many lashes one receives as a gay person, before they're "put to death." What a confusing way to try to convert an unapologetically half-gay sketpic...
All I'm trying to express is that community and having a group/family of people that can rely on and relate to each other is very important to maintain sanity thru life, but it can come at a severe cost if the group is religious. Even budhist groups can become violent, so I don't think it's generally based on specific religions, as much as the microcosm within the book(s) club that you're in.
I always hope religious people can escape, or at least glean something helpful from their beliefs, and not end up closed off from other people, and the ability to think on their own terms. Thank you for reading my Ted Talk lol.
On the bright side, all the bans for promoting the ban of an abusive harasser/troll that encourges suicide gatekeeping, and instance blocks from annoyed-by-all-this-shit users has pretty much defederated blahaj! What a wonderful outcome.
I guess it's not that serious, just not fun to see this be the result of "queer space gets trolled." 😑 I might join the folks instance blocking, but it doesn't feel great. I've known plenty of trans folk. Over all, they were chill as fuck, and are generally enjoyable to talk with. But holy farking shitballs, if exposure to this instance was all I knew about GNC/trans people, I'd assume most are insane and love drama.
The concept of Roko's Baslisk is personally a "meh."
The concept that an idea/thought can be damaging as a whole, and potentially show no benefit whatsoever, doing only harm as it spreads... that's terrible to think about, and my brain can only handle so much dissonance.
Also, I've heard someone list out why they attend church/label themselves as religous, and it was literally just Pascal's wager. Ugh.
I guess I'm just stuck being completely ok with death as a concept, and have to assume most people are horrified by it, by default. It's pretty awkward when someone mentions that human brains continue to function several seconds after decapitation, to be an edgelord, and my genuine fascination with the concept makes them uncomfortable. 😮💨
I kinda hate knowing that the end just feels like nothing though, to be honest. It's kinda disappointing. Sorry if that just ruined any death enjoyer or hell connoisseur's day. At least there's like... idk life or some shit before that part, I guess.
Undervolting, I've been told, can achieve similar, or sometimes better results, especially when paired with a less overclocked, but still higher gender clock speed...
For example: genderfluid, BUT only across the axis of gastrogenders. Agender also has potential, since in verbal conversation, it sounds dismissive, as if one is simply "a gender," implying the other party should just guess.
If this is about a particular mythical lizard individual, I think it is clear that the problem was not neopronouns... Maybe 10% of dissent was related the fact that "they" is offensive, or not inclusive enough.
I think encouraging murder-suicides and harassment tend to be bannable behaviours, but I suppose if enough "me is victim" is induced by speaking exclusively in third-person (including verbs when referring to one's self), anything is possible.
Also, a bazillion bans over for "gatekeeping" later, this place definitely seems mostly allergic to being inclusive towards anyone not a part of the in-group of defending this blatant troll. Fun, or even slightly humorous pronouns aren't offensive tbh, but forcing your sexual obsession(s) onto non-consenting strangers, online or not, is fucked up. I'm sure there are places for that exclusively, where consent is usually pre-established, to some degree.
I don't like people who make otherkin and neopronoun users both look like complete shitheads. I'm in neither of those groups, but it would be nice if people obviously trolling to make a mockery of both concepts would not be immune to legitimate critisism/grievences.
Tap for spoiler
I know noone asked, but the probabilty of some level of fuckery akin to this (trolls ruining/dividing the place) is the reason I never made an account on this instance. It isn't anything exclusive to blahaj, just that irl and online queer spaces get trolled a ton, and the resulting aftermath can be not super great.
I think my lack of the right type of patience to miss a jump 386,858 times tends to prevent that from happening... Maybe some there are more forgiving platformers that I could get into, but I can't handle the Dark Souls level of improvement necissary in some games.
...obigatory fuck Dark Souls. I'm convinced anyone who beat any of those games are lying, just to feel better about not getting past the first miniboss, even with hours of grinding/leveling up.
Scientific applications, espcially needle-in-haystack, or insanly huge data sets in general, are the best use for AI that I've seen.
I have also seen artists use generated backdrops for art with a character they drew, and I have though about giving a generator a confusing prompt for an audio clip, so I can edit it, then turn it into a soundfont, or make it into some other kind of muscial tool.
But yeah, "clouds in sky, sunny, high definition digital art backdrop" is easier to type than learn how to make, but it is a starting point for some. Fine by me, as long as it's a tool/element, rather than the piece itself. And LLMs are not to be trusted past a similar point either. They are ok usually for asking where to start, when even that isn't known, or easy to word. They usually give horrible results beyond a what to search for tho.
Tap for spoiler
side note: ChatGPT many moons ago was asked "How difficult would it be to overthrow the US government?" The response started with "It would be very difficult to overthrow the US government," followed by a lot of hooplah about how much access to weaponry and intelligence the military has. I stopped using it shortly after, as it was kind of rude about the question asked, and had no clue what fruiger aero is, outside of an old font/typeface... I'm extremely disappointed in the corpo LLMs tbh.
Reading the first bit of the wikipedia entry on this game made me lol, literally and suddenly. xD I might have to play it someday, even tho I'm mega-suck at platformers, especially 3D ones. Hell-related media is almost universally hecken great.
-insert a good faith response to your bad faith, pedantic (at best) argument here-
This is my first downdoot on a blahaj post post, or probably meme in general... I get it's mostly just a joke, but still.
Cis people aren't all fucked in the head or clueless, just like trans people aren't. Allies are able to push for, or at least support trans rights, and unfortunately are a lifeline for trans folk that get shoved out of discussions for "bias."
The "cis bad" memes just add to the lack of understanding, and force and "us vs them" mentality, based only on gender expression. It's not even an optics thing... It just comes off as wanting to be a victim, before Mr Chadson or Ms Becky have been transphobic, or pushed for a bathroom bill, which almost demands a defensive attidude from them both.
Anyways, I have talked with people that are painfully unaware of how gender works/exists. Whether intentional or not, it is not a great time. I would dip out of the interaction ASAP, unless they are trying to understand or learn, which is kind of rare in most cases.
Turns out, the 4 Thieves almost exclusively discussed harm reduction through testing today at 38C3! Twas quite hormone-centric in nature as well, which is based. I did not know that T is so cottage-cheesey, or E is super flat-clumpy, but meow I do lol...
I think the shock-value presentation, and some of their past mistakes gave me a lot worse impression than they deserve, tbh. It seems like they have the right idea, and also promote finding conclusions thru legitimate past research, rather than "trust me bro" shit.
pharmacists solely being distributors of pre-ordained medication has no detrimental effects on humans. 🫠 the US is great to its people, and has very good healthcare practices!! (livestream is on the 27th and i am excite, but not involved at all)
stream link for those interested:
EDIT: my lack of capitalization and poor word choice has confused people. this event is about making legal, tested for efficacy medication only. pharmacists are good. doctors are good. the cost of medication and other hurdles that prevent people from having access to medication are not.
EDIT 2: i looked into the 4 Theives Vinegar Collective (breifly, just on wikipedia) and i did not realize that they made the EpiPencil, which is an open-source device that injects a mesured dose of epinephrine (a medication that can be bought from a trusted and legal distributor). that's awesome stuff, but it's less awesome that they now want to share chemistry knowlege that they don't necissarily have a full understanding of, and push automated synthesis for people who also don't have the foundational knowledge to ensure safety. not really great. i guess that's what happens when healthcare is entirely for-profit, and inaccessable to so many people.
Hi! Sorry if this isn't allowed. Although I don't think there is a rule against it, I can remove it if it is a problem!
My (literal) skin craves tiddy skittles. Endocrine systems are very complex, but TBIs + dry skin to the point of bleeding a little bit does generally point to not enough E being produced. Please do not tell me to visit a doctor, especially about the physical head trauma... There is no treatment to speak of, other than mitigating neuroinflammation, which I did do (over two years ago), when the last head bonk happened. I am safe meow, but not having a baja blast, tbh.
I'm not a "still cis tho" AMAB, trying to avoid hormones, since they're for trans folk. I lost shits to give about my presenting gender a long time ago, and consider myself agender or enby, or any expression in that vein, basically.
That said, I am pretty garbage at talking to new ppl, online or not, and also didn't want to pm a poor unexpecting soul, asking where to obtain E. "Controversial" or not, a quick test and some pills would almost definitely improve my wellbeing in multiple ways. Help finding an affordable tester and source for estrogen, or at least resources that have a trusted list would be appreciated greatly, even if they are not replies to this long-winded post.
(Thank you mods/hosters for keeping this place alive and safe, really. I am/was a lurker for a while, and this instance has been comfy af.)
tldr: I wish to obtain E, and would like a safe starting point, or a source for testing and pills.
EDIT: I just found out that Pueraria Mirifica exists... o.o Now I feel kinda dumb for posting this, but oh well. A plant with some phytoestrorogens in it seems like a saner option for dabbling in self-treatment of this type of stuff.
"If I die, it's because carbs can't keep me alive..."
I have a headache, give people them, or a mixture of both, most of which is unintentional.
Legalize iboga.