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Even in the slowest lane
  • You are the worst, please don't drive.

    And if that was the lesson you got on day 1 of your drivers education, go ahead and shoot your driving teacher, before he can spreas more nonsense. This might save a few lifes.

  • ichđŸ€ĄđŸš†iel
  • Auf Wikipedia steht zur Bahnreform:

    Am 2. Dezember 1993 stimmte der Deutsche Bundestag mit 558 Ja-Stimmen, 13 Gegenstimmen und vier Enthaltungen fĂŒr das notwendige Gesetzespaket

    Also wurde das von allen Parteien getragen, oder?

    CDU/FDP haben in den Vorjahren vor der Umsetzung die Vorarbeit dafĂŒr geleistet. Und SPD/GrĂŒne haben das fleißig weitergefĂŒhrt.

  • Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • Using Kagi is not a bad decision. After reading a lot of positive things about it and beeing quite hyped, I was so ungently reminded, that every good thing comes with its own baggage of bad.

    I thought I share it, so that everyone can make their own decision.

    I also tried Metager, a german meta search engine. Sad to report: not usable for me, although I like their club (suma-ev) and donated some money towards them.

    For now it's DDG I guess. :-(

  • Drones trespassing in my property
  • E.g. in germany it is not allowed to fly over private property with a drone (equipped with a camera), no matter the height. You have to stay above offical streets. And maximum flight hight is 120 m, if I remember correctly.

    I guess it's EU law, so it should be simmilar in other EU countries.

  • cut off menu bar

    Does anyone else has this cut off menu bar at the bottom? Or is this a design choice? Feels like something is missing.

    Wordpress vs. ModX vs. 'what do you like?'

    Hello community,

    I am looking for a system to replace wordpress.

    My goal is to build a webpage with a simple start page, an 'about me' and an impressum, so nothing special, but hopefully good looking.

    I only use open source software, FOSS whenever possible. I have a rough understanding of some HTML, CSS, PHP, but I am happy if my future webpage doesn't rely too heavy on my knowlege of those languages.

    Wordpress feels very over the top and not many things work out of the box - you have to pay for premium products if you want a functional page, that doesn't look exactly like twenty twenty-two. I wanted to move my wordpress site from one host to another host.. Not easy, unless you pay for a plugin of course.

    Now I found ModX, a CMS which looks like it is much less clunky, has more free 'plugins' and it looks quite intuitive with it's folder structure.

    My questions:

    • Has anyone used both CMS and can compare them based on their personal experience?
    • What CMS or other way do you prefer to build your simple webpage (FOSS only version)?

    Edit: Thank you all for great recommendations and for sharing your experience! I learned: A full CMS is overkill for my usecase. Other, more suitable options, are:

    • Flat-file CMS (Grav, Automad,..)
    • static-file-generators (Hugo,..)
    • Emacs-org-html-export (.........)
    • Build from scratch with html and css
    Alte Folgen von "Die Anstalt"

    Die ZDF-Mediathek stellt die Folgen der Anstalt leider nur begrenzt zur VerfĂŒgung, alte Folgen werden mit der BegrĂŒndung gelöscht, dass die Mediathek-Richtlinien dies vorgeben (eine schöne Antwort auf meine Frage, danke ZDF).

    Kennt jemand eine Quelle, bei der auch alte Folgen heruntergeladen werden können? Sammelt vielleicht sogar jemand privat?

    FĂŒr jeden, der diese Frage in 10 Jahren ausgrĂ€bt: schreib mich gerne an, ab 2023 habe ich alle Folgen gespeichert.

    Jellyfin on Proxmox

    I want to use Jellyfin on Proxmox, if that is a thing. After reading a post here where most people recommended Debian as host OS I want to make a VM running Debian and install Jellyfin Server there.

    Now I have a few questions:

    • I see many people install Jellyfin via docker. Does that have any advantages? I would prefer to avoid docker as it adds a level of complexity for me.

    • where do I save my media? I have a loose plan to run a second VM running openMediaVault where all my HDDs are passed through and then use NFS to mount a folder on the Jellyfin VM. Is that a sane path?

    • what do I have to consider on Proxmox, to get the best hardware results on Jellyfin? Do I need some special passthrough magic to get it running smoothly? I don't have a dedicated GPU, does that make the configuration easier?

    OpenWRT settings for PiVPN

    I have a Pi running PiVPN, which is now connected to a router running OpenWRT. Does anyone have a link for me where someone describes how I have to set up OpenWRT regarding port forwarding and Firewall-Settings for PiVPN/Wireguard?

    I THINK I have the port forwarding figured out, but the firewall-settings confuse me. Do I even need to set up a traffic rule?

    It was easy on my Fritzbox-Router, but I find OpenWRT to be a bit more complex with all the functions it offers.

    Router behind a router - how to connect two networks?

    Hello! As a complete beginner in home networking I am a bit lost with my problem. Maybe someone can help:

    Setup: Internet socket in the wall -> Fritzbox-router -> Linksys router with OpenWRT and a VPN (NordVPN)

    I have to Networks I can connect to, the Fritzbox-Network (192.168.178.) and the OpenWRT-Network (192.168.1.). Most PCs/Smartphones are connected to the OpenWRT-Network to be a bit more protected with the VPN. Some are connected to the Fritzbox.

    Now two questions:

    • How can I connect those two networks so that I can e.g. ssh from to
    • Who is providing the DNS, when I connect a PiHole to the Fritzbox, set it as DNS-Server and then connect my PC to the other network, which is routing everything to NordVPN? Does NordVPN use its own DNS-Server?

    What do I need to learn to understand my own network better?

    If you would start again, how would you do it?

    It seems that there are a lot of things to consider before even buying the first smart device. How would you start when you would start over?

    Are there any good beginner guides that helped you?

    Important points for me are

    • privacy (everything should be local, no Alexa-Karens in my home)
    • use of open source/free software
    • a good variety of smart things I can use (I don't want to be tied Apple-like to only one company)

    Is there a golden way to build a smart home with these factors in mind?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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