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I just want to set a timer for MY FOOD WINDOWS WHY?
  • Come to linux, we have the ability to update every 10 seconds or never, entirely your choice.

  • Disney is gouging customers with a near doubling of subscription costs.
  • Thanks for this heads up, just canceled my sub.

  • Discovery Freelancer 5.0 - Fire and Fortune has been released!
  • I love freelancer, it's my favorite old space sim. I'm honestly super surprised that both discovery and crossfire are still being developed/played seeing as it's almost been 20 years!

    Perhaps one day star citizen (specifically squadron 42) will pick up this mantle like Chris promised originally. Until then I'll keep coming back to this game every few years to mess around.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Visual studio. Best IDE I've ever used period. c# Dev is not the same without it.

  • how it feels to be on Lemmy rn
  • This site feels like reddit from ~2010. IE back before all the monetization and add bullshit.