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Russia continues work on homegrown game console despite technology and scale issues
  • Well, the reasons are probably:

    • wanting to develop domestic chips
    • wanting to develop software companies
    • wanting to push russian culture among the young population
    • and others
  • Rule Man
  • TransSistör

  • Rule
  • It's paradoxical, because if memory was perfect, nothing would ever change. You have to have these small imperfections to have twists and turns to your story.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • Well obviously it is, or we wouldn't have electron in the first place.

  • How long until running stops sucking?
  • I find running on streets generally sucks, but running in nature is fun.

  • Would you mind helping me understand the reality of trans life?
  • I read some definition of "mental illness" that stuck with me:

    A mental illness is something that seriously impacts your quality of life, as defined by the patient.

    So, if the patient doesn't see it as impacting their lifes, then it's not a mental illness.

    (Of course, one could consider this definition incomplete; But I still find it sticks.)

  • FOSS File Transfer Program?
  • The easiest thing would be to mount a remote network storage as a local directory. This way you can easily access it to read and write through normal software.

  • Yeah, about that…
  • intelligence as an abstract trait

    I read something about this two days ago, it's called "g factor" or something. And yes, it follows a normal distribution.

    Apparently, it's very similar in animals than it is in humans.