by jan we will be so consumed by the flavour of the month culture war (trans muslim librarians are coming for your pizza gate!) that they wont even notice its happening.
by the time they need it they'll forget who even took it away.
by the time they vote they'll just think trump saved them from leftist death panels or some shit.
edit: oh shit, the q-anon nuts are going to sprout again arn't they... le sigh
It just occurred to me that unless there's some state thing Im unaware of, when I divorce, once the damn ACA gets pulled she won't have insurance and I'm on the hook for medical shit for 5~ years.
God fucking dammit. Just another reason these goddamn Nazi bastards needed to be taken care of before the election.
Well last time they tried to get rid of it, but John McCain sank that effort as if failed 49-51. Just before he died of cancer.
Now all the John McCains have been purged from the GOP and they will have a bigger senate majority, and likely a significant house majority too. So if there is an effort to repeal the ACA, it'll very likely pass.
If I have any Trump supporting acquaintances ever show a sliver of remorse to me, I'm going to bury them in ridicule. I know it's not effective and is counter productive, but I can say this knowing 1. It's never going to happen and 2. Idgaf and I'm taking my shots when I get them, because fuck these people all to Hell. I've already cut out a brother, I will happily burn these connections.
They didn't do anything about it the last time he was in office and just talked about a replacement plan that never materialized. What makes it seem more likely they'll actually remove it this time?
Serious question. I didn't really mean to make it sounds as snarky as it looks on a reread.
An Alex Jones inspired health plan will replace it.
The Trump government will propose the carnivore diet as healthy. Vaccines will be banned. Only Alex Jones Nutraceuticals will be prescribed by doctors. Cardio will be state mandated as an official LGTBQ activity, along with voguing, cardio voguing. Beards will be mandatory, whether you can grow one or not. The only clothing that will be allowed for men will be jeans, stupid meme shirts, motard gear, and line 9 apparel.
The life expectancy for American males will tank to around 50, women and vaccines will be blamed.
The assumption to make here is that Trump is willing to try to do everything he's said. This is a guy who literally tried to ban Muslims after all.
Personally, I think that the tumult of his administration is going to get in the way of its own agenda, as evidenced by his first presidency. Half of the people on his staff will be gone before the first year is out, and Trump is going to spend more time golfing than he will actually governing. His biggest focus will be on monetizing the presidency, and he surrounds himself with incompetent sycophants.
These and other factors make it difficult to say what he will actually achieve.
As for the ACA, it was a conservative court that stopped him the first time, so the SCOTUS is no slam dunk. I don't think anyone can definitively state what will happen with regards to health care in this country.
Just start laughing about loud and point at them with your arm fully extended. We should start shaming people in a more direct primal way again. Shame is probably the most powerful feeling (maybe second to "ahh oh my god I'm dying??!!!!!!!??" however you want to call that)
When they spoke of mental health care instead of gun reform they meant they would take care of those with mental health concerns by simply eliminating the concerns.
I genuenly don't know how ACA works. Most people get insurance through their employer, is that affected by ACA? Not sure of the exact search terms to find the answer for it.