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Clean, crisp bedding brings comfort like nothing else | Hannah Jane Parkinson - do you agree?
  • this is something i didn't realize until recently, but you really gotta be on washing that shit weekly. i used to think it wasn't a big deal, you could just do it every couple of weeks / once a month, but you sleep WAY better when you wash them weekly because your body and skin don't have to hold off a trillion bacteria trying to get into your body / getting allergies triggered by dust mites

    although, to be honest, i would never have figured that out without dealing with a persistent vaginal infection because of it... 😭 at least i'm like 95% sure that's the cause atm. i guess i'll edit my comment in two months when i can confirm it (i'm testing this as of about a week rn)

  • Low Tech Magazine: Communal Luxury: The Public Bathhouse
  • i would have liked it if this had offered a COVID perspective on communal baths. i'm inclined to think that a hot moist environment is a likely place for it to flourish, and it seems odd to neglect to mention that three years of a pandemic probably had an outsize impact on the number of bathhouses still open in 2022

    obviously we probably don't have a ton of data on how to circulate air and filter COVID out of bathhouses, but i also bet there's a way to do it in a relatively energy efficient way

    anyways, it feels like a major spot that's lacking in an otherwise informative and well thought out read

  • What's something that you like about your body as it has gotten older? Or about your life?
  • it's really cool having the correct hormones nowadays. funny how you don't like your body much if you don't

    i'm really happy about looking my age / looking like an adult nowadays. and i've been going to the gym, so it's been pretty cool putting on muscle and getting stronger and stuff

    i guess it's not AGING aging, but it's stuff i def appreciate (i'm in my early thirties for context)

  • PSRule
  • there's been a recent meme of responding to people making any remarks related to the ps5/ps5 pro by saying "notice how they're X instead of playing games on the ps5", with the implication that the ps5 has no games

    e.g. notice how they're arguing online about the ps5 instead of playing games on the ps5

    it's not a very serious bit (since obv people can do more than one thing) but it's also funny because it's purposely being obtuse about the situation

  • Are passing photos allowed?
  • thanks for taking my words into consideration. i don't think your post in isolation is really harmful, but it's more of like, what sort of culture do we want to create? i've been online for a long time and in a decent number of trans spaces, so i've thought about it a lot, and it can be easy to slip into these sort of nefarious and unhealthy thought patterns

    always easier to think about these things upfront, rather than trying to wrangle them when they've taken root and people have become accustomed to them

  • Spotting crappy intentions sooner?
  • i think this one starts with you

    one half of the equation is to be comfortable and firm in your boundaries. if someone asks something of you that you're not comfortable with, don't do it. say you're not comfortable. if they insist, or say it's normal, decline again and leave the interaction

    this is the bread and butter of navigating these encounters. if you're not comfortable with this, try to practice with a mirror, a trusted friend, or a therapist

    the other half of the equation is to get in touch with your own feelings and emotions. the best way we understand others is by understanding ourselves. take some time to practice mindfulness meditation and spend that time listening to and observing how you feel. as you practice more, this skill will come more naturally to you in day to day interactions. soon, you'll be able to tell when people are being fake or manipulative by understanding how you feel in relation to it

    you may think this won't help you understand others, but humans are wired with very good mirror neurons which are very perceptive of how others are feeling. when you understand how something feels for you, you will understand how it feels for someone else, and you'll be able to notice more subtle things like a missing emotion - for example, a lack of joy when feigning interest in something you're interested in

    both of these take some time and dedication to develop, but i think it will help you with your problem

    an additional skill you will probably want to pick up is breathing practice. check out 4-7-8 breathing (the first number is the count for inhaling, the second is for holding, the third is for exhaling; so breathe for 4, hold for 7, exhale for 8; if this is too hard, you can try 4-4-4). this is to help keep you calm when asserting boundaries or remaining patient with your feelings during meditation

  • What duration of time do you connect to intellectual property?
  • these are not totally serious thoughts, altho they reflect my kind of feelings about it

    but IP should be periodically put to a vote, maybe a year or two after a major release, in which the public decides if they should retain ownership of the IP

    if not? it's released into public domain. obviously the original company / creator can still do something with it, but others can, as well. but if they do a good job keeping people happy with it, they can keep it

    obviously this has some problems, mostly about constantly polling people and probably only dealing with IP that's popular enough

    but the idea gives me some deep satisfaction after seeing some companies ruin their IP, and i like the idea of consumers having some power to punish them for being shitty lol

  • The eagerness to grave dance on unpopular games has become a bad habit
  • this take in the article was really funny

    My guess at the real reason for all this grave dancing is that it feels like a victory over FOMO. If the new $40 game sucks and no one is playing it, I can safely go back to whatever I was playing before without worrying that anyone's having fun without me.

    i don't know what most people's reasons for deriving enjoyment from concord's failure are, but there's no way FOMO cracks the top 3 lmao

    seeing the trailer, i definitely thought it was a bandwagon hero shooter that might have had some creativity if a bunch of suits didn't say "make it GotG", but realistically, it launched with little fanfare, in competition with valve's first new game (beta) in ages. not that it was fated to fail but it didn't have a lot going for it

  • How to detransition
  • hard to provide any advice with the limited info you've given. are you detransitioning just based on that feeling? are there other factors? who have you come out to? how long have you been out to them? how accepting is your culture? how accepting are your family / friends?

    but also, given you haven't done much in your transition, and assuming you haven't been out that long, you should be able to just pretty much go "actually i changed my mind / was experimenting" and that's that

  • Are passing photos allowed?
  • i know you already posted so this is kind of late, but i think it would be good to post why you're asking people on the internet if you pass. i think any particular reason is fine; to just do it for validation, or to help you troubleshoot something in particular, if you're gauging how safe you are, or actually just plain curiousity, whatever

    but i also sort of worry about the effects it has on a community for people to be posting pictures and asking if they pass, at least without context. passing is already a rather subjective process, and there's kind of an implied "passing = good" idea, which can be reinforced by these types of posts

    it's important to acknowledge that there are trans people (trans masc people too!) who either are unable to pass or don't desire to pass

    i think that adding the context of why you want other people's opinion helps lessen the implicit idea of "passing = good", which i believe generally leads to a more positive and welcoming space for all trans people (e.g. "i'd like to know if i pass as (gender) for the validation" highlights that this is addressing a specific feeling for you, rather than something general that everyone should desire)

    also, i want to clarify that i do not think wanting to pass is a bad thing. it is completely fine for you, individual trans person, to want to pass and appear as your desired gender. what i oppose is the idea that, to be valid, one needs to pass tagging you because i think you run this place and i'd appreciate it if you gave my post some thought

  • Follow up for "Bottom Surgery Consult (Metoidioplasty) on Tuesday"

    see OP:

    sorry for the delay on the writeup! life is pretty busy for me. that said, the bottom surgery consult went pretty well all around, i think

    as a quick note, i've been presenting and on HRT for about 4.5 years, so i don't think about it much. but the requirements for getting metoidioplasty (or the consult, even) is to be on HRT for at least a (continuous) year and (maybe optionally?) presenting male for the same amount of time (i actually wasn't clear on this, they asked me, but i'm not sure if there was a strict minimum). they also required me to get two referral letters from qualified mental health professionals (thankfully, my therapist and psychiatrist were able to write these for me)

    i got shown in and talked with the assistant, who basically broke down the surgery and went over the different customizable parts (e.g. you can get different kinds of meta, you can optionally get urethral lengthening, scrotoplasty, testicular implants, etc)

    after that, dr. keith came in to chat with me. after that, i had to undress from the waist down. you'll have to be comfortable with a doc poking around your bits, but i would hope you are, if you're coming to let them slice them up and re-arrange them, too. during this, he pulled my mons pubis back to give an example of how things would look if he did a mons resection (said i might even need a revision, too 😭)

    after that, i re-dressed and we went into his office, which had a big fancy leather couch, and talked about the anatomy of the AFAB clitoris and its blood supplies, as well as bemoaning the current state of both scientific studies on women and trans people. he showed me pictures of his work (very good) which spans both metoidioplasty to various degrees and phalloplasty

    if i were to decide to get the metoidioplasty, they would schedule 3 months of topical testosterone to be applied to the gland of the clitoris every day, along with instructions to pump every day for those 3 months. it gives them more tissue to work with, according to the doctor. it's important to note that dr. keith is making you responsible for working with your current testosterone prescribing doctor to monitor your testosterone levels, because it will elevate them, and you will likely need to reduce your dosage to account for the topical testosterone

    overall, it was a good and educational visit. i didn't learn TOO much, because i have done a lot of research ahead of time, but the things i did learn were very important:

    • urethral lengthening without vaginoplasty: in general, apparently urethral lengthening is, by far, the riskiest part of meta/phallo. dr. keith compared doing UL without vaginoplasty as akin to building a house on an unsteady foundation. he also cited something like a 60% complication rate from the other doctors who do UL without vaginoplasty. as mentioned in my OP, i'm not too keen on UL myself, due to a large typical ejaculation volume, so i'm not that hung up on it. although thinking about it now, i think i would potentially feel weirder about it, post-surgery, than i do now. well, i'll sort it out later...
    • phalloplasty following meta: dr. keith says this is totally fine. there'll be some extra scar tissue due to the meta, but it's not a problem. he also said that it's not his first choice to do meta and then phallo, like, if it's possible for you to settle on phallo first, it is a little better. but you can definitely do meta and then phallo
    • reduction of labia majora: totally possible, mons resection, might require a revision if you have a lot
    • HGH treatment: a complete no, it's not studied / proven in any way and it's not legal in the US. very understandable answer, but i did have to ask LOL
    • (not in the original post) ordering of hysterectomy and metoidioplasty: the order doesn't really matter, but the hysto is a big surgery, so if i did it first, i'd need to give it at least 3 months before getting the metoidioplasty. i didn't ask about the reverse order, but i think it would probably be similar
    • (not in the original post) insertion of a semi-rigid prosthesis in meta patients ( i found this after my original post, but apparently there are some docs that are doing meta with a semi-rigid prosthesis. if you don't know, the clitoral bodies are wrapped by the tunica albueinea, just like in the penis, but the clitoral tunica only has one layer (whereas the penial tunica has 2); so it's more difficult to get hard for trans men. so the insertion of a semi-rigid prosthesis is an appealing option to mitigate this. i asked dr. keith about this, and he mentioned that the device is being used and implanted successfully by doctors in europe. unfortuately, they're not seeking FDA approval in the US because it's expensive and the market share is too small, but i had the option to travel over there if it was something i wanted (and he would refer me, as well)
    • dr. keith also mentioned that there are similar devices which are FDA approved for cisgender men, so somewhat jokingly, i said that, if i got big enough, he would be able to put one of those in me. he said he has both never seen someone get that big (at least 4 inches) and that he's never implanted one himself, but it was at least FDA approved

    so overall, a very good visit. the only thing i would want them to improve is to give their own pronouns before asking for yours. i get they're trying to be polite, but it feels a bit like asking for someone's name before you give your own, you know? but otherwise, i felt like they were very kind, professional, and knowledgeable about the whole process

    as for whether or not i'm going to get surgery at this point, i think i'm gonna figure out how to go to south korea. i realized it's probably... not cheap but much more affordable if i just fly there and get the HGH, instead of flying there and getting the HGH and meta. i'm gonna call (at some point) and talk to them about it, get information about flying to south korea, see if the 2 week covid quarantine is still in effect, etc etc. if i do that, i will be sure to post here about how it goes, as well :)

    hope this was informative and educational for everyone here about what your goals might be for the future!

    Bottom Surgery Consult (Metoidioplasty) on Tuesday

    hey y'all, i have my bottom surgery consult on tuesday, for metoidioplasty, specifically. at the moment, i'm not interested in pursuing phalloplasty, although i'm not taking it off the table entirely, it's for a later time

    the doctor i will be consulting with is dr jonathan keith in new jersey

    i wanted to give y'all the opportunity to post any questions you might have about it. i might be able to answer myself, but if not, i will try to ask the doctor as well

    for full context, i don't expect to schedule the surgery coming out of this appointment.

    • i am going to ask about the potential of HGH treatment to improve bottom growth, as one clinic in south korea is pursuing (
    • i also plan to ask about options for reduction of the labia majora, because that's a big concern i have with my body, specifically
    • additionally, i will ask about how a theoretical phalloplasty following metoidioplasty would work
    • finally, i will also ask about urethral lengthening without vaginoplasty (my preferred option), although i expect the doc will confirm what the research says about the heightened risk of urethral fistula post surgery. i'm also not sure that it's something i'd want, as i think my typical ejaculation volume would be... inconvenient for sex, to say the least

    also on my list, but not strictly about the surgery, is asking about the anatomy of the arterial structures that feed the clitoral cavernosum bodies (i know their penial analogues and can find decent diagrams, but finding the equivalent clitoral diagrams is challenging)

    i will write a follow up post with this information, as well as my general experience at the appointment, after it happens on tuesday (probably wed or thurs)

    So, silicone strips / gel for scarring...

    i got top surgery (double mastectomy) like 3.5 years ago now. i stuck to massaging my scars because i didn't actually want to reduce the appearance of my scars (idk why i was worried about this, they're fucking massive LOL). i was more concerned with blood flow / nerve functionality than appearance

    however, that was 3.5 years ago and, due to some unrelated scarring (i scar like a mfer (i keloid a lot)), i got recommended to get some silicone tape, so i was like, what the hell, i'll put it on my top scars too

    i also got nipple grafts, so i've been putting it on the edges of my nipples as well (i've noticed they're scarred quite badly on the outside)

    note that my skin seems to be allergic to the glue in standard adhesives, so i've actually been using silicone gel, just applied topically twice a day, instead of silicone tape / strips (i'm also using a lot, so it would be a lot of tape to put on / take off / clean every day... the gel you just wash off)

    it's a really good excuse to be shirtless more often during the day, and the results have been pretty promising thus far, 2 weeks in. my scars already feel a lot softer. i think the gel has also been helping things get cleaned out... my scars have been a little prickly and itchy, which is generally a good sign for that happening. so you might consider it for helping restore your blood flow / nerve functionality as well

    also cool that it's still working after this many years... i guess 3.5 years is a lot to some people, but not a lot in the absolute scale of things

    just something for y'all to think about. i've heard it does help reduce the appearance of scars, if that's something you want (i think they look badass, so i'm tryina show em off)

    for the science of how this works, from what i've found, we can consistently reproduce the effects of softening / reducing scars, but we have no actual idea how it works LOL. so that's kind of interesting

    have you gotten top surgery? what kind, and did / do you use silicone for treating the scars? if you haven't gotten top surgery, is this something you'd want to do?

    (additional note: i'm not sure how long you need to wait after getting top surgery to apply the silicone tape/gel, but i would check w/ your doc and wait till they're fully healed at the very least)

    Quick LPT for gel users

    when it gets difficult to get gel out of the pump, i was tossing the bottle. but because of laziness, i left an old bottle for a day, and i noticed that it actually can generate enough pressure to pump more testosterone since i had left it alone for that long

    so if you keep your low bottles of testosterone gel, you can get one pump out of them per day for longer than you might think they're empty, and extend the lifespan of your testosterone gel for a little while

    *dependent on if your testosterone gel bottles work the same as mine

    obligatory reminder that gel is just as good as injected :)

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