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Arichornlover's uYouEnhanced, a cracked version of YouTube for iOS, is now a 404
  • yeah, for me its perfectly usable atm but i do worry for the future, especially with all the moves youtube has been making to kill off adblocking. i’ll honestly just stop watching for the most part at that point.

  • Arichornlover's uYouEnhanced, a cracked version of YouTube for iOS, is now a 404
  • yeah, for me its perfectly usable atm but i do worry for the future, especially with all the moves youtube has been making to kill off adblocking. i’ll honestly just stop watching for the most part at that point.

  • Arichornlover's uYouEnhanced, a cracked version of YouTube for iOS, is now a 404
  • though now i cant lol cause eeveeSpotify (which is totally amazing btw!) uses so many extensions it exceeds the limit together with altstore. ill probably disable the extensions and see if that works whenever i can

  • Arichornlover's uYouEnhanced, a cracked version of YouTube for iOS, is now a 404
  • oh, i tried using it once and it just didnt work as well unfortunately, so i’ve always stuck to uYou+

  • Arichornlover's uYouEnhanced, a cracked version of YouTube for iOS, is now a 404
  • dont know if i understand your comment, uYou itself has not been taken down, afaik.

  • Arichornlover's uYouEnhanced, a cracked version of YouTube for iOS, is now a 404

    the original software on which this is based is still around. you need to patch it yourself these days, but its not to hard to find a prepatched version on something like

    it works pretty well, you may need to change some A/B flags to get sponsorblock to work and the home and subscription feeds are buggy as hell, but at least it blocks the ads, for now.

  • Make it stop.
  • what

  • ruler 📏
  • its more a parody of all the clickbait and really absurd articles about some celebrities. i dont assume shes dumb because shes pretty, its funny because articles and posts like these would never actually have any insightful commentary, its irony

  • What subscription finally gave you "subscription fatigue"?
  • if you truly need something web based, eclipse is completely free.

  • HUP!
  • my dad recently learned cobol at his work, he says almost all developers are above 50. really old language haha

  • Announcing FediRedirect!
  • missed opportunity to call it fedirect

  • just tried Reddit on boost..... no go, so no Reddit
  • alr commented above but Artemis is available, either as a tweak on chariz or a cracked .ipa version over on cypwn

  • just tried Reddit on boost..... no go, so no Reddit
  • there's a similar solution (i think) for Apollo, it's called Artemis and is made by iCraze.

  • YSK there are sites that offer you a temporary email address for signing up for services that require one (like some Lemmy servers)
  • it's built into the iOS app as well! i got a really nice main address, just flat.

  • oh no 😦😦😦
  • this has nothing to do with beans, you're projecting.

  • Milf rule
  • why the fuck did i type rule in both posts i just submitted this is not 196 lmao

  • flat flat

    hey I'm flat

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