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Fischia Il Vento, Italin anti-fascist song (based on Katyusha)

Original (Italian)

Fischia il vento e infuria [urla] la bufera, \ scarpe rotte e pur bisogna andar \ a conquistare la rossa primavera \ dove sorge il sol dell'avvenir. \ A conquistare la rossa primavera \ dove sorge il sol dell'avvenir. \ \ Ogni contrada è patria del ribelle, \ ogni donna a lui dona un sospir, \ nella notte lo guidano le stelle \ forte il cuore e il braccio nel colpir. \ \ Se ci coglie la crudele morte, \ dura vendetta verrà dal partigian; \ ormai sicura è [già] la dura sorte \ del fascista vile traditor. \ \ Cessa il vento, calma è la bufera, \ torna a casa il fiero partigian, \ sventolando la rossa sua bandiera; \ vittoriosi e alfin liberi siam.


The wind whistles, the storm rages, \ our shoes are broken but we must march on, \ to conquer the red spring, \ where the sun of the future rises. \ to conquer the red spring, \ where the sun of the future rises. \ \ Every street is home to the rebel, \ every woman has a sigh for him, \ the stars guide him through the night, \ strong his heart and his arm when they strike. \ the stars guide him through the night, \ strong his heart and his arm when they strike. \ \ If cruel death catches us \ harsh revenge will come from the partisan \ already certain is the harsh fate \ of the vile treasonous fascist. \ already certain is the harsh fate \ of the vile treasonous fascist. \ \ The wind stops and the storm calms, \ the proud partisan returns home, \ blowing in the wind his red flag, \ victorious, at last we are free. \ blowing in the wind his red flag, \ victorious, at last we are free.

Debunking the disingenuous claim that the left has shifted focus away from class and onto racism due to some psyop
  • If anything, the focus of the NYT was to divide people on the matters of race in response to the protests. I think it's interesting to correlate this with the Wall Street protests.

  • Billionaire Dies During Racing Accident.
  • It would make sense if you linked Hexbear in a post specifically about Hexbear.

    It doesn't make sense to link to a Hexbear post if you can very well repost the image here.

    Let's wait until Hexbear and Lemmygrad are federated so we can interact between each other

  • Alcohol-driven rant
  • I don't usually drink alcohol and I agree it's very harmful to your health, including your neurological health. Also this was 3 years ago lol

  • Hello. Hope you appreciate this shitpost!
  • no, too much shitposting, pls shitpost less

  • A comment on the Russia/NATO war
  • but at the end of the day Russia is the aggressor against Ukraine, isn’t it?

    Yes, the Russian side is the aggressor in the case of the invasion. In the case of war, which began in 2014, the US/NATO are the aggressors, there can be no doubt about it. They actively supported the rise of a neo-nazi government which was storing missiles in the border of Russia, building a puppet state controlled by nations which has been actively hostile towards Russia for decades. Russia could've not attacked in the name of its moral and it could have been later attacked by a much stronger Ukrainian army and the media would've portrayed Russia as an aggressor anyways. What would have been the point?

    Like I don’t want to see Ukranian and Russian citizens to go through the destruction and devastation that war brings. You feel me?

    No one likes war. Perhaps the arms industry like wars very much. But for us, war is a brutal and horrible thing. The amount of suffering caused by wars stays for generations, it's a tragedy that should be avoided at all costs. In the face of an existential threat, what should a nation do? No one likes wars, but they have existed throughout all history. So what is left is to understand why wars happen. I also don't want Russians and Ukrainians to fight in a war which is not in the interests of anyone, except US/NATO. Which is exactly why we should denounce the US/NATO side because they are the real causes of the war in Ukraine. So I channel my indignation towards the US/NATO side, not Russia, like some Western Marxists have been doing.

  • A comment on the Russia/NATO war
  • it doesn’t prove or disprove the “Russia is imperialist” side of the argument.

    The character of the Russian economy is irrelevant to the question of the character of the war. Irrespective of the imperialist features of the Russian economy, whether it was a socialist or a imperialist capitalist nation in the place of Russia, this war would be justified given the historical context.

    Now, as soon as the war becomes a war of plunder, then we should definitely object to it. But as far as the interests of the Russian state, government and bourgeoisie goes, there is certainly interest from Russian imperialists involved, but they have not been the determinant force. There are Russian capitalists who have something to earn through this war. Irrespective of those, it's also in the interests of the Russian people and the peoples of the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts to stop aggression of NATO against Eastern Europe.

    Lenin's theory of imperialism is very important in delineating a form of capital accumulation and exploitation unknown at the time. But more than a hundred years ago these ideas were discussed. Both our collective knowledge of the new forms of imperialism has expanded as well as our collective ignorance about it. One important contribution was Wallerstein's work about the world-system, how early capitalist accumulation began in early 1500's through colonization, and a world-market was established since then. This was already the beginning of imperialism, it was just something we were unaware of in literature since Lenin (or more precisely since Hobson). This movement of imperialist extraction of surplus value from periphery countries through debts, control of shares, lobbying, and outright colonization and wars, was the historical background of North Atlantic countries, which the majority of countries in the world are themselves are victims of it.

    Purely through Lenin's definition of imperialism, you can be inclined to consider Brazil an imperialist nation. It has monopolies and banks playing a huge a part in economic life, a financial oligarchy, export of capital, and everything. These qualities do not help us consider the role Brazil plays in the world-market, as a dependent capitalist state with very low economic complexity and over-exploitation of workers, as well as subordination to an international division of labor which pressures the country in producing and exporting food and iron among other mineral resources. By looking at its economy in isolation, you might conclude Brazil is an imperialist country, which would help us understand some immediate aspects of our economy, but how does Brazil relate in the world-market becomes obscure.

    The same goes for Russia, you might be inclined to conclude it is an imperialist country, and you'll be right. However, this does not explain the peculiarities of Russia or ex-Soviet countries in general, neither is revealing of this war in my opinion. Ex-Soviet economies have a different historical background and their role in geopolitics is still very abstract, but Russia's intervention, the subsequent abandonment of the dollar and the slow reorganization of world economies has been positive outcomes as a consequence of this war, at least in geopolitical aspects.

    I also don’t think categorizing the conflict as inter-imperialist would make a ‘both-sides equal’ argument, because, again, imperialism in the Marxist sense isn’t really a normative term and not derogatory, but a technical descriptor.

    I agree, you would be technically right, but it wouldn't actually capture the essence of the war. "Inter-imperialist" conflict gives the idea both sides are fighting because they are imperialist and they are driven by an imperialist drive. But this is not the main motivation of the Russian state, even if a handful of bourgeois elements might directly benefit from this war. But is nothing compared to the bloodthirsty profits of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. This war is nothing like the WWI which Lenin described as inter-imperialist wars, the demands of the Russian state are extremely reasonable whether they are imperialist or not.

    I ultimately don’t think it really matters all that much either to communists outside of Ukraine and Russia. Communists in the US, Germany or wherever have to fight their domestic class antagonist. Liebknecht’s parole is applicable as ever - Der Hauptfeind steht im eigenen Land! The main enemy is at home!

    I couldn't agree more, comrade! Thank you for that comment. It's true, our true enemy is our internal bourgeoisie. It's okay to discuss these subjects as long as it does not distract us from our immediate concrete struggles. But we should not close our eyes to the world, too. We should understand the external international relations between countries so that we know how to position ourselves in face of similar problems. In some cases, there is no contradiction between external affairs and internal enemies. If you live in the US, for instance, to promote awareness and try to influence public opinion on the role of US and NATO in the war on Ukraine, give them a more accurate picture, is to slowly undermine the moral for continuation of this war.

    But again, I agree with you, we should focus on our internal problems as communists and focus on building our revolution. But since this is an instance with people from all over, I don't think the majority of people would be interested, say, in the internal politics of Brazil. So we tend to discuss subjects on the international arena

  • A comment on the Russia/NATO war

    There are many Marxists who look at the US/NATO war against Russia without historical materialism. They condemn Russia and the war in Ukraine as an "inter-imperialist war" between Russia and the US, but this is wrong mainly because they ignore the historical aggression movement of the "traditional" imperialist countries.

    One such movement was the expansion of NATO, where the EU and the US were funding NATO and EU membership campaigns, especially in former socialist republics. They took advantage of nascent states and low institutional complexity to spread propaganda in these countries, initially through television and today through the Internet. They manipulate the public opinion of an entire nation, just to serve their interests.

    And worse, NATO demands from these countries "political reforms" in order to enter NATO, which eventually resulted in extreme right-wing governments in these countries.

    NATO has been expanding eastward into Russia, settling in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, then Estonia, Latvia, Romania, and Bulgaria, with Estonia and Latvia bordering Russia. Furthermore, NATO has already stated if I'm not mistaken since 2008 that it intended to host Ukraine and Georgia, and not only that, it has frequently held military exercises with these countries. Both Ukraine and Georgia border Russia, Ukraine being the country that has the longest border with Russia.

    In Ukraine, a government has been in place since 2014 that has openly advocated neo-Nazism and incorporated Nazi militias into its army. It promoted the persecution of ethnic Russians within the country and for 8 years the Ukrainian army assaulted the population of Donetsk and Luhansk provinces. School children were taught to hate Russians with children's stories portraying the Russian nation and its people as barbarians, monsters, as every government does with its enemies.

    And now, with the Russian invasion, Finland, which also has a long border with Russia, has joined NATO. We already know what the historical trend of this will be. In addition, NATO has an indirect presence in Asia, mainly in South Korea and Japan, due to the presence of US troops in these countries (more than 80,000 soldiers in all).

    It is very clear that NATO has been expanding toward Russia since the late 1990s, setting up governments hostile to Russians in its member countries for the sole purpose of generating a conflict with the country. In this way, it becomes possible to fragment the whole of Russia, to facilitate the plundering of that country's natural and human resources, and especially to prevent a competitive country from outgrowing the USA.

    The idea that Russian aggression is part of an "inter-imperialist" conflict attempts to equate the US with Russia, as if both countries are waging war for similar reasons, or as if both are in the same position. The US/NATO has been hostile to Russia for decades, it's decades of constant aggression. To any Russian, who has seen it up close all these years, the war was a surprise, but everyone knew it was inevitable.

    Marxists who defend the thesis of "inter-imperialist war" to condemn Russia and the US on the same "level" ignore all this historical development, and on top of that they use the argument that in Russia there is a right-wing conservative party in power. Or worse, they say that Russia is a bourgeois state and therefore does not deserve support.

    It is true. In many aspects the Russian government is anti-communist, even. But all over the world we have bourgeois dictatorships or conservative governments. To take only this criteria of support would result in condemning the "inter-imperialist" war between the U.S. and Iraq, equating aggressors and aggressed. Because both are bourgeois dictatorships, therefore they do not deserve special consideration.

    In the case of the war in Ukraine the "aggressor-aggrieved" relation is more subtle, because in the immediate appearance Russia invaded Ukraine. The aggressor-aggrieved relationship is between Russia-Ukraine, right? That seems to be the view of our Marxists, apparently. Losing sight of the background of NATO's actions, this war becomes a meaningless thing, as if Russia is wanting to take Ukraine for itself, to export its capital and control Ukraine's markets. It is a very similar discourse to the one NATO reproduces, of the invader Russia.

    So who does the "imperialist Russia" discourse serve? Exactly the NATO side. Exactly the usual imperialists, which we are sick of knowing, the imperialists of the North Atlantic, the US and Europe. This discourse is aimed at undermining support for Russia in other nations, and gradually manufacturing a consensus that justifies a war against Russia.

    The two sides of the war are not equal, and they do not wage war for equal reasons. Russia is a bourgeois dictatorship, as in much of the world, but it is part of a positive movement regarding the world market, an alternative movement to the US hegemony that for decades has plagued the countries of the world with its political and economic interference. Russia's partnership with China also adds strength to this alternative movement to the US-dominated institutions, the domination of the dollar, and the arbitrary interference in other countries.

    Follow-up to the Chinese military visiting Brazil for a seminar

    In May 30, the Chinese military arrived in Brasilia for a Seminar, which I reported previously in Lemmygrad.

    A comrade shared hopes that the Brazilian military may be purged from its reactionary factions. I didn't share their hopes, but who knows what the future holds. However, this event has shown us an interesting insight.

    The Brazilian Army didn't invite the Chinese personnel, they were told to do so by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil. So the Army caved in to the pressure of the MFA, which is a part of the Lula government.

    The Brazilian decision to invite Chinese military personnel led the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil, Elizabeth Frawley Baglei, to request a meeting with Minister of Defense Múcio, a Brazilian general, to discuss relations in the area of defense.

    Shortly afterwards, the US sent a delegation to Brasilia led by General Laura Richardson, commander of the US Armed Forces Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), for meetings with the commanders of the Navy, Army, Air Force and the Chief of the Joint Staff.

    This shows SOUTHCOM has direct access channels to the upper echelon of the Brazilian Army, Navy and Air Force.

    If you could live in any socialist country what would it be?
  • I like my country, Brazil. I am attached to my people and my culture, I prefer to live and die struggling for socialism here

    BUT, since this is an exercise in fantasy, I would choose post WWII Soviet Union

  • Chinese military visit Brazil for military cooperation Militares chineses visitam Brasil em sinal de aprofundamento da cooperação estratégica

    Iniciativa do convite partiu do presidente Lula, após o Exército não convidar a China para para participar de um seminário no Comando de Operações Terrestres (Coter)

    Militares chineses visitam Brasil em sinal de aprofundamento da cooperação estratégica

    A team composed of 20 Chinese military personnel arrived in Brasilia on Tuesday (30) with the objective of strengthening the strategic cooperation between the two countries.

    On Wednesday, the group - mostly made up of generals - will be received at the Brazilian Army Headquarters. The delegation members are from the National Defense University of China and will participate in lectures about strategic programs developed by the Brazilian Army.

    Playing a Communist in Dungeons and Dragons
  • Communists these days are younger and younger

  • Playing a Communist in Dungeons and Dragons
  • I'd say the main quality of your character would have to be that they are stubborn. In jail, Lenin would write using milk or lemon written iirc in toilet paper, which would reveal only when the paper was heated

    Also, no idea why you or your DM chose a fourteen year old girl to roleplay as. That's an odd choice lol

  • We need to use our collective knowledge to develop a GPT-style algorithm trained on the collected works of Marxist authors from all countries

    Title is self-explanatory. The benefits of this would be tremendous, if correctly trained and perfected, it would be the greatest tool to democratize knowledge about Marxism.

    There are already several open-source large language models on the internet out there, but I think the biggest bottlenecks is the knowledge on deploying such models and computing power to run such a thing.

    Thread to discuss about this subject

    Opinion on Engels’ position that the distinction between rural and urban should be abolished?
  • At Engels' time, rural communities were largely peasants who produced for themselves and sold the excess. This condition is largely shared through family, in which the children inherit from their parents, and it's still the case for many rural communities nowadays, but not all.

    Ending the contradiction between rural and urban populations, as I see it, means decentralizing the production of food from rural areas, and improving the livelihood and conditions of the rural population so that they have similar opportunities to the urban population

  • If you ever wondered why Austria is not socialist.
  • Social-democrats will say anything to justify doing nothing for the revolution of their countries

  • Cyberpunk Mao Zedong, as imagined by Midjourney

    Looks nothing like him lmao, but that's the best I got. I tried numerous times for a result like this.

    Parameters used: Mao Tse-tung, cyberpunk, hyper realistic, neon --q 2 --v 4

    I had to use "Mao Tse-tung" because "Zedong" was banned by Midjourney. Funny stuff

    Cyberpunk Vladimir Lenin, as imagined by a neural network

    Made with Midjourney using the parameters Vladimir Lenin, cyber punk, neon, hyper realistic --q 2 --v 4

    Cyberpunk Karl Marx, as imagined by a neural network

    Made with Midjourney using the parameters Karl Marx, cyber punk, neon, hyper realistic --q 2 --v 4

    Is it okay/moral to have kids right now?
  • Yes, and every communist able to do so should have kids because you have the opportunity to educate your children so that they question the world around them. We should reproduce our ideas through all means, because our fight is for the future of humanity, so having/adopting children is not only ethical, but in my view a duty as a communist

  • Fisher Price Stalin

    It comes with competent generals and fully planned socialist transition

    How about we brigade the EnoughCommieSpam subreddit and speak positively of communism in the comments?

    They have no interest in dialogue, and they have been consistently attacking us, our communities, and harassing our members.

    Let's use this post to share threads which we could intervene with comments, not attacking anyone but by unironically responding to their arguments, engage with each other's comments, upvoting, imperializing EnoughCommieSpam into becoming a new GenZedong.

    This will piss off many anti-communists and we will have fun in the process. It's a win-win.

    We welcome our new members from r/GenZedong

    Over the past few days, with worries of r/genzedong being banned, we have seen a major uptick in new accounts created. The admin team at Lemmygrad and, I'm sure, the whole community as well would like to welcome you here! Lemmygrad is built by communists and for communists, there is no censorship here and no worries about being banned for being Marxist-Leninists.

    Lemmygrad is not too different from what you're used to on Reddit. We have our own c/genzedong community, as well as unique communities such as c/palestine, c/prolewiki, c/feminism and even c/me_IRA, which is very much alive and well on Lemmygrad.

    Some other advantages of Lemmygrad over Reddit is our federated aspect (anyone can make their instance and federate with us), our ML community, and of course our hands-off approach. There are no investors to please here, there are no CIA agents moderating content. You can talk about piracy, you can say what you want to do to fascists, without being reported by a lib and suspended for it.

    We have had to enable account applications for a while now as we were under a fascist raid not too long ago, but please be assured that we get around to approving accounts very, very quickly.

    Finally, if there is anything that you need help with regarding lemmygrad, please feel free to ask in this thread! We hope that the switch will not be too confusing for you, and that you will adopt lemmygrad as your new communication and memeing platform!

    Jordan Peterson getting owned in record time.
  • This may be interesting:

    This is the comment section shown to me logged off from Twitter:

    This is the comment section "tailored for me" by Twitter's algorithm:

    Interesting, isn't it?

  • Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations Camarada Forte
    Alcohol-driven rant

    It's not a rant. I'm fucking drunk and I just wanted to say I fucking love you, comrades. The more I live, the more I realize we're on the right path towards our full human potential

    Let us embrace our spirit. Long live socialism, also read Lenin. It's too good 😍😍😭😭😭


    There is no such thing as "North Korea" and "South Korea". There is only one Korea, but the South region of Korea is still occupied by US military bases and troops.

    Korea was invaded over 75 years ago by the United States and protected by the Soviet Union.

    Socialism Camarada Forte
    TIL Fred Trump (Donald Trump's father) was a racist dipshit who was arrested for being in a KKK rally

    Spread that shit

    Communist chat through Matrix You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You're invited to talk on Matrix

    I created a matrix room for anybody on Lemmy to join. The main goal of this chat is to bring people together and use the internet for organizing.

    Organizing locally is still the best way to get things done and this or any chat rooms over the internet should be considered complimentary because the material conditions and strategical peculiarities vary according to the nation you're in.

    Tasks in mind:

    • Bring comrades from other social media to communist Lemmy
    • Promote periodic discussions, quality posts on Lemmy
    • Do a collective research or essays on chosen subjects, translate them, and share through private social media.
    • Produce propaganda to share on private social media.

    Remember, our strength depends entirely on our historical and personal commitment to organization. We alone cannot do much, but together we'll have enough forces to make a difference.

    felipeforte Camarada Forte

    Forward, comrade!

    “The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.”

    Posts 21
    Comments 13