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WormGPT Is a ChatGPT Alternative With 'No Ethical Boundaries or Limitations'
  • Not exactly related to technology, but I wished for a LLM that could talk with me (and giving me valuable insights) about things like black magick, chaos magick, summoning practices and rituals involving literal "demons" (as in Goetia and demonolatry), as well as very dark poetry and enchants (texts involving very sensible elements symbolically and metaphorically, such as very deep gory goth). These "ethical boundaries" also affects how LLMs can talk about such topics, because LLM deem them as "dangerous topics" (especially Claude, a very sensitive LLM that even refuses to talk about Lilith).

  • Density saves nature
  • Exactly what I thought: "still too many people". Considering one house/apartment to one person, there are 100 people. Where did they all came from? Being born. How they were born? Well, for the sake of Lemmy rules I'll stop here, because what I'm thinking is still a taboo on societal debates.

  • Density saves nature
  • Neither options. There's a third option, involving a really smaller number (smaller than 100), but it's too controversial to be written as a comment, I guess...

  • Robot begins removing Fukushima nuclear plant’s melted fuel.
  • A sincere question: why they don't place some relay/repeater for the robot's signal so they could control it from anywhere in the world through internet (or even some very private wireless communication network, outside internet due to security concerns)? The fact that they have to switch personnel every 15 minutes is a sign that they're doing this in situ, rather than remotely.

    Drones with mobile network connectivity are already a thing, for example. If you consider that internet exposure is dangerous (connection could be hacked, etc), ham transceiver repeaters are also a thing, and you can even chain many of them across many kilometers. It's called mesh network.

  • unwatchable!!
  • Portuguese has no different word for them as well. Both raven and crow are translated as "corvo".

  • unwatchable!!
  • In Portuguese we have the word "venenoso" for "poisonous" and "peçonhento" for "venomous" (i.e. something with a "peçonha", any toxin substance produced and injected on another animal). But we often use "peçonhento" e "venenoso" interchangeably (e.g. "cobra venenosa").

  • Myse en abyme: "How do you make a story within the story itself?" (a story by Bob DeLorean)

    The following story was written by me, playing with the concept of myse en abyme (among other deeper concepts within the text, such as philosophical and esoteric intertwined concepts).

    Myse en abyme is a type of art that contains the art within itself, creating a meta-narrative. I'm sharing this to bring this concept to those who were not familiar with it.

    I'm using a made-up pseudonym "Bob DeLorean" to compose the text.

    Please let me know if i'm sharing the wrong way (i.e. if I'm supposed to publish it through another platform and sharing links, instead of sharing the entire story through a Lemmy post).


    How do you make a story within the story itself? - A meta-fiction By Bob DeLorean (my pseudonym for this Myse En Abyme kind of story)

    "How do you make a story within the story itself? Bob was wondering that. 'You start by thinking about the steps. It's quite simple, son, take this ancient book. It's yours. Literally yours', answered the priest, while handing a dusty book entitled 'How do you make a story within the story itself' authored by 'Bob'.

    He opened it, just to face his own story right at the first page: 'How do you make a story within the story itself? Bob was wondering that'.

    – Hey, it's my story! – he wondered, scared. – Where did you get it?

    The priest answered:

    – A long, long time ago, some minutes before this sentence, Bob started to wrote. Look, son, you're a prophet, a really gifted prophet. You should be proud of yourself.

    – It doesn't make sense. How should I... how should I know?

    – You really wrote it, son. Turn the page.

    Bob turned the page. The second page started... 'Bob turned the page. The second page started...'. The rest was blurry, but gradually faded into existence. His eyes couldn't believe it. He read the next line: 'The rest was blurry, but gradually fading into existence'.

    – Which type of witchcraft is this?

    – It's not, son. It's your story, you really should be proud of yourself.

    – But you said that I wrote this, right?

    – Exactly, son. You wrote that.

    – And how I can't remember?

    – You do remember, son. Read it again.

    He tried to look the next pages. All blurry, because we're still going to the third page. Bob should know that.

    – Wait.. I heard it. Who's that?

    It's me, Bob.

    – No, I am Bob. You're not.

    I'm Bob, Bob.

    – Wh... No way! Tell my last name.

    It's DeLorean. Bob DeLorean is our name. He looks surprised.

    – Of course I'm surprised. What happens with me, at the end?

    You mean... with us. Well, for you, I have somber news. You vanish as soon as I stop writing. As for me, I dunno, I'll probably write other texts.

    – It's not fair. Am I gonna die?

    – Hey, son, are you talking to God? – the priest asked.

    – N... no. I'm talking to a voice that's claiming to be myself. Take this book back.

    A mysterious force was stopping Bob from giving away his own book. You can't do it, Bob. You know you can't. Only you can read the book, for now.

    – He's claiming that only me can read the book. And he keeps narrating some story, this story, it's creepy.

    – Oh, it's God! God's right, son! The book is yours. It's meant for yourself.

    – You should try to read it, priest...

    – I can't defy God, my son. If the book is yours, I can't even touch it.

    – You touched it minutes ago.

    – It was God's mission to deliver the book for you, son. I simply delivered it as God wisely ordered me.

    Hey, Bob, are you listening?

    – Uh... yeah?

    Say to the priest that he can stop calling me as god.

    – Hey... priest... Can you hear him?

    – No, son. I can't hear God.

    – He asked you to stop calling him "god".

    – Beware of your words, son. He's God.

    – But he literally asked me. Look...

    Bob proceeded to the fourth page, where I said 'Say to the priest that he can stop calling me as god'.

    – Wait... I c... I can read it, son!

    – Exactly! See?

    – If God asked to not be called God, I'll respect God's Will and I'll stop calling God as God.


    – He seems infuriated.

    – I can see it, son. It's right below the prophetic paragraph you delivered to me.

    I'm becoming tired. I should sto...

    – No!! I'm gonna die if you stop!

    I don't care, Bob.

    – But I'm... I'm you, you said it before!

    Yeah. I'm you, Bob. And I'm deciding to stop my own story: the ancient book was slim, with five pages only. The priest and Bob went to sleep. Don't worry, I'm taking care of them. Maybe we'll awake inside another book in the future."

    What do you guys use to write in?
  • On PC, I use KDE's Kate (it's like the Windows Notepad, no formatting, just a plain text editor). On mobile, I've been testing Notesnook (migrating from Joplin), but sometimes I even use Telegram's message composer to write.

    If my writing gets too long and chaptered, then I copy-and-paste inside Google Docs, applying the chapterization.

    Most of my writings are short/medium stream-of-consciousness texts (also, they hold a spiritual/esoteric component), so formatting is not a important thing for me to write them down.

    However, I'm yet to find a good fediverse platform/instance to publish them. I've been hopping between Mastodon instances. Most of them are limited to 500 characters (as by standard), insufficient for non-short texts. I've been finding instances that allow for more than 500, but they aren't active enough for people to interact with them, nor federated enough for reaching a broader public.

  • India considers joining Russia, China to build nuclear plant on Moon.
  • According to my searches, while a RTG uses radioactive material weighting in the scale of kilograms (average of 5 Kg across missions such as Voyager and Cassini), a nuclear power plant requires several tonnes worth of plutonium and enriched uranium. The minimal critical mass for plutonium is 10kg, the double of how many fuel RTGs hold (that's why RTGs don't blow while ascending and/or on space). It's a large difference of mass/weight between RTG fuel and rods for nuclear power plants. They'd need to carry the whole tonnes worth of radioactive material split across very small quantities (which would require a lot of lead walling and/or launches)

  • India considers joining Russia, China to build nuclear plant on Moon.
  • I can imagine a rocket full of plutonium and uranium rods, sitting above immense tanks of combustible liquid: what the odds of such a rocket exploding during ascent? What are the effects of solar and cosmic radiation energy over these rods (even if they're lead shielded), especially around Van Allen radiation belt? So many questions.

  • When did the Pirate Bay become full of malvertising?
  • First Rule: don't rawdog internet, especially torrent search sites. Always use protections.

    Second rule: always check if you're on the right site. It's relatively easy to find torrent search sites, but even easier to find phishing sites (i.e. sites that claims to be the original site, but they actually aren't).

  • Distro and/or config for elderly person
  • Isn't a file browser needed for browsing the saved documents and spreadsheets?

    Not to mention that office suites (such as WPS, OpenOffice and LibreOffice) will inevitably pop up a file browser when the "Open" or "Save" buttons/menu items are clicked.

  • OpenAI releases o1, its first model with ‘reasoning’ abilities
  • It seems utopia/dystopia, but some things get discovered/invented by accident. The more companies and organizations (and even individuals) fiddle with AI improvement, the more the "odds" of a sentient AI (AGI) being accidentally created increases. Let's not forget that there are lots of companies, organizations and individuals (yeah, individuals, people outside organizations but with lots of computing power and knowledge) simultaneously developing and training AIs. Well, maybe I'm wrong and just very optimistic for such thing to appear out of nowhere.

  • Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?
  • My comment is meant to bring the perspective of someone who's facing depression so to try to answer the main question ("a warning with suicide hotline really make positive difference?") through that perspective. It's not to seek mental help for myself.

    For context, I'm a person facing depression, and my depression has broad and multifaceted reasons, from unemployment, going through familiar miscommunication (my parents can't really understand my way of thinking), all the way to my awareness of climate change and transcendental concepts that lead myself to existential crisis. I'm unemployed to seek therapy (it's a paid thing) and I don't really have someone face-to-face capable of understand the multitude of concepts and ideas that I face in my mind (even myself can't understand me sometimes).

    That said, every depressive person has different ways to cope with depression. While some really need someone to talk to (and the talking really helps in those situations), it's naive to think a conversation will suffice for every single case. I mean, no suicide hotline will make me employed, nor will magically solve the climate changes we're facing.

    So how I try to deal with my own depression? With two things: occult spirituality (worshiping The Dark Mother Goddess) and writing poetry and prose. I use creative writing as "catharsis" for my suffering, in order to "cope" with the state of things that I can't really control (I can't "employ myself" or "sell my services to myself", I can't "befriend myself", I can't stop temperatures from rising till scorching temps, nor the other already-ongoing consequences of climate change; I try to make some difference but I'm just a hermit weirdo nerdy nobody among 8 billion people, and I have no choice but to accept it).

    I'm no professional writer (I'm just a software developer), but thanks to The Goddess, I can kinda access my unconscious (dark) mind and let it speak freely (it's called stream-of-consciousness writing style). Sometimes I even write some funny surrealist prose/story, but sometimes it takes a darker turn, such as dark humor, or nihilistic, or memento mori. Doing this relieves the internal pressure inside my unconscious mind. After writing, I sometimes decide to publish it through fediverse , but when I do it, I constantly feel the need to "self-censor": sometimes the stream-of-consciousness can lead to texts that people could interpret as some "glorification of suicide/self-harming" (especially when my texts take a nihilistic/memento mori turn), so I often censor myself and change the way I wrote the text. Well, it's kinda frustrating not being able to fully express it, but I kinda understand how these texts could trigger other people also facing depression.

    The fact is: when I write, it's really relieving, way more than talking to people because, with poetry/prose writing, I can express symbolic things, I can have multiple layers of depth, I can use creative literary devices such as acrostics and rhymes, I can learn new English words while being a Brazilian, I can blend scientific concepts with esoteric and philosophic (my mind really thinks this way, blending STEM, philosophy and belief/esoteric/occult/religious concepts) without the need to fully explain them (because it'd take several hours and it'd be boring to anybody else other than me).

    So, in summary (TL;DR): it depends on how multifaceted is the depressive situation. It won't work for me. It surely can work for others that just need to talk to someone. Not exactly my case.

  • Can AI talk us out of conspiracy theory rabbit holes?
  • Interestingly enough, there's an AI experimentation focused on (trying to) debunking conspiracy theories. The article was posted here on !

    Edit: the "Can AI talk us out of conspiracy theory rabbit holes?" article's cover is misleadingly trying to relate conspiracy theories with occult, pagan and esoteric concepts, with symbols that you find in esoteric field (such as the eyed hand, alchemy symbols for planets and stars, etc). I'm a pagan myself. Religious intolerance is a thing that harms minority religions and the article sadly helps to spread this intolerance.

    The occult, pagan and esoteric has nothing to do with conspiracy theories, they're belief systems, they're religions, they're spiritual practices and views. Religions such as Luciferianism and Wicca are often attacked by Christians (with moralist speech such as "you worship Satan, you worship demons, you're evil, repent"; let's not forget what the church did to "witches" some centuries ago). I'm not attacking Christianity here (I was a Christian once), but it's a reality: pagan beliefs, such as mine (I'm somewhat Luciferian and Thelemite in a syncretic way), are often attacked, and such a scientific article does harm pagan beliefs. Pagans don't spread conspiracy theories.

  • Almost 1 in 4 millennials and Gen Z-ers say they won't have kids due to finances
  • For me, a Zennial, born between Millennial and Gen Z, I won't have kids due to following reasons:

    • My abyssal lack of/difficulties with social interaction (I'm practically an hermit), friendships and relationships (not sure what "loving someone" is/means; I feel more comfortable among literal "demonic entities" and computers than with people)
    • Climate changes turning Earth into a vision of underworld that even Dante couldn't imagine, with ever-increasing scorching temperatures.
    • Other complex and multifaceted political, societal, technological, esoteric, philosophical and scientific reasons too long to be summarized and enlisted.
    • And, of course, finances: it'd become worse for my hypothetical son/daughter.

    Not that Earth and Nature couldn't bear more individuals (considering a mutual respect between the Homo sapiens and the whole biosphere, a respect that Homo sapiens clearly lacks), but the idea of a children growing in a world where 120°F/48°C is the "new normal" can't be bearable. Not to mention that Homo sapiens is walking towards extinction due to our poor relationship with the environment and with ourselves. Unfortunately, next generations will inevitably face ever-increasing, deadly issues. Not only humans, other animals too (some are already becoming extinct).

  • one rule
  • "Press F to pay respects" Same vibe

  • The Cold War Illustrated
  • Reeducation won't revive nazi victims. USSR and US were no necromancers.

  • Research suggest LLM chatbots may be effective against conspiracy theories
  • I'm not supporting conspiracy theories (they don't even matter to me anymore), but people fiercely attacking conspiracy theories generally are unbeknownst to how some few conspiracy theories became facts (not every crazy-fetched theory, but a little few): back in 2012, I was aware of the existence of an annual meeting called "Bilderberg Meetings". Around 2014, an official website popped up, finally listing matters and subjects being discussed at their secret meetings, as well as its attendees, but the group existed since 1954, so decades of talking about global matters behind closed doors. It took a journalist (now deceased) nicknamed as "Big Jim" to disclose the topic list, attendees, meeting dates (beginning and ending) and location (such as which 5-star hotel to be paid with taxpayers money), before the site finally became to disclose such things.

    I remember being called "crazy" when I pointed to the fact that such meetings existed, now it's simply normal and well-accepted (but it doesn't take back the offenses I received that time). That's OK for me, because I moved on. As I said, it doesn't matter to me anymore, now I'm really numb to it all. There are worse things than rich people and politicians gathering behind closed doors, such as impending weather disasters and scorching temperatures due to the now irreversible climate change (in parts, some of the corporations that attended such meetings to be blamed, but not only them; if they were transparent about their discussions about climate change, maybe people opened their eyes earlier about how impending were the now climate disaster, uniting and charging companies and governments to earlier actions with the needed transparency).

    TL;DR: For a fun, I tried the mentioned bot. I talked to it about the former secrecy of Bilderberg meeting (before 2014, when their official website got online).

    He "agreed" but pointed on how "this level of privacy is not uncommon in high-level discussions" and regarding "media spotlight and pressure, which is a reason why the meetings are private". I counter-argued by pointing out how the phrase "If you got nothing to hide, you got nothing to fear" does not only apply to "mortal citizens" but also to CEOs and politicians, but it insisted on how such meetings needs "discretion".

    One thing it pointed is valid, tho: "correlation doesn't imply causation". Indeed, the fact that such meetings were undisclosed doesn't necessarily mean that they're criminal or conspiratory. But does the same rule apply for citizens? The same rules should apply for both the "powerful" and the citizens.

    As I said, time passes, really bad things happened so far (climate change, rise of bigotry and inflation worldwide, COVID-19 with seven million fatalities reported but up to 30 million estimated deceases including one of my uncles, etc) and I became really, really numb, so I don't care anymore. Humanity (even the richest men) is deadwalking towards extinction, anyways. Unfortunately. Sorry for my sadness and numbness.

  • The Cold War Illustrated
  • Indeed, but even hiring and giving citizenship for such people (nazi scientists, military and engineers), especially considering how they got their "knowledge" isn't an "ok" thing. Neither for US's Paperclip.

  • Lemmy Support Daemon Silverstein
    Is it possible to be notified of replies to replies of my replies?

    Firstly, sorry if this is not the adequate place for my question; if it's the case, let me know.

    The title may seem confusing, so let me detail it: I'm more of a commenter person, and some of my comments are replied, and Lemmy notifies me of those direct replies. However, there are moments when those replies receive third-party replies, so my comment turns into some kind of "sub-thread", something that's interesting for me to read and follow. For those third-party replies, I don't receive notifications, so I have to access each direct reply that was notified so to find possible "sub-threads".

    There seems to me to be no option to "receive notifications for this post/comment/reply", only the automatic opt-in of notifications for direct replies.

    So really isn't there such an option? Or is this an instance-specific feature and the instance I belong to ( don't have it?

    dsilverz Daemon Silverstein

    I'm just a spectre out of the nothingness, surviving inside a biological system.

    Posts 2
    Comments 132