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Trump Is Nero While Washington Burns | ‘Trump’s message is that being his ally serves no purpose, because he will not defend you.’
  • Fake news. Nero did not burn Rome. Nor was he actually crazy or fanatically prosecuting Christians. Nero was mostly smeared by his successor's family who also happened to have him assassinated and needed at least nominal justification for their coup d'etat. Not even they caimed, however, that Nero set the city on fire. This urban legend mostly was spread by 1950s Hollywood dramatizations of "history".

  • Hey Reddit, how's it going? Reddit:
  • I honestly think it’s some weird plot to take humanity back to a puritanical society.

    When would that have been? Humanity never was puritan and it never will be. The UK were and some hicks in their former colonies think they still are but humanity or civilisation are not limited to the area between Texas and Alaska. Actually It has barely arrived there.

  • Looking for a stainless steel pan
  • What are you - paneuropean? Yikes.

  • It was a great day for *one* of them....
  • I was an owl extinguisher!

  • European vacuums recommendations?
    • the plural of vacuum is vacua
    • there is no plural of vacuum
  • Germans no longer see US as trustworthy partner.
  • The drone murders didn't find much sympathy here but thanks to most of our media's, uh... "transatlantic engagement" the topic didn't get too much publicity.

  • "Eat the rich" is verboten
  • Aero... what?

  • Hela ketchup as an alternative to Heinz ketchup
  • Flying Goose Red Hot Chili Sauce is the only thing you need. Ketchup is for the weak.

  • Germans no longer see US as trustworthy partner.
  • The actual news is that DW parrots the German governments opinion. Which isn't really news either. I dare say that the population in Germany has been "somewhat ambivalent" about the benevolence of US foreign politics for quite a while.

  • Do tell!!!

  • Do tell!!!
  • Who, me?

  • Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system.
  • I haven't bought a single TV in my whole life and I haven't missed anything important. Whenever I am somewhere where there's a TV and I've got nothing better to do or I'm just curious I zap through the channels whithout finding anything remotely interesting or entertaining 99% of the time. I really wonder what people want with these ad-infested, annoying trashcans. Aren't you dumb enough, yet? Try heavy drinking. Preferrably methanol or break fluid...

  • Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system.
  • Reddit is fucking dead, nowadays. You can't seriously call that "living". Ok, braindead at least

  • Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system.
  • I've been boycotting Amazon since the days when they were an ugly data grabbing bookstore and I'll happily go on until the end of time.

  • ~~Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals~~ [see comments]
  • OTOH, I've been using a HP laser printer for years and the last time I spent 40€ for toner was almost two years ago. Just stay away from shitty inksquirters or even shittier "multi-function-devices". They are customer-rippoff devices without real use, nothing else. Honestly, if you think you need to print colorful, fuzzy pictures that will fade at the first streak of sunlight you probably had it coming.

  • EU buys too much defense equipment abroad, especially from US: Report
  • In other news: rain mostly wet, nights darker than days, state leaders neither honest nor sharpest knives in drawers...

  • Opinion: Germany Needs Something New. Instead It’s Getting This Guy. | NYT
  • Well, he actually is new to being part of a government...

  • b_tr3e B-TR3E
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