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Practicing for when I'm invited to the next pizzatag event that German guy missed.
  • You didn't watch till the end, he makes it on the very last try!

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • Also capitalists: Why are millennials killing the restaurant industry?

  • Texas Cheese Fries
  • Even worse, a takeout container next to a box with packing peanuts in it. Did they get soggy fries shipped to them?

  • Justice Department charges nearly 200 people in $2.7 billion health care fraud schemes crackdown
  • Yet another reason why it matters to vote for the Democrats.

  • Health insurers cover fewer drugs and make them harder to get
  • Let's start calling these corporations by their more accurate name: health deniers.

  • hip boi reppin that style from when he was 2
  • It's a color pattern, what more does he need to know? This one is reaching hard with the gatekeeping.

    edit: not knocking the iconic 90's pattern, I actually dig the guy's look despite his young age and perceived lack of exposure to the design

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • You can contribute toward making the duopoly lean one way or the other based on consistent voting. Or you can stop votiing and thereby disenfranchising yourself.

  • This is what freedom is about
  • forearm + hand = fand? ... harm?

  • This is what freedom is about
  • What's the term for "cankles", but for the wrists?

  • Fuck the law
  • drunk couple act

    genuinely curious what this is

  • It's lunch time babe
  • When the conference chair takes their title too literally.

  • Boeing CEO admits company has retaliated against whistleblowers during Senate hearing
  • David Calhoun apologized to the families of Boeing crash victims, saying the manufacturer was “totally committed” to future saftey improvements, as he began testimony at the committee on Tuesday.

    Cue South Park investment banker BP oil spill apology.

    Also, "saftey"? Seriously, Independent?

  • Hey, so Reddit won't let you browse its site if you're using Proton VPN.
  • My experience with LibReddit:

    "Failed to parse page JSON data: EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0 Reddit Status Head back home?"

  • A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels
  • The first time the price of a good changes between the time I put it in my cart/basket and checkout, I will be starting a class-action lawsuit against corporate fraud.

  • It’s time for megalithic action!- Just Stop Oil decorate Stonehenge
  • If you're upset about this, imagine how upset you'll be after the collapse of climate systems.

  • European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction

    "We are not made to sit in a rocking chair and knit," said one of the older Swiss women who won.

    European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction
    apocalypticat apocalypticat
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