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  • True. Sorry should have specified in the US they can just say we are letting you go and you’re done. Which as far as I’m concerned is basically a catch all statement of “we aren’t going to tell you why, we are just firing you”.

  • Work from home
  • As funny as this is, I’m quite certain if somebody actually tried this in the real world they’d get fired. At will employment means they don’t even have to tell you why you got fired. They’ll just wait a couple of weeks or a month and tell you goodbye.

  • Do you like America? Why or why not?
  • If you say “I’m going to America” pretty much everyone on the planet knows you mean “I’m going to the United States of America”. No one cares if someone uses the short hand of “I’m going to America”.

  • Minnesota GOP Candidate Accused of Throwing Tarantula at Alleged ‘Squatter’
  • The reason the one is in jail is because of assault and battery... Or is it assault? Always get that part mixed up. Either way she's in jail because of that. Still doesn't show if the "squatter" part is bs. Both can be true. The one is an asshole for throwing a tarantula and the other could be a squatter. We don't know about the Squatting because of the lack of information.

    I'll stick with my original statement, lazy reporting

  • Minnesota GOP Candidate Accused of Throwing Tarantula at Alleged ‘Squatter’
  • Article is a little light on facts. The author should have looked into whether or not the other tenant was actually a squatter or not. We only know at this point she is an alleged squatter from a tenants statement. Why not check with the landlord to get the facts? Why not check with the other tenant to ask if she is a squatter?

    But let's assume she actually is a squatter for sake of argument. I mean it's a weird thing to allege.

    I dislike the gop. I dislike squatters. I dislike trespassers.

    Person a trespassed into the one side of the house in order to throw a spider.

    Person b is a squatter. (Again we don't have info from the landlord (lazy reporting)).

    Everyone sucks in this article including the author of the article.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • Only question is: those people who (for example) went to West Point and got kicked out after it was discovered they were gay and then had to pay back their education fees. (Which can be very large) do they get their money back?

  • How do I verbally say 2.1 ng/kg

    I know the ng means nanogram

    But I’m curious how would I say the above line of 2.1 ng/kg

    For context I got it from this paragraph

    a lethal dose of 1.3–2.1 ng/kg in humans

    Would it be

    2.1 nanogram per kilogram?

    Also if I wanted to write that as a decimal number how would i write that?

    28 Hamas attacks Israel-Gaza border crossing as cease-fire talks appear to fizzle

    The attack on Israel's Kerem Shalom prompted officials to close the terminal, disrupting critical shipments of food and other humanitarian aid into Gaza.

    Hamas attacks Israel-Gaza border crossing as cease-fire talks appear to fizzle
    If I sign up on a hot air balloon ride and there is bad weather can I get my money back?

    Each of the companies that we have talked to for Hot air balloon rides have said you pay for it in advance, then if there is bad weather, you don’t get your money back. You just have to reschedule for another day. We have a friend who had to make many many many trips an hour and a half each way and each time on the way there, they would get a call to say sorry it’s too windy or some other item. It took a long time before they actually got there actual ride.

    So what I’m wondering is, is there any company out there that actually just gives a refund if you can’t take the ride because of inclement weather.? This is in the United States.

    Random alarms or sirens for tornado drills at random times is stupid.

    In the United States it used to be on the first Wednesday of each month during the summer they would run a tornado alarm. Namely it was to test the alarm system, to make sure that everything was working.

    And we knew if it was Wednesday and the first Wednesday of the month I mean. And those alarms went off we knew not to worry too much about it.

    For some genius reason they decided to run them on different days, it’s pretty much just random at this point. Which is stupid because the only thing it does is makes everybody ignore the alarm.

    Young love

    still don't have the eyes quite right, but getting closer to what I want.

    0 Colleges Are Facing an Enrollment Nightmare

    A botched effort to streamline the financial-aid process may prevent a huge number of students from going to college in the fall.

    Colleges Are Facing an Enrollment Nightmare

    Enough blame to go around.

    Edit: non paywall link Free link

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