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  • Am G36 gab es eigentlich überhaupt nichts auszsetzen. Die "Studie" hat festgestellt, dass wenn man das Sturmgewehr G36 wie ein leichtes Maschinengewehr einsetzt, es nicht die Leistung eines leichten Maschienengewehrs erbringt.

    13 andere Länder die das G36 verwenden haben sich kopfschüttelnd angeschaut was hier in Deutschland abgeht und verwenden das G36 weiter.

    Flintenuschi und ihre Beraterkolonne sollten für ihre Sabotage an der Bundeswehr und Veruntreuung von Geldern vor Gericht.

  • Just... a little...... farther
  • I used my PC to watch TV from bed before sleeping and just set an auto shutdown so it would turn off after I fell asleep. Once I forgot to set the auto shutdown. So I did the only reasonable thing: I grabbed the laptop next to my bed, booted it, SSHed into my PC, shut it down remotely and then powered off the laptop. This was in the days of spinning hard discs and the entire scheme took at least 20 times as long as had I just gotten up, moved 1.5m (that's 5 feet in freedom units) and shut it down directly.

  • Spotify removes music by pro-war Russian singers
  • Good thing I almost exclusively listen to artists who got into trouble with the authorities for their music.

  • It's basic science
  • All of them are great if you want diabetes.

  • ich🇷🇺iel
  • Müsste es nicht eher "koloriere mich überrascht" heißen?

  • Israeli military rescues four hostages alive from Gaza, including Noa Argamani
  • Hamas is not at that point.

    So, how many bombs still need to be dropped on Palestine to get them there?

  • Israeli military rescues four hostages alive from Gaza, including Noa Argamani
  • Just to be clear: are you talking about the Palestinian terrorists or the Israeli terrorists?

  • Possible. The sample size is rather small, though.

  • The pattern is inconsistent. Either it needs to be bar and bye or bmouth and bnose.

  • Do you get sick of the same songs and how do you combat it?
  • Great, this has just replaced some vim key bindings in my head. Thanks very much!

  • Charles Littejohn - American Whistleblower
  • You misunderstand: It is not threatening democracy, it is threatening what is called democracy in the US of A. Like nothing that is called AI is really AI.

  • Charles Littejohn - American Whistleblower
  • The system works as designed.

  • X now treats the term cisgender as a slur
  • From wikipedia:

    The term cisgender was coined in 1994 as an antonym to transgender, and entered into dictionaries starting in 2015 as a result of changes in social discourse about gender.[4][5] The term has been and continues to be controversial and subject to critique.

    I think there's some confirmation bias on your end here. The local community (including me) tends to be young and liberal and knows the term cisgender. I'd bet that the majority (by a huge margin) of English speakers (including as a second or third language) has never even heard the term cisgender or doesn't know what it means. Lots of them will react negatively if you label them cisgender out of pure ignorance and false assumptions - no transphobia needed.

    Only complete asshole transphobes do. Honestly, not even they do. They just lie about it as a gotcha.

    Sure, they exist. But what's their percentage of the population or the X user base? I think you're making a false generalization by an invalid extrapolation.

    And just to be clear: I'm not saying cisgender is a slur. I'm just pointing out that the notion that community A or an individual can decide whether some word is a slur or not in community B is ridiculous, and that the argument, from the first comment I replied to, for technical correctness or intended meaning of a word is irrelevant for who considers what a slur.

    I hope that made my point clearer to your dry-nosed primate's brain.

  • X now treats the term cisgender as a slur
  • People can be insulted (read as feel insulted) by anything and everything. If I refer to someone by a technically correct term all the time, but it was not customary to do so, they could easily (and justifiably) feel insulted by that. Whether something can be more or less generally be said to be a slur depends more on majorities, convention, and social protocol than on technical correctness. Neither you nor I are in a position to tell someone that they cannot feel insulted by something. And it might even be a communal thing: if a majority of users on X felt insulted by being referred to as cisgender, it would be correct to label it as a slur in that context/on X. Like cunt is an integral part of everyday language in Australia but a big no-no in the US. Think about that, you dry-nose primate.

  • Dislike it properly
  • Germany.

  • Dislike it properly
  • I guess I have my answer ;) I don't know Russian but I know enough Ukrainian to know you're talking about French and Italian, lol.

    I said that I hate French specifically and that I regret never having learned Italian properly. In German I said that I have no problem with learning new languages if it wasn't for lack of time.

    Not quite sure what you hate accoustically about French, [...]

    Reading and writing French is OK(ish, if I didn't vocalize it in my head). I really hate the sound of that language. It sends shivers down my spine. I think for one thing I prefer harder/rougher sounding languages. Also, I'm an unforgiving person. We were told we can start learning a third language when we are in 7th grade. I was pondering whether to pick up Russian, Italian or Swedish. Then 7th grade comes around and the school's like: Yah, you can choose between French and Latin. Well, fuck you too school. I hate our school system for this (and other reasons) to this day.

    but you seem to like German

    Being German, I'm kind of stuck with it. Not that I particularly dislike it, though.

    If you're comparing to Spanish (among others), I guess the overall stressing of sounds in a sentence is pretty different, too.

    I dislike French, the language, not the people. I slightly dislike Spaniards, but not their language. Italian people speak loudly because they talk across the street. Spanish people do that while standing right next to each other. I think I'll never get used to that.

    Also, what kind of French did you have to learn?

    French French.

    [...] which tends to indicate you're Canadian.

    Ha! Show me one comment where I apologized ;-)

  • Dislike it properly
  • I always had better grades in French than in English. Which bothered me, because I hated French almost from the start and thought English was/is much more important.

  • Dislike it properly
  • Friend of mine went to a school which fashioned itself as "the old school" (as in historically old school). They learned latin and old greek instead of anything useful. He was furious when he came back from vacation in Greece and he only found one person, an old professor in Greek history, who he could talk to.

  • Dislike it properly
  • Tu détestes le français spécifiquement, ou juste le fait d'avoir eu à apprendre une autre langue?

    Я ненавижу французский конкретно. Я сожалею, что так и не выучил итальянский должным образом.

    Le français, je peux comprendre un peu, il y a quant même plusieurs spécificités étranges à cette langue.

    That accoustic dumpster fire shouldn't even be referred to as a language.

    Détester le fait d'avoir eu à apprendre une autre langue, là je ne comprends pas du tout!

    Außer mangelnder Zeit habe ich kein Problem damit neue Sprachen zu lernen.

  • Asshole RNG and easy Elder

    cross-posted from:

    > A story in pictures and a few words. So, Valheim's stupid asshole RNG sent me on half a world tour just to get to the Elder: > > ! > > On the bright side, Haldor happened to be right next to the Elder. Like, really right next to it: > > ! > ! > > Usually I'd erect two or three indestructible pillars with the hoe to defeat the Elder. It's pretty easy anyways, but I wondered if it had the same restrictions as all the regular mobs when it comes to Haldor's force field. Turns out, it has. If you're inside Haldor's force field the Elder will just go on an erratic demented stroll through the woods (quite fitting) and just randomly shoot in all directions instead of attacking you. > > ! > > Even easier picking than usual :) > > In case you want to experience it yourself, the world seed is 3Wy3wVd6Lj

    Asshole RNG and easy Elder

    A story in pictures and a few words. So, Valheim's stupid asshole RNG sent me on half a world tour just to get to the Elder:


    On the bright side, Haldor happened to be right next to the Elder. Like, really right next to it:

    ! !

    Usually I'd erect two or three indestructible pillars with the hoe to defeat the Elder. It's pretty easy anyways, but I wondered if it had the same restrictions as all the regular mobs when it comes to Haldor's force field. Turns out, it has. If you're inside Haldor's force field the Elder will just go on an erratic demented stroll through the woods (quite fitting) and just randomly shoot in all directions instead of attacking you.


    Even easier picking than usual :)

    In case you want to experience it yourself, the world seed is 3Wy3wVd6Lj

    Snail Mail (India ink + aquarelle)

    I print these on stickers and put them on pretty much all letters and packages I send.

    ballpoint scribble: freshly grated apple

    Illegible handwriting replaced with digital text.

    I used to get up before my wife due to work. I sometimes left her sticky notes, everything from informative to shenanigan. I just rediscovered this one while looking for something else. Looks like I made grated apple that morning.

    The one thing I miss from reddit: Being able to look at and continue conversations in deleted posts.

    I really like lemmy and have stopped using reddit months ago. My only real gripe with lemmy is the title: when a conversation gets going in the comment section, that gets killed when the post is deleted, for whatever reason. I can't even go back to a conversation and have a look at the comment threads to "dwell in nostalgia" (or whatever) if the post to the comment section gets deleted. Piecing the threads together from the inbox and my comments on my profile, and continuing a discussion via direct messages is cumbersome and kind of antithetical.

    So, feature request, I guess: Enable retrieving comment sections of deleted (removed from community) posts. Bonus points if new comments could be added after the deletion (/removal) of a post.

    _cnt0 _cnt0

    Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior

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    Comments 392