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Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • Yeah my friend got a Dreamcast and then I pirated all the games for him. It was one of the most awesome consoles ever with amazing games. But the few other people I knew with one at the time also pirated games. It was just so easy because it didn't even need a modchip or anything. Just download, burn a CD, and play.

  • Question about Smash ultimate content
  • I played it for a few hundred hours before dropping off. The single player content can last you a good while, but it does start feeling a bit repetitive.

    The online multiplayer is pretty good, but the net code is not great so it can often feel laggy. This was what I spent most of my time on though.

  • Cube Purchase Advice
  • The cheaper one I linked above is also magnetic. I would recommend a magnetic cube, because they do feel a bit better than one without magnets, and help keep the pieces aligned.

    Some cubes may be classified as "maglev". These additionally replace the springs that are in a standard cube with even more magnets. I have not tried one of these, and have heard mixed opinions on them.

  • Cube Purchase Advice
  • Pretty much any cube is going to be made in China. That's where the manufacturing is. The moyu rs3m 2020 has long been considered a great cube to start out with. If you are in the US you can find it here:

    I would recommend not dumping a lot of money into a cube at first. The expensive ones aren't necessarily better for everyone.

  • Voice analysis shows striking similarity between Scarlett Johansson and ChatGPT
  • So they used AI to determine this? So I'm sure the result must be totally accurate.

    What else does the article say? Hmmm let's see. "The researchers found that Sky was also reminiscent of other Hollywood stars, including Anne Hathaway and Keri Russell. The analysis of Sky often rated Hathaway and Russell as being even more similar to the AI than Johansson." Alright that proves it! Clearly this voice was based on Scarlett Johansson!

  • Did you use pre-internet online services like CompuServe or Quantum Link? How was your experience?
  • How did BBS work? I think you had to dial their number directly like calling someone on the phone, right? How did you find BBS's? Did you just have to know people who ran them or what? Was there a search engine or directory of BBS?

  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 is expected to get 28GB GDDR7 and 448 bit memory bus
  • 28GB? Are they really that stingy that can't can't pull the trigger on 32gb for their top of the line card? The 3090 had 24gb, the 4090 still had 24gb, and now they add a measly 4gb more? This tells me that they are probably going to keep vram mostly the same on the lower cards as well.

  • CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • I'm addition to the other comment, I'll add that just because you train the AI on good and correct sources of information, it still doesn't necessarily mean that it will give you a correct answer all the time. It's more likely, but not ensured.

  • Virtual Boy: The bizarre rise and quick fall of Nintendo’s enigmatic red console
  • I loved my virtual boy when I was a kid. It felt like the future or something. It didn't have a lot of great games, but I did get most of the best ones when blockbuster video started clearing out their inventory and sold games for like $5 each.

  • My monitor has a headphone jack in the back. Can I use it only sometimes without having to plug/unplug it?

    I would occasionally like to use (wired) headphones, but 90% of the time I am fine with just hearing the audio that comes out of the crappy monitor speakers. If I plug the 3.5mm cable into the monitor's headphone jack (even without headphones attached), then no audio will come out of the speaker anymore.

    It is really cumbersome to plug and unplug the cable from the monitor, because I have to pull my desk away from the wall and bend upside down to even be able to see the port where I am supposed to plug it in.

    Is there some simple solution to this problem, or am I just stuck using one or the other? I have a small desk and don't really have room for external speakers.

    Personal Finance Zarxrax
    (USA) Do supplemental cancer/critical illness policies make sense?

    Me and my wife are in our 40s, and currently in good health. I get insurance through work, but it's a high deductible plan. I have enough in my health savings account to cover the out of pocket maximum for a few years.

    Cancer does run in my family, so I was considering a cancer policy. My grandmother has one with Aflac, and she received a good payout when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have seen that she also only has to pay a few hundred dollars per year for her policy, which seems pretty reasonable.

    However, I never really hear these policies discussed much online. Can it make financial sense to purchase? (And I guess I would keep paying it for the rest of my life) Or are these something that should be stayed away from?

    What is actually up with the tournament mode in SF6?

    Is this thing just broken, or what? They locked 3 achievements behind the mode, but I almost never see any tournaments being held. I saw one a while back but it was at some ungodly hour in my timezone, so I couldn't participate. Then they held another one today which I thought I would be able to play. I went into the battlehub shortly before the tournament, registered, and then... at the appointed time, it tells me I was removed from the tournament because I was not in the battle hub. Even though I was standing there the entire time!

    Thoughts on the TMNT DLC?

    So, the TMNT content came out of nowhere and was a nice surprise. But along with the Onitsuka Tiger thing, it's clear that Capcom is going to do a lot of sponsorships and product placement along these lines going forward.

    As for myself, I generally don't care much about cosmetic items. I might spend a few bucks here or there if I think something is really cool, but I'm generally not going to engage in purchasing that type of content. It's still fun to walk around the battle hub and see other people using it though.

    However, the prices on this content absolutely floored me. I figure a reasonable price for the entire bundle of content would be about $10 maybe. But just a single skin costs closer to $20 (and you can't straight up buy them, you have to purchase the coins which are only available in certain denominations, so you are left with leftover coins). These skins are almost replicas of each other, they just have different weapons and mask colors! But each one has to be bought separately? And if you want to buy just the mask, each color has to be bought separately?? What happened to the dyes that you can find in game?

    I get that it's just cosmetic content, so no one NEEDS it. But it just seems like a dumbass move for them to try charging so much. What are your thoughts? Anyone purchased it?

    BlindWarriorSven wins set at EVO

    I was not aware of this player before now, but I think it's really awesome that Street Fighter has such good audio and accessibility features to allow all types of people to enjoy the game.

    Not seeing all comments

    When using Connect, I don't see all of the comments. I was just looking at a post where the counter showed over 40 comments, but I counted them and only saw about 16. Then I opened up the same post in my web browser and I was able to see all of the comments there.

    Is Asuka preparing to leave WWE?

    Asuka recently posted a video on her YouTube channel where she meets with an architect to discuss plans for building a huge house in Japan where she will be able to enjoy playing video games.

    It doesn't seem like the kind of thing that one would go through with unless she were planning to actually be able to live there and enjoy it.

    Could this mean that we might be seeing her final run in the WWE right now?

    InvokeAI 3.0 released

    It's looking really good! Major features include controlnet, support for SDXL, and a whole bunch of other cool things.


    CordCutters - a place for those who have unsubscribed from traditional cable TV or satellite service Zarxrax
    Peacock announces price increase Peacock’s prices are going up in August

    The price hikes go into effect on August 17th.

    Peacock’s prices are going up in August

    Premium increasing by $1 per month, while Premium Plus has an increase of $2 per month.

    [Feature Request] support for ruby annotation for Japanese Lemmy supports ruby annotations (furigana) in markdown as of 0.18.1: {学校|がっこう} -

    You can now use furigana in your posts via the DenDen Markdown syntax for furigana. If you write the following markdown {学校|がっこう} It will come out like this: 学校がっこう

    Some post titles display weirdly

    When browsing some communities, I would notice post titles full of urls and stuff. At first I thought these might be spam or something, and then I noticed that they look a lot different from the mobile site.

    Trying to post images here, hopefully this works.



    Which interface are you primarily using for Stable diffusion?

    I was using stable diffusion a lot previously, but haven't really touched it in the past several months. I was wondering what interfaces people are using these days?

    Automatic1111 still seems to be popular, and that's the one I am most familiar with. I know there are some others now though, like comfy, and I guess maybe invokeAI is still going?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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